Oldest Pearl Town Found in UAE [UPSC Current Affairs]

On a small island off the coast of one of the northern sheikhdoms of the United Arab Emirates, archaeologists, in March 2023, claim to have discovered the oldest pearling town in the Persian Gulf. This development assumes importance from the perspective of the IAS exam for the ancient history segment. Read more about this development in this article.

Pearl Town discovered in the UAE

The city on Siniyah Island in Umm al-Quwain contains artefacts that date back to the area’s pre-Islamic history in the late 6th century and was likely once inhabited by thousands of people and hundreds of homes.

  • The Persian Gulf countries have had older pearling villages recorded in historical literature, but this is the first time archaeologists claim to have physically discovered one from that time period.

Significance of the discovery: 

  • The discovery is significant because it challenges existing theories about the origins of pearl diving in the Gulf region. Until now, it was believed that pearl diving only began in the region around 2,000 years ago. However, the discovery of the  Siniyah Island site suggests that this industry has much deeper roots in the region’s history than previously thought.
  • Overall, the discovery of the world’s oldest pearl town in the UAE represents a major breakthrough in our understanding of the ancient world and highlights the importance of the Gulf region in the development of human civilization.

Sinniyah Island

Siniyah Island is an uninhabited island located in the Persian Gulf, off the coast of Kuwait. It is part of the Warbah Island group, which also includes Warbah Island and Umm al Namil Island. Sinniyah Island is a small, rocky island that is only accessible by boat.

  • The name of the island, which translates to “flashing lights,” probably refers to the white-hot sun that dominates the sky. Archaeologists have already found an ancient Christian monastery that may be 1,400 years old on the island.
  • The village covers around 12 hectares (143,500 square yards) and is located just south of that monastery on one of the island’s curving fingers. There, archaeologists discovered a range of buildings constructed of beach rock and lime mortar, from small dwellings to larger homes with courtyards, indicating a social hierarchy.
  • The village was established before the Arab Peninsula saw the spread of Islam, hence its inhabitants were probably Christians. 

Oldest Pearl Town Found in UAE:- Download PDF Here

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