In April 2023, a few journalists from India visited the cyber defense establishments of Israel and found out some crucial details for an optimal ecosystem. In this article, you can read more about Israel’s cyber defence capabilities and what India can learn from Israel in this regard. This topic is relevant for the IAS exam security and defence segment.
Israel Cyber Defence War Room
- The increased attacks from many quarters such as Hamas, Iran and Hezbollah, over the years have necessitated a robust infrastructure for Israel.
- Israel being a technologically advanced nation in the region faces several attacks every second.
- Israel uses real-time metrics from many computers to deal with the dual challenges of cyber and defense warfare.
- Recent data showed that as many as 19 million times the attacks were detected and thwarted every day.
- It has started compartmentalizing inputs from the critical infrastructures to tackle the threats in real-time.
Twenty-four-seven threat management
- Israel uses a round-the-clock hotline to submit reports of cyber attacks.
- It can also be reached through email to inform the agencies.
- Although Israel doesn’t have a national law for cyber defense, its cyber security ecosystem is enviable.
What is IL-CERT?
Just like the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) which serves as the national agency for performing various functions in the area of cyber security, IL-CERT (Israeli Cyber Emergency Response Team) is Israel’s civilian centre for addressing Information Security and Cyber events.
The term, ‘Cyber’ is used in relation to the culture of computers, information technology, and virtual reality. The connection between internet ecosystems forms cyberspace. The threat to cyberspace leads to an issue and gives rise to the need for cybersecurity.
Threats to Cyberspace:
- Interconnectedness of sectors
- Increase in the number of exposure points
- Concentration of assets
What is Cyber Security?Computer security is the protection of computer systems and networks from information disclosure, theft of or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.
Israel’s Cyber Defense War Room [UPSC Current Affairs]:- Download PDF Here
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