How to Stay Committed To Your UPSC Civil Services Exam Goal

It is one thing to be inspired and have a dream in life. But it is quite another to stay committed to fulfilling that dream. It is estimated that one in five youngsters in our country dream of becoming a civil servant. But every year only a few hundreds make it out as IAS/IPS officers. Lakhs of IAS hopefuls join coaching classes and take the UPSC prelims exams every year. But what differentiates the many who take the exams and those who achieve success in the IAS exam is commitment. This article will elaborate further.

Importance of Commitment in UPSC Exam

Are you committed enough to your IAS journey? There is a sky-high difference between interest and commitment. Being merely interested to be an IAS officer without committing yourself to it can take you nowhere. If you want to clear the UPSC civil services exam and pursue your dream profession, you have to take active steps to learn how to stay committed. Ask yourself what is holding you back. Why are you stopping short of giving it your all? Read on to know if you are merely interested or fully committed to achieving your UPSC goals.

You read this post & forget about it. You apply what you read here in your life.
You imagine yourself as an IAS officer. You picture what you need to do to become an IAS officer.
You take it easy and defer your studies. You start at once.
You look for excuses why you can’t achieve. You acquire new knowledge and skills to overcome your weaknesses.

Remember if you don’t learn to commit, your competitor will. Instead of waiting to be inspired by others, you could be an inspiration to others if you simply commit.

How to Stay Committed for UPSC Exams?

1. Purpose of Goal

First of all, to be committed you must know the purpose behind your goal. If your purpose and passion is to serve the country and her people, you will find the will to be committed automatically. Recall your purpose behind the goals and apply yourself to it.

2. Shape your mindset 

To be committed means to forego all things that distract you away from your goal. Be mentally prepared to toil and work day in and day out to fulfil your commitment towards yourself and your goals.

3. Fine-Tune Your Goals

Have clear goals. If you say, “I have 5 attempts to clear the IAS exams, so I don’t have to worry”, you are clearly not committed enough. Have well-defined and time-bound goals. Tell yourself you will crack the UPSC civil services exam in this attempt and no more. This will give you a sense of urgency and propel you to be committed.

5. Constant Reminder

A famous saying goes, “Motivation gets you started, but commitment gets you to fulfil your dreams.” Remind yourself of your dreams daily by having it placed on your study table or wall in big and bold letters.

6. Be Accountable 

Develop accountability for your actions. Know that if you lack commitment you will fail and that nobody else can be blamed for your failure. Both success and failure are of your own making.

Committed to the IAS dream and raring to take the 2023 UPSC Prelims? Click on the link to enrol for BYJU’S prelims test series.

Related Links:

UPSC 2023 Calendar UPSC Books
UPSC Syllabus UPSC Notes
NCERT Notes For UPSC UPSC Prelims
UPSC 2023 UPSC Current Affairs


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