AIR Spotlight: India-UK Bilateral Relations

AIR Spotlight is an insightful program featured daily on the All India Radio Newsonair. In this program, many eminent panellists discuss issues of importance which can be quite helpful in IAS exam preparation. This article is about the discussion on India-UK Bilateral Relations.


  1. Bhaswati Mukherjee, Former Ambassador
  2. Nilova Roy Chaudhary, Journalist

Context: Mr. Rishi Sunak’s rise as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom(U.K.).


  • Mr. Rishi Sunak who traces his ancestry to India has become the first ever person of color to become the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom(U.K.). He was invited by King Charles III to head the British Government.
  • Mr. Sunak has many first attached to his credit as he breaks perhaps the ultimate glass ceiling taking over as the Prime Minister of the Nation that once ruled India. He is the first youngest Prime Minister in over two centuries, the first non-white Prime Minister, and a practicing Hindu to rise to the leadership of the country.
  • India has warmly greeted the news of his elevation to the premiership of Great Britain and is looking forward to strengthening the bilateral relationship between the two countries.

Significance of the election of the new Prime Minister:

  • Mr. Sunak’s elevation is very rich in symbolism as India has traveled a long journey from the Battle of Plassey of 1757 to October 2022, when someone of Indian origin has moved to such a position in England. This is particularly significant for India because India holds a long history of colonialism and has faced several tragedies in the past. 
  • It is also symbolic, as he belongs to the Conservative Party which is often regarded as the guardian of conservatism. However, the election of Mr. Sunak by the overwhelming white majority is because the party has moved away from this ideology and wants to handle the British economy in a better way. It should be remembered that the British economy is severely hampered because of the BREXIT, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
  • It is considered that Mr. Sunak has the professional competence to put the British economy back on track and enjoys the confidence of the majority of the population.
  • Mr. Sunak’s appointment makes a strong statement about the quality of the Indian diaspora that is increasingly visible in the top leadership positions in countries across the world both politically as well as in other spheres.
  • However, it should be acknowledged that Mr. Sunak is selected as the best British citizen to lead the country. Indians should respect this and expect him to keep Britain first.
  • At the same time, it will certainly boost the bilateral relationship between India and U.K., specifically in terms of Free Trade Agreement.

Indian Diaspora and its importance:

  • Indian diaspora is the second largest in the world. It should be noted that it has never attracted any adverse comments.
  • Indian diaspora is an example of how Indians seamlessly adopted the culture of other countries. They can blend with the social customs keeping their own traditions alive.
  • Indian diaspora has the qualities like integrity, honesty, etc, and abides the family values. They are hardworking and have excellent academic and professional qualifications that can bring huge profits to the host countries and can rise to leadership positions in various fields.
  • It is one of the most powerful diaspora in the United Kingdom and Mr. Sunak himself is the proud representative of this.
  • Indian Prime Minister has called Mr. Sunak a living bridge between the relations of India and the U.K. 

For more on the Indian diaspora, read here: Indian Diaspora Meaning and Facts | 18 Million Largest in the World – Latest Data

India-U.K. Bilateral relations:

  • India-U.K. Free Trade Agreement(FTA) which was supposed to be launched by October 2022,  has been unfortunately delayed due to the change in leadership. But once implemented it will strengthen the relationship going forward.
  • The FTA is at the advanced stage and is expected to be implemented either by the end of 2022 or by the beginning of 2023.
  • Both the countries, India as well as the U.K, will gain from the agreement. However, Britains stands to gain more in comparison to India.
  • Earlier the FTA faced many impediments, the major one being the fact that India and U.K. are service economies and the negotiators were reluctant to give space to this aspect. This has been sorted now.
  • Moreover, India is the largest investor in the U.K and owns more real estate in London than any other foreign community.
  • India can benefit from the U.K. in niche areas of technical expertise and defence production. Moreover, the U.K. is a Permanent five(P-5) country of the United Nation Security Council (UNSC) that has endorsed India’s candidature for permanent membership.
  • FTA would result in the flowing of niche technology in India and help India in its quest to become independent in semiconductors, defence equipment, etc.
  • India would provide a larger market for British goods. 
  • India and U.K. can also collaborate and share expertise for third world countries in Africa.

For more information on India-U.K. relations, read here: India-UK Relations – Political, Bilateral & Trade Relations | UPSC Notes


India can look forward to interesting times with the United Kingdom, particularly in terms of bilateral trade and Free trade Agreement as Mr. Sunak assumes leadership of the country

Read previous AIR Spotlight articles in the link.

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Related Links
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