Africa will see rise of market demand with population explosion in the later half of 21st century ,driving investments,collaboration from countries all over the world to tap in the demographic dividend..India need to increase it's partnership with African countries in coming decades as wellWhy india need to focus on African countries?1 competition with western countries and ChinaMany developed countries have their eyes on Africa for rich natural resources and increasing market demand..China is ahead of India in it's economic and diplomatic collaboration with is going to be next centre of growth Status of indo African relationship:1.Economic relationship:India comes at 5th position in trading with Africa as whole..2.infratructure building and capacity building:India have invested in pan India e network in African countries provide tele education and tele medicine services. 3.diplomatic forums and international collaboration:India have collaborated with Africa in international solar alliance and will invest in bringing solar renewable energy to Africa.. Various international organizations such as WTO,UN and African union help in diplomatic engagements.Improvements required:Soft power:Scholarships from Indian institution to African students .Official visits from Indian government to Africa needs to be increased to increased solidarity. Investments in infrastructure needs to be accelerated ..Separate African foreign policy need to be structured ..Way forward:To reap demographic dividend of African countries and to tap in their market ,we need robust foreign policy in field of economy and diplomacy ..keeping in mind the competition from Asian giant China..