30 Dec 2023: UPSC Exam Comprehensive News Analysis

30 December 2023 CNA
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A. GS 1 Related
B. GS 2 Related
C. GS 3 Related
1. ULFA Peace Accord
D. GS 4 Related
E. Editorials
1. Rift over disaster relief
1. Qatar’s reprieve
F. Prelims Facts
1. Indian Navy’s new insignia
2. X-37B
3. Argentina rejects BRICS membership
4. India closing in on lithium deal with Argentina
G. Tidbits
H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions
I. UPSC Mains Practice Questions
FIP Magazine


1. Qatar’s reprieve

Syllabus: GS-2, Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests.

Mains: Qatar’s reprieve

Context:​ The recent decision by the Qatari Court of Appeals to reduce the capital punishment of eight former Indian naval personnel offers a significant reprieve for the individuals and their families. This development follows diplomatic efforts by the Indian government and comes after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s outreach to the Qatari leadership during COP28 on December 1.

Diplomatic Channels and Legal Strategy:

  • The reduction in capital punishment underscores the success of India’s diplomatic channels with Qatar. 
  • However, the upholding of the conviction poses challenges, necessitating a reassessment of the legal strategy. 
  • The detailed judgment is awaited, and the government, along with the families, must evaluate evidence of innocence before filing a review petition with Qatar’s Court of Cassation.

Options for Government:

  • Review with Qatar’s Ruling Emir: The government may continue pressing for a review of the conviction with Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani. If unsuccessful, alternative options must be explored.
  • Clemency and Pardon: The individuals could appeal for clemency and seek a pardon, a route Qatar’s rulers have granted in the past. This avenue requires diplomatic finesse and negotiation skills.
  • Transfer of Sentenced Persons Agreement: Utilizing the 2015 bilateral Agreement on Transfer of Sentenced Persons, the government can explore the possibility of the individuals serving their terms in India, provided the conviction cannot be reversed.

Significance of Political Outreach:

  • The timing of the reprieve coinciding with PM Modi’s outreach to the Qatari leadership underscores the significance of political engagement. While it is uncertain whether earlier political initiatives would have been more fruitful, the outreach at COP28 indicates the priority India places on the welfare of its citizens abroad.

Avoidance of Public Rhetoric:

  • India’s decision not to react publicly or engage in rhetoric, particularly targeting Doha, is commendable. 
  • Unlike instances with other countries, New Delhi has adopted a measured approach, avoiding counterproductive public rhetoric. This strategy is crucial in maintaining positive diplomatic relations.

Intelligence Services and Regional Sensitivities:

  • If the case is linked to India’s intelligence services, a thorough review of related operations is imperative to prevent jeopardizing Indians overseas. 
  • Additionally, the government’s stance has wisely avoided entanglement in regional tensions, such as those arising from the conflict in Gaza. A calibrated and sensitive position is crucial in handling the delicate diplomatic situation.

Nut Graf: The Qatari court’s decision offers a significant reprieve, but the road ahead requires meticulous planning. The government must explore legal avenues, maintain a diplomatic approach, and navigate potential challenges.

F. Prelims Facts

2. X-37B

Context: SpaceX launches secretive U.S. spacecraft on a research mission.


  • SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket blasted back into space to ferry the U.S. military’s secretive X-37B drone for a research mission. 
  • The Pentagon said its experiments included “operating the reusable spaceplane in new orbital regimes and investigating the radiation effects on materials given by NASA”.
X 37B

Source: The Hindu

The mysterious X-37B

  • The United States Department of Defence has disclosed very few details about the X-37B, which is built by Boeing. 
  • It is around the size of a small bus and has a design language that harkens back to the time of the space shuttle. It is built to deploy many different payloads and conduct technology experiments on years-long orbital flights. 
  • The craft is designed to come back through the atmosphere and land on a runway like an aeroplane.
  • According to Boeing, the X-37B has avionics technology that automates all de-orbit and landing functions. There are no hydraulics on board and all flight controls and brakes are operated using electro-mechanical actuation. 
  • The plane is also built out of a space grade composite that is lighter than aluminium.

