If you are preparing for the UPSC civil service exam, you would be aware that to crack the exam, you need to prepare from multiple sources. One important source that you should not avoid is the PIB (Press Information Bureau). In this article, you will get insights on how to read PIB for UPSC exam.
The Press Information Bureau (PIB) is the nodal agency of the Government of India to disseminate information to the print and electronic media on government policies, programmes, initiatives and achievements. It acts as an interface between the government and the media. It provides governmental information via press releases, articles, photographs, etc. available on its official website.
The PIB also conducts press conferences, briefings, interviews of ministers, secretaries, and other officials for informing the media about the various policy initiatives of the government. Read on for what to read from PIB for UPSC exam.
You can get the Best of PIB releases in the linked article.
How to study PIB for UPSC exam?
What to take from the PIB website:
- Programs, and policy initiatives and updates from the government.
- Articles on important personalities, some historical accounts.
- All schemes of the government.
- Speeches by prominent people. Questions can be directly asked for the UPSC prelims from them.
- Year-end reports by the various ministries and departments on the work done by them in that year.
Benefits of taking information from PIB:
- Here, you get information straight from the horse’s mouth. Since the information comes directly from the government, you may rest assured of its authenticity.
- Also, you get information in English and Hindi. So if you are using Hindi as your medium of the exam, you can directly take the information. Besides this, information is also available in many regional languages.
- You can also subscribe to releases from the government on the website.
- PIB is especially relevant for the current affairs section of the UPSC civil services question paper.
A snapshot of the PIB homepage containing the latest governmental releases is shown below:
BYJU’S free IAS prep gives you updates on what is best from the PIB.
Visit our Best of PIB page and learn more.
PIB Daily Insights
Things to ignore from the PIB:
- Appointments, removal of not-so-prominent officials/people.
- Regular increase/decrease in prices of grains, sugar, etc.
- Information that you already made a note of in the newspaper and where it is explained in detail.
- Results of certain exams.
- Factsheets on states unless it is your home state (relevant for interview).
Also read:
How to read The Yojana for IAS Preparation |
How to Read Newspapers for UPSC Civil Services Exam? |
How to Read the India Yearbook Effectively for IAS Preparation |
Sir, 2022 ke liye kis year ki pib or prs pdni chahiye
One year of PIB is sufficient. More importantly, aspirants should focus on current affairs.
Dear aspirant,
Segregate your newspaper notebook into sections like polity, economy, geography, history, environment, security, government schemes, international relations. This helps to jot down the important points under relevant headings. A detailed explanation is provided here.