16 Jun 2023: UPSC Exam Comprehensive News Analysis

CNA 16 June 2023:- Download PDF Here


A. GS 1 Related
B. GS 2 Related
1. Non-communicable diseases in India
C. GS 3 Related
D. GS 4 Related
E. Editorials
1. Reflections on Artificial Intelligence, as friend or foe
1. Jumpstarting the next phase of U.S.-India defence ties
F. Prelims Facts
1. India to buy 31 MQ-9 Reapers
G. Tidbits
1. Bangkok Vision 2030
2. Trade Deficit
3. Military Base in Papua New Guinea
4. Pokkali Paddy
H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions
I. UPSC Mains Practice Questions
FIP Magazine

G. Tidbits

1. Bangkok Vision 2030

  • The upcoming Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) summit, scheduled for the end of 2023, is expected to adopt the Bangkok Vision 2030.
  • The Bangkok Vision 2030 aims to propel BIMSTEC towards a prosperous, resilient, and open region and it will serve as a comprehensive document providing guidance to the organisation.
  • It was approved in the 19th BIMSTEC Ministerial Meeting virtually from Bangkok.in March 2023.
  • The current chair, Thailand, has focused on strengthening BIMSTEC through regional inter-connectedness, stakeholder involvement, and internal capacity building.
  • BIMSTEC comprises Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Thailand as its member states.

2. Trade Deficit

  • In May 2023, India’s merchandise exports decreased by 10.3% to $34.98 billion, while imports contracted at a slower rate of 6.6% to $57.1 billion. As a result, the trade deficit reached a five-month high of $22.1 billion.
    • This marks the sixth decline in goods exports in the past eight months.
  • On the other hand, imports increased by 13.8% in May compared to the 15-month low figure in April, which has been revised slightly upward to $50.15 billion from the previous estimate of $49.9 billion.
  • This is the first time since December 2022 that the goods trade deficit has surpassed the $20 billion mark.
  • The slowdown in export growth in 2023 is mainly due to the ongoing geopolitical tensions and monetary tightening-induced recession, leading to reduced consumer spending in advanced nations.Β 
  • In 2022, the value of outbound goods shipments grew by 6.7%, surpassing $450 billion, while imports reached $714 billion, representing a 16.5% increase compared to the previous fiscal year of 2021-22.
  • A significant increase in the import in May 2023 can be attributed to higher imports of various items such as fertilisers, gold, and fuels, typically observed during this month.
    • However, the export of engineering goods, which has been a key component of India’s export basket in recent years, declined by over 4% to $9.3 billion.

3. Military Base in Papua New Guinea

  • A significant security agreement has been reached between the United States and Papua New Guinea, enabling the US military to establish and operate bases in the country.Β 
    • This move is seen as part of the US efforts to enhance its strategic positioning vis-Γ -vis China in the Pacific region.
  • As per the deal, the US would have unrestricted access to these sites for the purpose of pre-positioning equipment, supplies, and materials.Β 
    • Additionally, certain zones would be exclusively reserved for the US, allowing for development and construction activities.
  • In an effort to secure strategic support, the U.S. is making diplomatic and financial offers to Pacific nations, mirroring similar actions taken by Beijing. The United States is attempting to attract these nations through a range of incentives.
  • Chinese companies have been actively acquiring mines and ports throughout the Pacific region, and they have also entered into a secretive security agreement with the Solomon Islands, which grants China the ability to deploy troops to the area.
  • The United States shows concerns over the potential establishment of a Chinese military presence in the South Pacific, as it could potentially undermine American facilities in Guam and complicate the defence of Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion.
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Image Source: National Online Project

4. Pokkali Paddy

  • Pokkali Paddy is a unique and traditional rice variety cultivated in the coastal regions of Kerala, particularly in the districts of Alappuzha, Ernakulam, and Thrissur.Β 
  • It has been recognized as a Geographical Indication (GI) product, highlighting its distinctiveness and local significance.
  • Pokkali Paddy is well-known for its saltwater-tolerant nature, making it suitable for cultivation in saline and marshy areas.Β 
  • This characteristic is attributed to its ability to withstand high levels of salinity, making it a valuable crop for coastal farmers facing the challenges of climate change and rising sea levels.
  • The cultivation of Pokkali Paddy follows a unique and ecologically sustainable farming system known as Pokkali farming.Β 
  • This method involves the cultivation of rice during the monsoon season and fish and shrimp farming during the rest of the year. The paddy fields act as natural fish and shrimp nurseries, providing an integrated approach to agriculture and aquaculture.
  • Pokkali Paddy is not only significant for its adaptive qualities but also for its nutritional value. It is rich in dietary fibre, vitamins, and minerals, and is known for its high content of micronutrients like iron and zinc.Β 
  • The conservation and promotion of Pokkali Paddy are important for preserving the unique traditional knowledge and cultural heritage associated with its cultivation.Β 
  • Efforts have been made by various organisations, including the Kerala Agricultural University and the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, to conserve this indigenous rice variety and promote its sustainable cultivation practices.

