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Difference Between var and let in JavaScript

Both of these are useful for the purpose of declaration in JavaScript, but there is a significant difference between var and let in JavaScript. Here, the let keyword is block-scoped while the var keyword is function scoped. We can also state that any variable that we declare with var stays more defined throughout any program (compared to the let keyword).

What is the var keyword in JavaScript?

This statement assists a user in declaring any variable in the case of JavaScript. A variable that stays declared with this keyword stays defined throughout a given program.

What is the let keyword in JavaScript?

This statement assists a user in declaring any local variable in a TypeScript. The var keyword is similar to the let keyword, but there are some restrictions in the let keyword as compared to the var keyword. It can easily enhance the readability of the code, and it decreases the overall chances of running a programming error. Any variable that we declare using the let keyword stays limited only to the block-scoped.

Note – The major difference between let and var is not present in the syntax. They both rather differ in the semantics.

Difference Between var and let in JavaScript

Here is a list of the differences between var and let in JavaScript.

Parameters Var Let
Iterations in JavaScript This keyword got introduced along with JavaScript. This keyword was added in the ES 2015 (ES6) version of JavaScript.
Scope The var keyword has a global scope. The let keyword stays limited to the block scope.
Access and Declaration One can easily declare as well as access it globally. One can easily declare it globally but can’t access it globally.
Redeclaration We can re-declare any variable that we declare using the var keyword, and we can also update it in the very same scope. We can upload any variable that we declare using the let keyword but not re-declare it in the very same scope.

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