15 October 2023 CNA
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A. GS 1 Related
B. GS 2 Related
1. Israel’s missile defence shield
1. Centre seeks inclusion of traditional medicine on WHO’s list
C. GS 3 Related
1. Centre unveils tradeable Green Credit
D. GS 4 Related
E. Editorials
1. How is the IORA a key bloc for India?
F. Prelims Facts
1. PM Modi confirms India’s bid to host 2036 Olympics
2. ‘Ferry to Sri Lanka plies after 40 years
3. Red Fort to host India’s maiden art, architecture and design biennale
G. Tidbits
H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions
I. UPSC Mains Practice Questions
FIP Magazine


1. Centre seeks inclusion of traditional medicine on WHO’s list

Syllabus: Issues related to the development and management of the social sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources

Mains: Significance of inclusion of India’s traditional medicine on WHO’s list

Context​: The Indian government is taking a significant step to elevate the status of traditional Indian medicine, particularly Ayurveda, by seeking inclusion in the 11th revision of the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases (ICD). This move aims to provide a standardized language and recognition on the global stage for traditional systems of medicine.

The Opportunity:

  • Recognition and Standardization: Traditional Indian systems of medicine, including Ayurveda, lack standardized international recognition, making it challenging to integrate them into mainstream healthcare and research.
  • Evidence-Based Information: To regulate traditional medicine effectively and integrate it into the healthcare system, there’s a need for standardized, evidence-based information.
  • Integration Challenges: Integrating traditional medicine into the conventional healthcare system requires a common classification standard.
  • Common Language: The ICD serves as a global common language for healthcare professionals to share standardized information. Inclusion in the ICD would enable standardization in the reporting and diagnosis of traditional medicine conditions.
  • Research and Evaluation: The traditional medicine chapter in ICD-11 is a crucial step in integrating traditional medicine into conventional medical standards. It also facilitates research and evaluation to establish the efficacy of these systems.
  • Regulation and Integration: Inclusion in the ICD can help meet the growing demand for better regulation and integration of traditional medicine into mainstream healthcare and health information systems.

Way Forward:

  • Timely Inclusion: The government aims to include Module-2 for Ayurveda in the ICD by January. Timely inclusion is crucial to expedite the integration process.
  • Support and Collaboration: Collaboration between the Ministry of Ayush, the National Ayush Morbidity and Standardized Terminologies Electronic portal, and the Ayush Health Information Management System is vital in developing Module-2 for Ayurveda-related diagnostic systems.
  • Global Collaboration: International collaboration with the WHO and other countries can further enhance the recognition and integration of traditional Indian medicine.

Nut Graf: The move to include Ayurveda and related traditional Indian systems of medicine in the ICD-11 is a significant step towards recognizing and standardizing these systems on the global stage. This not only provides a common language for healthcare professionals but also supports research, regulation, and integration into mainstream healthcare. The collaboration between various entities and timely inclusion will be instrumental in achieving these goals and promoting traditional medicine’s role in healthcare systems worldwide.

C. GS 3 Related


1. Centre unveils tradeable Green Credit

Syllabus: Conservation, Environmental pollution and degradation

Prelims: Tradable Green Credit

Mains: Importance of  tradeable Green Credit

Context​: The Indian government has introduced a novel initiative aimed at promoting and incentivizing environmentally positive actions through the creation of “Green Credits.” This program allows individuals and entities to earn Green Credits for specific activities that have a positive environmental impact, with the unique feature of trading these credits on a dedicated exchange.

Need for tradeable Green Credit:  

  • Environmental Challenges: The pressing environmental issues faced by India, including deforestation, water management, agricultural sustainability, waste management, air pollution, and conservation, necessitate innovative approaches to encourage positive actions.
  • Lack of Incentives: Many environmentally beneficial activities often go unrewarded, which discourages participation and investment in these critical areas.


  • Market-Based Incentives: The Green Credit program leverages a competitive market-based approach to incentivize various stakeholders to engage in environmental actions.
  • Coverage: The program encompasses a wide spectrum of activities, including tree plantation, water management, sustainable agriculture, waste management, air pollution reduction, and mangrove conservation and restoration.
  • Registration and Verification: To earn Green Credits, participants must register their activities through a website, and a designated agency will verify the activities. Successful verification results in the issuance of a Green Credit certificate.
  • Trading Platform: The creation of a dedicated trading platform for Green Credits facilitates the exchange and trading of these credits in a domestic market.


