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Difference Between Android and iOS

Both of these are operating systems (OS) for mobile and computer devices. Both have different manufacturers, thus offer different sets of functionalities. In this article, we will discuss the difference between Android and iOS. But let us first know what each of them does.

What is iOS?

Apple Inc. created the iOS operating system majorly for mobile devices. This OS works well in various Apple mobile devices, like iPad, iPod, iPhone, etc. People across the world use iOS a lot. Yet, it lacks a bit of popularity as compared to the Android OS.

The iOS has a layered architecture. It consists of an intermediate layer present between the hardware and the applications- so that they don’t directly communicate with each other. Here, the lower layers provide users with the basic service, while the higher ones provide sophisticated graphics and user interfaces.

What is Android?

Google developed the Android operating system for mobile systems. The Android OS works on the basis of the Linux kernel. Companies started using it for manufacturing basically all the touchscreen devices, like smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc. The Android architecture has a division of five sections within four main layers.

Difference Between iOS and Android

Parameters iOS Android
Developers Apple Incorporation developed the iOS operating system, and it is also the owner. Open Handset Alliance and Google developed the Android OS, and Google LLC owns it.
Year of Launching 2007 2008
Date of Release 29th of July, 2007. 23rd of September, 2008.
Name of First Version The first released version of iOS was iPhone OS 1, also called IOS. The first released version of Android was Android 1.0, Alpha by Google.
Target System Types Users mostly utilize iOS devices in the form of smartphones, tablet computers, and music players. Users mostly utilize Android devices in the form of tablets and smartphones.
Companies Using the OS iOS is a specially designed OS for Apple iPads and iPhones. Android works well in all smartphones belonging to all companies.
Kernel Type iOS has a hybrid kernel type. Android has a Linux-based kernel type.
Preferred License iOS has a preferred license of GNU GPL, APSL, and Proprietary. Android has a preferred license of GNU GPLv2 and Apache.
Language Used We mainly write iOS in assembly language, Objective-C, Swift, C, and C++ languages. We mainly write Android in Java, C, C++, and various other languages.
Update Management The update management in iOS is Software Update. The update management in Android OS is Systems Software Update.
Development Languages Application development in iOS occurs mostly using the Swift language. Application development in Android occurs mostly using Kotlin and Java languages.
Default Internet Browser The devices that are iOS-based have Safari as their default browser for the Internet. The devices that are Android-based have Chrome as their default browser for the Internet.
Voice assistant Siri is the Voice Assistant for iOS. Google Assistance is the Voice Assistant for Google.
Blocking Third Parties The devices with iOS come with the feature to block any third-party app stores. The devices with Android do not have any such features of blocking the third-party app stores.
Languages Available in Devices The iOS devices are available in the market in about 34 languages. The Android devices in the market are available in about 100+ languages.

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