H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions

Q1. Consider the following statements: ​(Level-Medium)
  1. Raja Parba is a festival celebrated mainly in the state of Odisha.
  2. It is a 3-day festival celebrating Mother Earth and womanhood.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?​

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only​
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: c


  • Raja Parba is a three-day-long festival that usually takes place in mid-June, marking the onset of the monsoon season.Β 
  • It is primarily celebrated by women and is dedicated to the celebration of fertility, womanhood, and the agricultural significance of the monsoon rains.
  • The festival is associated with rituals and traditions that symbolise the menstrual cycle of a woman and her connection to the earth’s fertility.Β 
    • During Raja Parba, women refrain from doing household chores and agricultural work as a mark of respect to the earth, which is considered to be menstruating during this time.
  • One of the main attractions of Raja Parba is the swing festival, known as “Pahili Raja,” where girls and women enjoy swinging on specially decorated swings tied to trees.Β 
  • Raja Parba reflects the cultural heritage and agrarian traditions of Odisha. It showcases the deep connection between the people and the land, emphasising the importance of sustainable agriculture and the role of women in nurturing the agricultural cycle.
Q2. Consider the following statements: ​(Level-Easy)
  1. The Paris Convention calls for a 1.5-degree Celsius limit for global warming.
  2. The rise in global average temperature to measure this limit is calculated keeping as base the global temperatures after the last ice age ended.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?​

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only​
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: a


  • The overarching goal of the Paris Agreement is to hold β€œthe increase in the global average temperature to well below 2Β°C above pre-industrial levels (1850-1900) ” and pursue efforts β€œto limit the temperature increase to 1.5Β°C above pre-industrial levels.
Q3. How many of these statements are true regarding NATO? (Level-Difficult)
  1. It was established in 1949 by a group of nations to provide collective security against the USSR.
  2. It had 12 founding members, and the membership has increased to 31.
  3. Finland is the latest country to become a NATO member.


  1. None
  2. Only 1 statement
  3. Only 2 statements
  4. All 3 statements

Answer: d


  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a collective security system: its independent member states agree to defend each other against attacks by third parties. During the Cold War, NATO operated as a check on the threat posed by the Soviet Union.
  • At present, NATO has 31 member countries. These countries, called NATO Allies, are sovereign states that come together through NATO to discuss political and security issues and make collective decisions by consensus. NATO was created by 12 countries from Europe and North America on 4 April 1949.
  • Finland became NATO’s newest member today (4 April 2023), upon depositing its instrument of accession to the North Atlantic Treaty with the United States at NATO Headquarters in Brussels.
Q4. How many of the following can be an impact of US Fed rate hikes on Indian 
markets? (Level-Medium)
  1. More inflow of money into India’s government securities.
  2. Fall of the rupee against the dollar.
  3. Outflow of money from the stock markets.


  1. Only 1 statement
  2. Only 2 statements
  3. Only 3 statements
  4. None

Answer: b


  • Statement 01 is incorrect, When the Fed raises interest rates, it makes investments in the United States more attractive to global investors. As a result, capital may flow out of emerging markets like India and into the US. This could lead to a decrease in foreign investment and put downward pressure on the Indian rupee.
    • In response to a rate hike, investors may reallocate their portfolios to favour US assets, such as US government bonds. This can reduce the demand for Indian government bonds and push up yields, making borrowing costs higher for the Indian government.
  • Statement 02 is correct,Β  If capital outflows occur, it can lead to a depreciation of the Indian rupee against the US dollar. A weaker rupee can make imports more expensive, potentially fueling inflationary pressures and increasing the cost of servicing foreign debt.
  • Statement 03 is correct, Global investors often reassess their investment strategies in response to changes in interest rates. If a rate hike in the US leads to a decline in foreign investor sentiment, it may negatively impact the Indian stock market.
Q5. What does Baudhayan theorem (Baudhayan Sulva Sutras) relate to?​ (Level-Difficult)
  1. Lengths of sides of right-angled triangle
  2. Calculation of value of pi​
  3. Logarithmic calculations​
  4. Normal distribution curve

Answer: a

Explanation: Β 

  • The BaudhayanasΕ«tras are a group of Vedic Sanskrit texts which cover dharma, daily rituals, mathematics, etc. They belong to the Taittiriya branch of the Krishna Yajurveda School and are among the earliest texts of the sutra genre, perhaps compiled in the 8th to 7th centuries BCE.
  • The BaudhāyanaŚulbasΓ»tra is noted for containing several early mathematical results, including an approximation of the square root of 2 and the statement of a version of the Pythagorean Theorem.

I. UPSC Mains Practice Questions

  1. Discuss the potentiates and dangers of Artificial Intelligence. (250 words; 15 marks) [GS-3; Science and Technology)
  2. β€œIndia is facing the dual problem of malnutrition and obesity”. Discuss. (150 words; 10 marks) [GS-2; Health]

Read the previous CNA here.

CNA 16 June 2023:- Download PDF Here


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