  • Broadened Participation: The program should encourage wider participation from industries, companies, and entities by offering financial incentives for environmentally responsible actions.
  • Effective Monitoring: Ensuring the activities registered for Green Credits are genuinely beneficial to the environment will be crucial. Strict monitoring and verification processes are needed.
  • Education and Awareness: The government should conduct awareness campaigns to educate the public and stakeholders about the program’s benefits and how it aligns with environmental goals.

Nut Graf: The introduction of the Green Credit program is a noteworthy step towards promoting environmentally responsible actions in India. By offering a market-based approach to incentivize activities that benefit the environment, this initiative can contribute significantly to addressing the country’s environmental challenges. Proper execution, effective monitoring, and broad participation are essential for the program’s success in fostering a greener and more sustainable India.

D. GS 4 Related

Nothing here for today!!!

E. Editorials


1. How is the IORA a key bloc for India?

Syllabus: Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests.

Prelims: IORA

Mains: Importance of IORA for India

Context:​ ‘Reinforcing Indian Ocean Identity’ was the banner theme at the Indian Ocean Rim Association’s (IORA) Council of Ministers (COM) held in Colombo on October 11, that was attended by foreign ministers and senior officials of the 23-nation grouping of countries.


  • The Indian Ocean Rim Association includes 23 countries from Africa, West Asia, South Asia, South East Asia, Australia and littoral states situated in and around the Indian Ocean.
  • IORA’s membership includes 23 countries: Australia, Bangladesh, the Comoros, France, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, the Maldives, Mauritius, Mozambique, Oman, Seychelles, Singapore, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, the UAE and Yemen. 
  • It also has 11 dialogue partners: China, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Russia, Türkiye, the U.K. and the U.S.
  • The grouping, whose apex body is the Council of Foreign Ministers that meet once a year, moves by rotation through members every two years. 
  • Sri Lanka took charge as Chair this year from Bangladesh, and India is Vice-Chair, meaning that the troika of IORA is within the South Asian region. 
  • While the IORA was formed in 1997 (then called the Indian Ocean Region-Association for Regional Cooperation) in Mauritius, its genesis came from a speech Nelson Mandela gave in Delhi in 1995.

Why does the Indian Ocean Region matter?

  • A third of the world’s population (2.6 billion people) live in the region, and 80% of global oil trade, 50% of the world’s containerised cargo and 33% of its bulk cargo passes through it.
  • The region produces a combined total of $1 trillion in goods and services and intra-IORA trade is billed at around $800 billion.
  • While the QUAD (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue), has made progress, it remains U.S.-led, along with military allies Australia and Japan.
  • Meanwhile, China is actively trying to rope in India’s neighbours with groupings like the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China-Indian Ocean Region Forum on Development Cooperation, China-South Asian Countries Poverty Alleviation and Cooperative Development Centre, which exclude India.

What does IORA focus on?

According to its charter, the IORA’s seven priority areas are

  • Maritime safety and security
  • Trade and investment facilitation
  • Fisheries management
  • Disaster risk management
  • Academic, science and technology
  • Tourism and cultural exchanges
  • Gender empowerment.
  • The IORA also runs a special fund in addition, disbursing $80,000-$150,000 for project grants to members, and has a particular focus on climate change. It is clear that strategic issues and the importance of keeping a free and open sea lane, guarding against piracy, have become an integral part of the discussions.

Why does the Indian Ocean Region matter?

  • Growing Importance of the Indian Ocean Region: The Indian Ocean region plays a critical role in global trade and security, with a substantial portion of the world’s population residing in the area and significant international trade routes passing through it.
  • Big-Power Rivalries: The strategic importance of the region has led to the involvement of major global powers, such as the United States and China, which compete for influence and control in the Indian Ocean.
  • Regional Cooperation: IORA serves as a platform for regional cooperation, where member countries, including India, work together to address common challenges, promote economic growth, and enhance maritime security.
  • Safe Space for India: IORA provides India with a “safe space” to engage in regional collaboration, free from the overt influence of big-power rivalries, unlike other groupings where India faces external pressures.
    • IORA membership is based on consensus, and Pakistan has not been admitted to the grouping since it first applied in 2001, on the basis that it has not extended MFN (most favoured nation) status to India, making the IORA a less contentious space for India as well, compared to groupings like the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO).
  • Maritime and Economic Focus: The organization focuses on critical areas such as maritime safety and security, trade and investment facilitation, fisheries management, disaster risk management, academic and technological exchange, gender empowerment, and cultural exchanges, addressing both strategic and socioeconomic concerns.