3. Argentina rejects BRICS membership

Context: Argentine President Javier Milei has formally rejected an invitation for Argentina to join the BRICS group, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The rejection comes amid the bloc’s expansion, admitting six new members, including Argentina, with membership scheduled to commence on January 1, 2024. President Milei, known for his libertarian stance, expressed that the current time is not suitable for Argentina’s participation in BRICS.

Issues at Hand:

  • BRICS Expansion: The BRICS bloc, seeking to counter the Western-led global order, announced the admission of six new members, including Argentina. However, President Milei’s rejection raises questions about the alignment and priorities of Argentina’s foreign policy.
  • Resounding Political Shift: President Milei’s recent electoral victory marked a significant departure from Argentina’s traditional political parties. The rejection of BRICS membership underscores a shift in the country’s geopolitical stance.
  • Differing Foreign Policy: President Milei’s letters to BRICS leaders emphasize that Argentina’s foreign policy under his administration differs significantly from the previous government. This indicates a reassessment of decisions made by the previous administration.
  • Alignment with the U.S. and Israel: During his election campaign, President Milei asserted that Argentina’s geopolitical alignment is with the United States and Israel, expressing a reluctance to ally with communist nations.

Solutions and Future Steps:

  • Clarity in Foreign Policy: President Milei’s administration should provide clarity on the specific aspects of Argentina’s foreign policy that differ from the previous government. Clear communication will help manage international expectations.
  • Diplomatic Engagement: Despite ideological differences, engaging diplomatically with BRICS nations on common interests and concerns can ensure that Argentina maintains cordial relations and explores opportunities for collaboration.
  • Balancing Alliances: While expressing alignment with the U.S. and Israel, President Milei should carefully balance diplomatic relationships with other nations, acknowledging the importance of diverse partnerships in international affairs.

4. India closing in on lithium deal with Argentina

Context: India, through the Mines Ministry and state-owned Khanij Bidesh India Ltd (KABIL), is advancing towards a lithium deal with Argentina while simultaneously exploring opportunities in Australia and Chile. The draft exploration and development agreement with Argentinian miner CAMYEN and the non-disclosure agreement with Chilean miner ENAMI signal India’s strategic move to secure a critical mineral—lithium—for its green energy initiatives.

Issues at Hand:

  • Lithium Acquisition Strategy: India, driven by its green energy ambitions, is actively pursuing lithium acquisition opportunities globally. The focus on Argentina, Chile, and Australia reflects the critical role of lithium in the transition to renewable energy sources.
  • Import Dependency: Currently, India relies heavily on imports to meet its lithium requirements, incurring a substantial import bill of approximately ₹24,000 crore. This exposes the country to supply chain vulnerabilities and underscores the need for domestic production.
  • Global Lithium Market Dynamics: Latin American nations, particularly Chile and Argentina, contribute significantly to global lithium supplies. The exploration and development agreements with CAMYEN and discussions with ENAMI signify India’s entry into a market dominated by these nations.
  • Strategic Importance: Lithium, often referred to as ‘white gold,’ holds strategic importance for India’s green energy transition. Acquiring lithium assets abroad aligns with India’s efforts to secure a stable supply chain for critical minerals.

Significance of the Initiative:

  • Diversification of Suppliers: By engaging with miners in Argentina, Chile, and Australia, India aims to diversify its sources of lithium, reducing dependency on a single region and enhancing supply security.
  • Global Collaboration: The agreements with CAMYEN and discussions with ENAMI demonstrate India’s commitment to global collaboration in securing critical minerals. This approach fosters diplomatic and economic ties with resource-rich nations.
  • Boost to Green Energy Transition: As a vital component in batteries for electric vehicles and renewable energy storage, securing lithium resources is pivotal for India’s green energy transition. Domestic production can significantly contribute to reducing the carbon footprint.

