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Difference between Data Warehouse and Data Mart

Both data warehouse and data mart are forms of data management systems that support business. In this article, we will learn the major difference between a data warehouse and data mart.

What is a Data Warehouse?

A Data Warehouse is like a data management system or a large collection of business data used to support business intelligence and analytics. It is mostly used for data analysis and reporting purposes.

What is Data Mart?

A data mart is an uncomplicated form of a subject-oriented database system that is concentrated on business matters, such as sales, finance, or marketing.

Difference between Data Warehouse and Data Mart

S.N0. Data Warehouse Data Mart
1. It is a centralised system. It is not a centralised system.
2. Data warehouse defines a top-down model. Data mart defines a bottom-up model.
3. Slightly denormalization is involved in data warehouses. Highly denormalization is involved in data mart.
4. It is tough to build a data warehouse. It is easy to build a data mart.
5. Fact constellation schema is preferred in data warehouses. Star schema and snowflake schema are preferred in data mart.
6. It is more flexible as compared to the data mart. It is not flexible.
7. It is data-oriented in behaviour. Data mart is project-oriented in behaviour.
8. They mostly have longer life spans. It has a shorter life span.
9. Here we get the data in a detailed format. Here we get the summarised version of data.
10. The data warehouse is huge in size. It is smaller as compared to the data warehouse.

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