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Difference Between AES and DES Ciphers

Both of these are types of symmetric block ciphers, but AES is comparatively more advanced than DES technology. Thus, it fixes some of its drawbacks. Now, there is a significant difference between AES and DES. The plaintext block in DES gets divided into two halves before the starting of the main algorithm. On the other hand, in the case of AES, the processing of an entire block takes place for obtaining the ciphertext.

Here, DES is comparatively less secure due to its smaller key size. Triple DES came into existence to overcome this very issue, but its overall working turned out to be pretty slow. Thus, The NITS (National Institute of Standard Technology) later introduced the AES.

In this article, we will discuss some more ways in which both of these differ. Read ahead to know more.

Difference Between AES and DES Ciphers

Here is a list of the differences between AES and DES Ciphers.

Parameters AES DES
Full-Form The term AES is an acronym for Advanced Encryption Standard. The term DES is an acronym for Data Encryption Standard.
Length of Keys The key length of AES can generally vary from 128, 192, and 256 bits. The key length of DES is about 56 bits.
Date of Creation AES came into existence in the year 1999. AES came into existence in 1976.
Orientation It is Byte-Oriented. It is Bit-Oriented.
Design Rationale AES has an open type of design rationale. DES has a closed type of design rationale.
Selection Process It has a secret selection process, but it accepts open public comment. It also has a secret selection process.
Network The structure of AES is based on the network of substitution-permutation. The structure of DES is based on the Feistel network.
Operational Rounds The rounds per length of the key are:

14- 256 bits

12 – 192 bits

10 – 128 bits

It has about 16 rounds of identical operations.
Security AES is comparatively way more secure than the DES system. It is comparatively very weak. But the triple-DES (3DES) is still more secure than the DES.
Size It can easily encrypt about 128 bits of available plain text. It is capable of encrypting about 64 bits of available plain text.
Designer Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen designed the AES system. IBM designed the DES system.
Derivation The derivation of AES occurs from the Square cipher. The derivation of DES occurs from the Lucifer cipher.
Attacks There is no known attack. There are some known attacks such as differential crypt-analysis, linear crypt-analysis, and brute-force.

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