APEX Bank Officer Exam: Eligibility Criteria

On January 25, 2022, the official announcement for the APEX Bank Officer Recruitment 2022 for 129 openings was made on the MP Rajya Sahakari Bank Mydt website. The announcement for 2023 will be made soon. The closing date for online applications for the position was February 25th, 2022. Phase I (Online Exam) and Phase II (Interview) form the APEX Bank Officer Selection Process. The scores of the online exam and the personal interview will be used to make the final decision.

To be considered for the selection process, candidates must meet the APEX Bank Officer Eligibility requirements, as described in Apex Bank’s official recruitment notification. Candidates who do not fulfil any of the qualifying criteria will be barred from participating in the selection process. This article details various eligibility conditions which must be satisfied by candidates like age limit, educational qualification, experience and number of attempts.

Note- Click on the linked article to learn more about the many upcoming bank exams, key bank exam dates, and other vital information.

Government Exam 2023

APEX Bank Officer Exam 2022: Eligibility Overview

The notification with the APEX Bank Officer Eligibility Criteria details is only available on the official website. Before filling out the application form, candidates must remember to read all of the criteria regarding the age restriction, educational credentials, nationality, and so on. They must also remember to only use the official website for information on the eligibility requirements, as other sources may include inaccurate information. The overview of the eligibility conditions for the APEX Bank Officer Exam is given below:

APEX Bank Officer Exam 2022 – Eligibility Criteria
Conducting Organisation MP Rajya Sahakari Bank Mydt
Name of the Posts Officer Grade
Nationality Indian
Age Limit The age limit for each position varies.

  • Candidates must be at least 18 years old.
  • Manager and Nodal Officer applicants must be under the age of 35.
  • Candidates for the position of Chief Executive Officer must be under the age of 50.
  • Certain kinds of candidates are exempt from the higher age restriction.
Education Qualification Depending on the position, all candidates must have a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree in the relevant discipline from a recognised university.
Experience The experience varies from 0-8 years depending on the applied post.
Number of Attempts Till fulfilling the eligibility conditions

Visit APEX Bank Officer Syllabus, to understand the demand of the exam and prepare the topics accordingly.

APEX Bank Officer Exam: Nationality

All candidates who wish to apply for the post of officers in the APEX Bank must be Indian nationals with official government documentation proving their nationality.

Note– Solve Previous Year Question Papers for Bank Exams to ace the exam in your first attempt.

APEX Bank Officer Exam: Age Limit

The age limit for the APEX Bank Exam differs based on the post one is applying for. Post wise age limit for the APEX Bank Officer exam as of 25/02/2022 is given below:

APEX Bank Exam: Age Limit
S.No. Name of the Posts Eligibility
1. Senior Management I & II Candidates must be between the ages of 18 to 50 years.
2. Middle Management I & II Candidates must be between the ages of 18 to 40 years.
3. Junior Management I Candidates must be between the ages of 18 to 35 years.
4. Chief Executive Officer (General Manager ) Class-I Candidates must be between the ages of 18 to 50 years.

(This is inclusive of all age relaxation parameters of Apex Bank service rule & MP Govt. Service rule)

This implies that a candidate must have been born not earlier than 26.02.1972 and no later than 25.02.2004 (both dates inclusive)

5. Manager (Accounts) and Manager (Administration) Class- III Candidates must be between the ages of 18 to 35 years.

(Not more than 45 years after obtaining age relaxation as under)

6. Nodal Officer (Cadre Officer) Class – III Candidates must be between the ages of 18 to 35 years.

(Not more than 45 years after obtaining age relaxation as under)

This implies that a candidate must have been born not earlier than 26.02.1987 and no later than 25.02.2004 (both dates inclusive)

Note- Visit the linked article for the best preparation strategy for competitive exam preparation and get tips for preparation, study material, and more in relation to the upcoming recruitment.