Solutions and Future Steps:

  • Cabinet Approval: The reported cost of the acquisition in Argentina is substantial, and the proposal is slated for Cabinet approval. Securing necessary approvals ensures the smooth progression of the lithium acquisition strategy.
  • Domestic Auctions: India should continue promoting domestic auctions for lithium blocks, facilitating private sector participation and ensuring a competitive and transparent process.
  • Investment in Exploration: Collaborating with consultancy major PwC for the identification of investable projects in Australia indicates a strategic approach. Continued investment in exploration projects enhances India’s chances of securing additional lithium sources.

G. Tidbits

Nothing here for today!!!

H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions

Q1. Consider the following statements:
  1. Project Tiger is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme.
  2. India is now home to more than 70% of the world’s wild tigers.
  3. As per the 5th All India Tiger Estimation 2022 summary report, India has around 3167 tigers.
  4. International Big Cat Alliance (IBCA) was launched by India.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?

  1. Only one
  2. Only two 
  3. Only three
  4. All four 

Answer: d

Explanation: Project Tiger is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme. India is now home to more than 70% of the world’s wild tigers. As per the 5th All India Tiger Estimation 2022 summary report, India has around 3167 tigers. International Big Cat Alliance (IBCA) was launched by India.

Q2. Consider the following statements:
  1. Crater Seamount is an active submarine volcano in the Andaman Sea. 
  2. It has the potential to erupt at any time leading to earthquakes and even tsunamis in the Java-Sumatra region.
  3. It was discovered recently by the National Institute of Oceanography under CSIR.

How many of the above statements is/are incorrect?

  1. Only one
  2. Only two
  3. All three
  4. None

Answer: d

Explanation: Crater Seamount is an active submarine volcano in the Andaman Sea. It has the potential to erupt at any time leading to earthquakes and even tsunamis in the Java-Sumatra region. It was discovered recently by the National Institute of Oceanography under CSIR.

Q3. Consider the following statements:
  1. The Chief Secretary of a State is chosen for appointment by the Governor. 
  2. The Chief Secretary is the highest-ranking civil servant at the State level.
  3. The Chief Secretary is appointed for a fixed tenure of 5 years.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?

  1. Only one
  2. Only two
  3. All three
  4. None

Answer: a

Explanation: The Chief Secretary in a State is appointed by the Chief Minister, with the approval of the Governor. The Chief Secretary in a State does not have a fixed tenure and can be transferred or removed by the Chief Minister. The Chief Secretary is the highest-ranking civil servant at the State level.

Q4. Consider the following statements:
  1. Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) measures inflation based on retail commodity prices collected from markets spread across industrially important centres in the country.
  2. It is published once a year before the Union Budget.
  3. It is compiled by the Labour Bureau under the Ministry of Labour & Employment.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?

  1. Only one 
  2. Only two
  3. All three
  4. None

Answer: b

Explanation: The new series of Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI- IW) on base 2016 =100 has been effective from September 2020. These indices measure the relative changes in retail prices of a fixed basket of goods and services consumed by industrial workers over a period of time. The Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers are utilized for the regulation of wages & dearness allowance for millions of workers & employees in the country. These indices are also used for measuring inflation and other policy formulations. 

It is compiled by the Labour Bureau under the Ministry of Labour & Employment.

The index is compiled for 88 centres and All-India and is released on the last working day of the succeeding month. As an integral part, the Labour Bureau conducts Repeat House Rent Surveys at 88 centres across the country with the objective of collecting House Rent data from sampled dwellings on a regular basis for the compilation of the Housing Index in respect of these centres in each round of six months i.e., January to June and July to December.

Q5. Which one of the following countries has been suffering from decades of civil 
strife and food shortages and was in the news in the recent past for its very 
severe famine?
  1. Angola
  2. Costa Rica
  3. Ecuador
  4. Somalia

Answer: d

Explanation: Somalia has been suffering from decades of civil strife and food shortages and was in the news in the recent past for its very severe famine.


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