
Symbol Ag
Atomic Number 47
Atomic Mass 107.868 g.mol 1
Discovered by Believed to be discovered in 3000 BC

Chemical Properties of Silver

Group 11 Melting point 961.78°C, 1763.2°F, 1234.93 K
Period 5 Boiling point 2162°C, 3924°F, 2435 K
Block d Density (g cm3) 10.5
Atomic number 47 Relative atomic mass 107.868
State at 20°C Solid Key isotopes 107Ag, 109Ag
Electron configuration [Kr] 4d105s1 CAS number 7440-22-4
ChemSpider ID 22394 ChemSpider is a free chemical structure database

What is Silver?

  • Silver is the most conducting metal with atomic number 47 and represented with the symbol ‘Ag’ in the periodic table.
  • Silver is abundant in mineral-rich soils. It is available in the mixed form, generally in crystal form.
  • Plants absorb silver and measured levels in the soil come around 0.03 – 0.5 ppm.

Physical properties of Silver

  • Silver ( Ag ) is a white, soft, lustrous, very ductile and malleable metal.
  • It is a very good conductor of electricity and heat.
  • It has the highest electrical conductivity of all metals, but the high cost of it has restricted us from using it in all electrical devices.

Applications and Effects of Silver

  • The principal use of this metal is precious, including jewellery and decorative items.
  • The other applications include:
    • Currency – still in some countries silver coins are used as currency.
    • Jewellery and silverware
    • It is used in the manufacturing of solar panels
    • Air conditioning – It is used in the manufacturing of typical air conditioners
    • Water purification – It is used in water purifiers to prevent the growth of algae and bacteria in filters
    • Photography and electronic devices
    • Used as an antibiotic coating on medical devices
    • Thermal or infrared coatings use silver as it reflects some wavelengths better than aluminum.
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