APEX Bank Officer Exam: Age Relaxation

Certain groups of candidates are provided with the age relaxation as given below:

For Middle Management I & II
Relaxation in upper age limit as under compulsion

(Only for Madhya Pradesh State Domicile)

Category Age Relaxation
Female Candidates 5 Years
SC/ST 5 Years
Candidates already working in any Bank or Short Term Credit Cooperative Structure of Madhya Pradesh 5 Years
PH 5 Years
For Junior Management I
Relaxation in upper age limit as under compulsion

(Only for Madhya Pradesh State Domicile)

Category Age Relaxation
Female Candidates 5 Years
SC/ST 5 Years
Candidates already working in any Bank or Short Term Credit Cooperative Structure of Madhya Pradesh 5 Years
PH 5 Years
Nodal Officer (Cadre Officer) Class – III
Relaxation in upper age limit as under compulsion

(Only for Madhya Pradesh State Domicile)

Category Age Relaxation
Female Candidates 5 Years
SC/ST 5 Years
Candidates already working in any Bank or Short Term Credit Cooperative Structure of Madhya Pradesh 5 Years
PH 5 Years
Ex-Servicemen/ Homeguard 5 Years

Candidates must learn about the APEX Bank Officer Exam Pattern, before starting their preparation.

APEX Bank Officer Exam: Educational Requirement

The educational qualifications for each position are shown below:

APEX Bank Exam- Educational Requirement
S. No. Name of Posts Essential Qualifications
1. Assistant Manager Agriculture


A Second class graduate in Agriculture /Agriculture Engineering


Post graduate’s degree in Agriculture/Agriculture Engineering

2. Assistant Manager Construction/Maintenance (JM-I) A Second class Bachelor degree in Civil/Electrical Engineering


Post graduate’s degree in Civil/ Electrical Engineering.

3. Assistant Manager General


A Second class Graduate in Commerce/Science/IT /Business Administration


Post-graduation degree in Commerce/Science/IT /Business Administration.

4. Assistant Manager IT


A Second class BCA/B.E/BTech

(Computer Application/Computer Science/ Information Technology/ Electronics & Communication)


MCA, M.E, M.Tech.

(Computer Application/Computer Science/ Information Technology / Electronics & Communication)

5. Assistant Manager PRO


A Second class graduate

in Journalism, Marketing / Public relation/Mass Communication from a Govt. recognized Institute/ University.


Post Graduate in Journalism, Marketing / Public relation/Mass Communication from a Govt. recognized Institute/ University

6. Assistant Manager Security (JM-I) A Second class Bachelor in any discipline and ex-Army/Air Force/Navy/ Paramilitary/ Police/SAF/CRP/ RPF person.


Master’s degree in any discipline and ex-Army/Air Force/Navy/ Paramilitary/ Police/SAF/CRP/ RPF person, who should have retired as a JCO/NCO or equivalent.

7. Assistant General Manager

(Senior Management-II)

A First-class Post Graduation in any discipline with MBA/PGDBM/CA
8. Chief Executive Officer (General Manager) – Cadre Officer Class-I
  • The person to be appointed as CEO shall at least a:
    • Graduate with CAIIB/DBF/Diploma in Cooperative Business Management or equivalent qualification. OR
    • Chartered/Cost Accountant. OR iii Post Graduate in any discipline.
  • MBA/PGDCA/MCA Candidates would be given preference.
9. Deputy General Manager (Senior Management-I) A First-class Post Graduation in any discipline with MBA/PGDBM/CA.
10. Deputy Manager Agriculture

(Middle Management-II)

A First class graduate in Agriculture /Agriculture Engineering.


Master’s degree in Agriculture/Agriculture Engineering.

11. Deputy Manager Construction/Maintenance (Middle Management-II) A First class Bachelor’s Civil/ Electrical Engineering


Master’s degree in Civil/ Electrical Engineering

12. Deputy Manager Finance/Accounts (Middle Management-II) CA/CFA(Financial Analyst) OR

A First-class graduate or Post graduate in any discipline with 2 years MBA (Finance)/ PGDBM(Finance) or equivalent course from a Govt. recognized Institute/ University.