  • Continued Engagement: India should actively engage in IORA to promote regional stability and cooperation, emphasizing the significance of a free and open Indian Ocean that respects sovereignty and territorial integrity.
  • Balanced Diplomacy: India should pursue a balanced diplomatic approach, engaging with both Western powers and regional players, while keeping a focus on its regional priorities and interests within IORA.

Nut Graf: The Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) has evolved as a key forum for India to assert its regional influence and address challenges in the Indian Ocean region. It provides a platform for member countries to collaborate on issues of shared concern while preserving India’s strategic autonomy and sovereignty. As the importance of the Indian Ocean region continues to grow, IORA remains an essential vehicle for India to engage with its regional partners, foster economic growth, and address strategic imperatives.

F. Prelims Facts

1. PM Modi confirms India’s bid to host 2036 Olympics

Context: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has publicly announced India’s aspiration to host the 2036 Summer Olympics, marking a significant milestone for the country. India aims to become the fourth Asian nation to host this prestigious sporting event, although the specific host city remains undisclosed.


  • Historic Aspiration: India’s bid for the 2036 Olympics is a historic moment as it reflects the country’s ambition to host this global event, underlining the nation’s growing stature in the world of sports.
  • Asian Representation: If successful, India would join the select few Asian countries that have had the privilege of hosting the Olympics, emphasizing its commitment to sports and international cooperation.
  • National Dream: PM Modi expressed the collective aspiration of 1.4 billion Indians to bring the Olympics to their country. The event embodies a dream cherished by millions.

Government Commitment:

  • Full Support: The Indian government is committed to making the dream of hosting the 2036 Olympics a reality. PM Modi reiterated the country’s enthusiasm and determination.
  • Youth Olympics: India has also expressed its willingness to host the 2029 Youth Olympics, highlighting the government’s focus on promoting sports among the youth.

Indian Culture and Sports:

  • Integral Part of Culture: PM Modi emphasized the integral role of sports in Indian culture and lifestyle. Festivals and celebrations in Indian villages often revolve around sports, highlighting the deep-rooted love for sports in the country.
  • Promoting Development: Sports development in India has been a priority, with initiatives such as the Khelo India Games, Khelo India Youth Games, Khelo India Winter Games, and upcoming Khelo India Para Games. These efforts focus on nurturing talent and promoting a culture of sports.
  • Unifying Force: Sports not only produce champions but also promote unity, peace, progress, and well-being. PM Modi acknowledged sports as a unifying force with the power to connect people worldwide.

IOC Session and Declaration:

  • 40-Year Milestone: PM Modi highlighted the significance of hosting the IOC session in India after 40 years, marking a pivotal moment for the country’s sporting history.
  • Recent Victory: The Prime Minister also celebrated India’s victory against Pakistan in the World Cup in Ahmedabad, emphasizing the nation’s sporting achievements.

Conclusion: This announcement marks a significant step in India’s journey towards becoming a sports powerhouse and fostering international collaboration.

2. ‘Ferry to Sri Lanka plies after 40 years

Context: Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated an international, high-speed passenger ferry service between Nagapattinam in Tamil Nadu and Kankesanthurai in Sri Lanka, marking the revival of a crucial connection after a hiatus of nearly four decades. The launch signifies a significant development in enhancing connectivity and strengthening diplomatic and economic ties between India and Sri Lanka.


  • Disruption of Connectivity: The ferry service between Nagapattinam and Kankesanthurai was suspended for nearly four decades, disrupting a vital mode of connectivity between India and Sri Lanka.
  • Cultural and Economic Ties: The interruption in connectivity hampered cultural, commercial, and civilisational ties between the two nations, affecting people-to-people interactions and economic opportunities.


