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Difference Between 2D and 3D Shapes

2D Vs. 3D Shapes: Understand the Difference Between 2D and 3D Shapes

Both of these are types of geometry. Geometry is basically the study of various shapes. It has a broad classification of two major types- plane geometry (2D shapes) and solid geometry (3D shapes). In this article, we will discuss the difference between 2D and 3D shapes. But let us first know a bit more about both of these.

The plane geometry is also known as two-dimensional geometry because it deals with all the flat figures that we can easily draw on paper. A few examples of such figures are curves, lines, quadrilaterals, polygons, etc. Conversely, solid geometry is also known as three-dimensional geometry because it deals with three-dimensional or solid shapes. A few examples of such figures are cones, cylinders, spheres, etc.

What are 2D Shapes?

The term 2D is an abbreviation for two-dimensional. It means that the 2D shapes have two dimensions, and they exist on the x-y plane. Thus, we can draw a 2D object using the X-axes and the Y-axes, as these figures lie flat on any given surface.

What are 3D Shapes?

The term 3D is an abbreviation for three-dimensional. It means that the 3D shapes have a total of three dimensions, and they occupy volume (along with area, like the 2D shapes). A lot of objects around us are 3D- bottles, books, Rubik’s cubes, balls, etc. One can draw a 2D object using the Z, Y, and Z axes because these occupy volume as well.

Difference Between 2D and 3D Shapes

Parameters 2D Shapes 3D Shapes
Full-Form The term 2D is an acronym for two-dimensional. The term 3D is an acronym for three-dimensional.
Dimensions Such shapes have a total of two dimensions. Such shapes have a total of three dimensions.
Mathematical Axes They exist on the X-axes and the Y-axes. They exist on the X, Y, and Z-axes.
Area and Volume These shapes only occupy an area. These shapes occupy both area and volume because they have a depth/ height.
Type of View The 2D shapes give us a simple view of any object. The 3D shapes give us an architectural view of any object.
Visibility of Edges Every edge is very clearly visible in the case of 2D shapes. Some of the edges stay hidden and are not visible in the case of 3D shapes.
Ease of Explanation It is very easy to explain a 2D shape because all of its edges are visible to us. We can only explain the outer dimensions of a 3D shape because the rest of the edges are not visible to us.
Detailing One can draw details on a 2D shape without any hassle. It is very difficult to draw details in a 3D shape.
Ease of Drawing 2D shapes are very basic, thus easy to draw. 3D shapes are comparatively more complex and can sometimes be difficult to draw when combined together.
Examples A few examples of the 2D shapes are rectangle, square, circle, triangle, or any other polygon. A few examples of the 3D shapes are cuboid, cube, sphere, cone, prism, cylinder, pyramid, etc.

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