India accounts for approximately 20,000 rabies-related human deaths each year out of the 59,000 global deaths. In the light of the statement, explain measures taken by the government and the major impediments in rabies elimination.
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914 Days ago
Rabis is caused by a family of viruses called the lyssaviruses and found in a range of mammals.The viruses mainly effect on the central nervous system of the human body.According to the WHO India is endemic for rabis and account for 36% of the world's death.The death mainly occursin the below 15 years of age group.Most of the death probably from the rural areas.Centre says that in 2016 -18 around 300 laboratory confirmed death reported. Government has taken many steps to eradicate rabis completely.a) National action plan for the vaccination of the animals.b) up to 70% of the all dogs in a defined geographical area should be vaccinated annually in a 3 concecative yearsc)A degree of herd immunity is expected leading to eventually elimination of rabis within 8 years d) Educating rural people towards the desease and awareness among them.The major impendiments are the 1) shortage of vaccine among the states2) The big challenge is to vaccinate all the mammals in all the geographical areas.The government is also doing its job towards the elimination of rabis and also people should take the first aid after biten by animals.These above are the measures and impediments in the rabis elimination.
914 Days ago
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