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Difference Between Constructor and Destructor in C++

Constructors and destructors are very important members of the programming family. Even in C++, both constructor and destructor are known as special class functions that conclude the initialization. Let’s analyze the difference between constructor and destructor in C++

What is a Constructor?

It is a member function that has the same name as the name of the class. It calls automatically whenever the object of the class is built.

What is a Destructor?

Destructors are typically used to deallocate memory. Also, they are used to clean up for objects and class members when the object gets terminated.

Difference Between Constructor and Destructor in C++

S.No. Constructors Destructors
1. The constructor initializes the class and allots the memory to an object. If the object is no longer required, then destructors demolish the objects.
2. When the object is created, a constructor is called automatically. When the program gets terminated, the destructor is called automatically.
3. It receives arguments. It does not receive any argument.
4. A constructor allows an object to initialize some of its value before it is used. A destructor allows an object to execute some code at the time of its destruction.
5. It can be overloaded. It cannot be overloaded.
6. When it comes to constructors, there can be various constructors in a class. When it comes to destructors, there is constantly a single destructor in the class.
7. They are often called in successive order. They are often called in reverse order of constructor.

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