13. Deputy Manager General

(Middle Management-II)

A First class Graduate in Commerce/Science/IT with MBA/PGDBM/PGPM/PGDM from Govt. a recognized Institute/ University.


Post-graduation degree in Commerce/ Science/IT with MBA from Govt. recognized Institute/ University.

14. Deputy Manager IT

(Middle Management-II)

A First-class BCA / B.E/ BTech. (Computer Application/Computer Science/ Information Technology/ Electronics & Communication)


MCA, M.E, M.Tech.(Computer Application/Computer Science/ Information Technology/ Electronics & Communication)

15. Deputy Manager Law

(Middle Management-II)

Law Graduate First Class

(Integrated 5 yrs Law Course from a Govt. recognized Institute/ University) OR

L.L.M. from a Govt. recognized Institute/ University.

16. Manager Accounts Cadre Officer (Class-III) A First-class graduate or Second-class Postgraduate in any discipline with 2 Years MBA/

P.G.D.B.M. (Finance) course from a Govt. recognized Institute/University


C.A./C.F.A. (Financial Analyst)

17. Manager Administration Cadre Officer


A First-class graduate or Second-class Postgraduate in any discipline with 2 Years MBA/P.G.D.B.M. course from a Govt. recognized Institute/University
18. Manager Finance/Accounts (Middle Management-I) CA/CFA(Financial Analyst) OR

A First-class graduate/Post graduate with 2 years MBA (Finance) / PGDM(Finance) OR

equivalent course from a Govt. recognized Institute/ University.

19. Manager IT

(Middle Management-I)

A First-class MCA/B.E/BTech(Computer Application/Computer Science/ Information Technology/ Electronics & Communication) from a Govt. recognized Institute/ University.
20. Manager Law

(Middle Management-I)

Law Graduate First Class (Integrated 5 yrs Law Course from a Govt. recognized Institute/ University


L.L.M. in First Class from a Govt. recognized Institute/ University.

21. Nodal Officer

Cadre Officer


A First-class graduate or Second class Postgraduate in any discipline with 2 Years MBA/P.G.D.B.M. course from a Govt. recognized Institute/University

Note: Supplement your Current Affair preparation with the free Daily Video Analysis of The Hindu Newspaper by BYJU’S.

APEX Bank Officer Exam: Experience

Post wise required experience for selection of APEX Bank is given below:

APEX Bank Exam- Experience Required
S.No. Name of Posts Essential Qualifications
1. Asistant Manager Agriculture


No Experience Required
2. Asistant Manager Construction/Manitenance (JM-I) No Experience Required
3. Asistant Manager General


No Experience Required
4. Asistant Manager IT


No Experience Required
5. Asistant Manager PRO


No Experience Required
6. Asistant Manager Security (JM-I) No Experience Required
7. Assistant General Manager

(Senior Management-II)

Minimum 5 years Banking Experience in Bank Officer Category
8. Chief Executive Officer (General Manager) – Cadre Officer Class-I The person shall have at least eight years work experience at the middle/senior level in the Banking sector. Senior/middle level for the purpose shall be taken as the third level (scale/cadre) onwards [i.e., excluding the first two-level (scales/cadres) in the officer cadre], or as the highest two levels (scales/cadres) below the level of CEO.
9. Deputy General Manager (Senior Management-I) Minimum 7 years Banking Experience in Bank Officer Category
10. Deputy Manager Agriculture

(Middle Management-II)

Candidate should have post qualification minimum 01 year of working experience
11. Deputy Manager Construction/Maintenance (Middle Management-II) Candidate should have post qualification minimum 01 year of working experience
12. Deputy Manager Finance/Accounts (Middle Management-II) Candidate should have post qualification minimum 01 year of working experience
13. Deputy Manager General