  • Enhanced Connectivity: The resumption of the ferry service is not only about physical proximity but also symbolizes the bringing together of people, countries, and their hearts. It promotes trade, tourism, and people-to-people ties, creating new growth opportunities for the youth of both countries.
  • Historical Context: The region, particularly Nagapattinam, has a rich history of maritime trade, and the revival of this service reflects the historical significance of the region in fostering international connections.
  • Diplomatic and Economic Ties: The ferry service is viewed as a new chapter in diplomatic and economic relations between India and Sri Lanka. It strengthens cultural and commercial ties, aligning with the joint vision of the India-Sri Lanka economic partnership.

Conclusion: The relaunch of the ferry service between Nagapattinam and Kankesanthurai holds great significance as it reconnects two nations, people, and their hearts. This development not only enhances physical proximity but also strengthens diplomatic, cultural, and economic ties.

3. Red Fort to host India’s maiden art, architecture and design biennale

Context: India’s iconic Red Fort will transform into a hub of creativity and innovation when it hosts the country’s first Art, Architecture, and Design Biennale from December 9 to 15, 2023. This cultural extravaganza will feature replicas of significant Indian buildings, thematic exhibitions, interactive installations, and panel discussions, aiming to celebrate the nation’s rich architectural and design heritage.


  • Maiden Biennale: The India Art, Architecture, and Design Biennale, 2023 (IAADB) marks the country’s first attempt to bring together art, architecture, and design under one roof, offering a unique platform for creative expression.
  • Immersive Experience: The event promises a week-long immersion in creativity, featuring replicas of iconic structures, thematic exhibitions, interactive installations, and panel discussions.
  • Thematic Diversity: The IAADB will explore a range of themes, from India’s architectural wonders to indigenous design and the role of women in architecture and design.
  • Cultural Space at Red Fort: This event introduces the cultural space at the Red Fort, opening the doors to the historic site for artistic and creative endeavors.

G. Tidbits

Nothing here for today!!!

H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions

Q1. Consider the following statements with respect to Indian Ocean Rim Association:
  1. The Association comprises 23 member states and 11 dialogue partners.
  2. Both India and China are among the member states of IORA.
  3. The Indian Ocean Dialogue (IOD) is a flagship initiative of IORA.

How many of these statements is/are incorrect?

  1. Only one
  2. Only two
  3. All three
  4. None

Answer: a

Explanation: While India is a member of IORA, China has the status of a dialogue partner. China obtained dialogue partner status in 2001

Q2. Consider the following statements with respect to Israel’s Iron Dome 
air defence system:
  1. It is a short-range, ground-to-air, anti-rocket, anti-mortar, and anti-artillery system.
  2. It includes a radar and Tamir interceptor missiles that track and neutralise any rockets or missiles aimed at Israeli targets.
  3. The Iron Dome was deployed in 2011.

How many of these statements is/are correct?

  1. Only one
  2. Only two
  3. All three
  4. None

Answer: c

Explanation: All three statements are correct.

Q3. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is produced and maintained by:
  1. World Health Organisation
  2. Medecins Sans Frontieres
  3. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
  4. Oxfam

Answer: a

Explanation: The ICD is the global health information standard for mortality and morbidity statistics. It is produced and maintained by the World Health Organisation.

Q4. Consider the following statements with respect to the recently introduced 
‘Green Credit’ program:
  1. It allows an individual or entity to earn ‘Green Credit’ and trade it on a dedicated exchange.
  2. It covers eight types of activities for earning green credits.
  3. Green Credit generated by fulfilling any obligation, in compliance with any law, shall not be tradeable.

How many of these statements is/are incorrect?

  1. Only one
  2. Only two
  3. All three
  4. None

Answer: d

Explanation: All three statements are correct.

Q5. The recently launched India-Sri Lanka ferry services have begun to operate between:
  1. Nagapattinam and Kankesanthurai
  2. Rameswaram and Talaimannar
  3. Dhanushkodi and Galle
  4. Thoothukudi and Colombo

Answer: a

Explanation: India-Sri Lanka ferry services have begun to operate between Nagapattinam on the eastern coast of Tamil Nadu and Kankesanthurai in the northern province of Sri Lanka.


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