RBI Assistant Exam 2023

RBI Assistant exam is conducted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to select eligible candidates for the post of Assistant in various branches and sub-offices of RBI. This exam provides the candidates with a gateway to joining one of the most coveted government organisations in India.

Latest Update:

  • On February 14, 2022, the Reserve Bank of India has released the official announcement for conducting the RBI Assistant examination 2022. 
  • The official notification was released on February 17, 2022, and the online application process will be held between February 17, and March 8, 2022.

Candidates can get all the other required information about the RBI Assistant notification at the linked article. They can check the vacancy distribution and the online exam dates. 

RBI Assistant Notification PDF 2022:-Download PDF Here

Apart from the RBI Assistant exam, there are various other posts for which RBI conducts examinations. Know about the other RBI exams at the linked article.

Start your preparation for the upcoming RBI exam with the Free Online RBI Assistant Mock Test Series.

Also, check out the links given below and prepare for the upcoming RBI exams:

Table of Contents:

  1. RBI Assistant Notification 2022
  2. RBI Assistant Eligibility Criteria
  3. RBI Assistant Online Application Process
  4. RBI Assistant Exam Pattern
  5. RBI Assistant Syllabus
  6. RBI Assistant Cut off
  7. RBI Assistant Result

RBI Assistant Notification 2022

RBI Assistant notification for the year 2022 released on February 17, 2022. Candidates preparing for the upcoming RBI Assistant exam must start the preparation and note the important details regarding the recruitment procedure.

RBI Assistant Exam Dates

The RBI Assistant Exam dates for the 2020 exam and a tentative schedule for the upcoming recruitment is given below:

RBI Assistant Exam Dates
RBI Exam Events RBI Exam Dates
2022  RBI Assistant 2020
Online Registration  February 17, 2022 December 23, 2019 – January 24, 2020
Last Date To Pay Online Fee March 8, 2022 January 24, 2020
RBI Assistant Prelims Exam March 26 & 27, 2022 February 14 & 15, 2020
RBI Assistant Mains Exam May 2022 November 22, 2020

Refer to the above mentioned RBI Assistant exam dates and start your preparation accordingly.

RBI Assistant Recruitment

The RBI Assistant recruitment takes place city wise. The RBI Assistant notification released by RBI gives details regarding the vacancies released state-wise. The table given below gives the vacancy details for RBI Assistant recruitment 2022:

RBI Assistant Vacancy
RBI Assistant Salary

RBI Assistants command a handsome salary. The basic pay drawn by an RBI Assistant is ₹ 20,700/-. The pay scale 20700 – 1200 (3) – 24300 – 1440 (4) – 30060 – 1920 (6) – 41580 – 2080 (2) – 45740 – 2370 (3) – 52850 – 2850 – 55700. Other benefits are provided to the RBI assistants like the house rent allowance, transport allowance, dearness allowance, compensatory city allowance, etc. The current initial monthly emoluments of an RBI Assistant is Rs. 45,050.

For complete details on the RBI Assistant salary, refer to the linked article.

Related Links

RBI Mock Tests RBI Vacancy Bank Clerk
RBI Grade-B Exam Eligibility Criteria RBI Grade-B Exam date RBI Admit Card

RBI Assistant Admit Card

The RBI Assistant admit card usually releases 15 days before the exam. Candidates must keep checking this page regularly for any update regarding the admit card.

The pre-requisites to download the RBI Assistant admit card:

  1. Registration Number/Roll number
  2. Password/D.O.B details

The steps to download the RBI Assistant admit card are as follows:

  1. Go to the official website of RBI
  2. Check for the related update.
  3. Click on the admit card download page.
  4. Enter your credentials, and the admit card will be displayed on the screen.
  5. Save/Download the admit card and take a printout of the same.

For any further information regarding the admit card, candidates can visit the RBI Assistant admit card page.