(Middle Management-II)

Candidate should have post qualification minimum 01 year of working experience
14. Deputy Manager IT

(Middle Management-II)

Candidate should have post qualification minimum 01 year of working experience
15. Deputy Manager Law

(Middle Management-II)

Candidate should have post qualification minimum 01 year of working experience
16. Manager Accounts Cadre Officer (Class-III) No Experience Required
17. Manager Administration Cadre Officer


No Experience Required
18. Manager Finance/Accounts (Middle Management-I) Candidate should have post qualification minimum 03 years of working experience.
19. Manager IT

(Middle Management-I)

Candidate should have post qualification minimum 03 years of working experience.
20. Manager Law

(Middle Management-I)

Candidate should have post qualification minimum 03 years of working experience in high court or other reputed institution/law firm.
21. Nodal Officer

Cadre Officer


No Experience Required

Check and download the APEX Bank Exam 2022 Admit Card, by visiting the link attached.

Online Quiz 2023

Key Points about APEX Bank Officers’ Eligibility 2022

  • Candidates from the SC/ST/Women and physically handicapped categories are eligible for a maximum age relaxation, which cannot be combined with any other age relaxation offered elsewhere. However, for females, the age relaxation as specified for females & SC, ST shall be permitted to be combined in arriving at the age relaxation.
  • Candidates who are requested for work experience or requesting age relaxation must produce the requisite certificate(s) in original/copies at the time of the interview and at any future step of the recruiting process.
  • The degree of handicap of Physically Handicapped applicants must be greater than 40% in order to qualify for age relaxation and reservation advantages under this category.
  • Selected Physically disabled candidates must provide a Medical Certificate from a competent body stating that they are physically healthy and capable to fulfil their duties for the selected position.
  • Candidate will be allowed to participate and register for any one post and will not be allowed to apply on multiple posts. ”in case, any candidate applies for more than one post or more than once for a single post, only the latest application will be considered.”
  • Only candidates with a valid Madhya Pradesh domicile will be eligible for reservation and age relaxation. Eligible applicants seeking quota and age relaxation advantages must have a State domicile and Caste certificate issued by the appropriate authority.
  • At the time of final selection, candidates requesting a reservation must present a Madhya Pradesh Domicile Certificate and a Caste Certificate issued by the Competent Authority of the MP Govt. in the original. Other category applicants, however, would not be needed to have a Madhya Pradesh domicile.
  • Post published for district places and candidates if selected for these posts will be posted in various districts of Madhya Pradesh.

Know the APEX Bank Officer Exam Dates, by visiting the linked article.

This is all about the APEX Bank Officer Exam Eligibility Criteria. If you satisfy all of the standards outlined in the Apex Bank Officer Eligibility Criteria, you should begin the preparation for the exam right away. For any further updates, study material or notes about the other Bank Exams, candidates can turn to BYJU’S for assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions about APEX Bank Officer Exam Eligibility


Q1. What is the minimum educational requirement to apply for the APEX Bank Officer position?

Ans: The educational requirement is different for each post. In general to apply for the post of APEX Bank Officer Exam, the candidate must be a Graduate or Post graduate in the relevant discipline from a recognised university. The details are given in the article above.

Q2. Are NRI applicants eligible for appointment as Apex Bank Officers?

Ans: The recruiting notification for Apex Bank Officer positions makes no mention of NRI candidates. Candidates seeking further information may visit the official Apex Bank website.

Q3. Is work experience required to apply for APEX Bank Officer Recruitment?

Ans: Yes, prior experience from 0-8 years is required for various posts to apply for the APEX Bank Officer position.

Q4. What is the maximum age limit for Apex Bank Officer Eligibility for applicants from the general category?

Ans: Candidates in the general category seeking for the position of Chief Executive Officer must be under the age of 50. Manager and Nodal Officer applicants must be under the age of 35.
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