RBI Assistant Notification PDF 2022:-Download PDF Here

Government Exam 2023

RBI Assistant Eligibility Criteria

The RBI Assistant eligibility criteria are a set of requirements that need to fulfilled by a candidate to apply for the RBI Assistant exam.

The RBI Assistant post has specific eligibility criteria. They are given below:

(a) Age

The age of the candidate should be between 20 and 28 years. There are some relaxations in the upper age limit for candidates belonging to certain categories.

The RBI Assistant upper age limit relaxation for various categories is given below:

RBI Assistant Eligibility Criteria

(b) Educational Qualification

At least a Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with a minimum of 50% marks (pass class for SC/ST/PWD candidates) in the aggregate and the knowledge of word processing on PC.

To learn about the detailed eligibility criteria, visit the RBI Notification page.

RBI Assistant Online Application Process

Candidates applying for the RBI Assistant Exam need to check the following steps:

  1. Go to the RBI official website.
  2. Click on the “recruitment for RBI Assistant” option.
  3. Select the tab “Click here for New Registration” and enter Name, Contact details, and Email id.
  4. A provisional registration number and password would be sent to the registered mobile number and email.
  5. Using the provisional credentials, candidates need to fill up the remaining part of the application form related to personal, educational background.
  6. After filling the correct details, candidates need to upload a passport six photograph and signature of the required dimensions.
  7. Verify the details provided by clicking on the preview option.
  8. Then click on the Payment tab and make the necessary payment using the online/offline mode.
  9. Once everything is done, click on the submit button

Candidates willing to apply for the upcoming RBI Assistant exam can know the RBI Assistant apply online procedure in detail at the linked article.

Application fee

The application fee for this exam is Rs. 450 for Gen/OBC candidates and Rs. 50 for SC/ST/PWD/EXS candidates.

The payment can be made by using Debit Cards (RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets. The RBI Grade-B admit cards are generally released a few weeks before the date of the exam. These admit cards can be downloaded from the official website.

RBI Assistant Exam Pattern

The RBI Assistant Exam will be conducted in two stages: Preliminary and Mains. Candidates must pass both the stages to be a part of the final selection of the RBI Assistant recruitment process. The RBI Assistant Exam Pattern is discussed in detail below:

RBI Assistant Exam Pattern (Preliminary):

The table below highlights the RBI Assistant Exam Pattern for the Preliminary stage:

RBI Assistant Exam Pattern
Subjects Marks Questions Time
Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Numerical Ability 35 35 20 minutes
English Language 30 30 20 minutes
Total 100 100 60 minutes

RBI Assistant Mains Exam Pattern:

The table below highlights the RBI Assistant Exam Pattern for the Preliminary stage:

RBI Assistant Exam Pattern for Mains
Subjects Marks Questions Time (in minutes)
Reasoning Ability 40 40 30
English Language 40 40 30
Quantitative Aptitude 40 40 30
General Awareness 40 40 25
Computer Knowledge 40 40 20
Total 200 200 135

Remember that there will be negative marking in this exam, 0.25 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer given by the candidate. But no marks will be deducted for the question that is not attempted by the candidate.

Apart from the RBI Assistant exam, RBI also conducts recruitment for Grade B Officers. Interested candidates can check the RBI exam pattern for both these exams at the linked article.

RBI Assistant Language Proficiency Test

The final stage of the recruitment will be the Language Proficiency Test (LPT). The candidates who clear the mains exam will then have to appear for the LPT. The LPT will be conducted in the Official/Local language of the concerned state.

RBI Assistant Syllabus

RBI Assistant exam has a specific syllabus for all the sections asked in both prelims exam and mains exam. The sections that feature in both of these exams are:

  • English Language
  • Numerical Ability
  • Reasoning Ability

Additional sections of General Awareness and Computer Knowledge are also asked in the Mains Exam, apart from the above mentioned three sections. The candidates must clear the sectional cut-off as well as the overall cut-off for each phase of the examination. Only then, they will be selected for further rounds of the RBI Assistant recruitment process. Candidates can check the bank syllabus for different bank exams at the linked article.

To know more about the RBI Assistant Syllabus, visit the linked article

RBI Assistant Cut Off

Aspirants for the RBI Assistant exam 2021 must check previous year cut off marks to get an estimate idea regarding the expected cut off for this year’s recruitment. Given below is the RBI Assistant 2017 cut off for candidate’s reference.

The 2017 RBI Assistant exam cut-off is as follows:

RBI Assistant Exam- Cutoff of 2017
Ahmedabad 69.75 74.00 80.00
Bengaluru 68.75 68.25 74.75 77.75
Bhopal 78.00 63.75 83.25
Bhubaneswar 71.25 68.50 82.25 84.50
Chandigarh 77.00 70.25 81.75 87.50
Chennai 76.00 81.75 83.50
Guwahati 71.00 63.75 73.50 77.25
Hyderabad 80.50 74.50 84.25 87.00
Jaipur 74.50 67.50 81.75 85.75
Jammu 70.25 56.25 72.25 80.00
Kanpur & Lucknow 72.75 64.25 78.50 85.00
Kolkata 74.50 78.50 86.50
Mumbai 70.00 56.50 68.25 74.25
Nagpur 54.00 75.75 80.00
New Delhi 74.75 79.25 85.75
Patna 69.75 72.50 86.25
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 76 84.25 87.25

Candidates can get the detailed previous year RBI Assistant cut off for Prelims and Mains examination at the linked article.

RBI Assistant Result

The final RBI Assistant result is expected to be released a few weeks after the completion of the Interview round. The roll number of finally shortlisted candidates will be uploaded on the official website, and an invitation will also be sent to the selected candidates on the email IDs, which they provided at the time of application.

Know the steps to check the RBI Assistant result and other important dates and information regarding the declaration of result at the linked article.

The RBI Assistant exam will seem like a tough test to crack initially. Still, with dedication and the right preparation strategy, candidates can obtain the highest marks when writing the exams. The study material developed by BYJU’S will prove to be an indispensable asset in this regard.

Frequently Asked Questions for RBI Assistant Exam


Q 1. What is the RBI Assistant exam, and is it conducted annually?

Ans. The RBI Assistant exam is conducted to recruit clerical cadre candidates in the Reserve Bank of India. It is not an annually conducted examination.

Q 2. Is there Interview for the RBI Assistant 2022 exam?

Ans. No, there is no Interview for the RBI Assistant 2022 exam. The selection is made based on Prelims and Mains online examination followed by the Language Proficiency Test.

Q 3. Can I get some tips to prepare for RBI Assistant exam?

Ans. Given below are a few tips that may help candidates excel in the RBI Assistant exam:

  • Collect the best study material and books
  • Analyse the syllabus and prepare a study plan accordingly
  • Solve mock tests and previous year papers
  • Practise time management
  • Look for assistance or help, if required
  • Dedicate 7 to 8 hours a day for preparation

Q 4. Are there sectional timings in the RBI Assistant Prelims examination?

Ans. Yes, there is sectional timing for the RBI Assistant Prelims examination. The total time duration of 60 minutes is divided between the three sections, such that 20 minutes are dedicated to solving each subject.

Q 5. Can I select different exam centres for the RBI Assistant Prelims and Mains exam?

Ans. Yes, different exam centres can be chosen for the RBI Assistant prelims and mains examination.

Q 6. Does RBI Assistant exam have negative marking?

Ans. Yes, there is negative marking in the RBI Assistant exam. 0.25 marks are deducted for every wrong answer.


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  1. Does Language Proficiency Test conducted orally or written.

  2. I want to apply for RBI assistant exam and dob is 1990

  3. can Final Year Student apply for it??

    • Hi,
      No final year students cannot apply as RBI requires candidates to present final year degree during interview process.