07 October 2023 PIB
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1. 100 medals - A momentous achievement for India at the Asian Games 2. Maiden 360 Degree appraisal system in the Indian Navy 3. World Cotton Day 2023

1. 100 medals – A momentous achievement for India at the Asian Games
Syllabus: GS-2, Sports
Prelims: Asian Games
Context: The Prime Minister has said that the nation is thrilled as our athletes have surpassed the milestone of 100 medals in the Asian Games.
- The Prime Minister will host and interact with the contenvent on 10th October.
About Asian games:
- The Asian Games is the biggest sports competition in Asia, held once every four years. They are organized by the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA).
- The symbol for the Asian Games is the rising sun with interlocking rings.
- It is recognised by the International Olympic Committee.
2. Maiden 360 Degree appraisal system in the Indian Navy
Syllabus: GS-3, Defence and security
Prelims: 360 Degree appraisal system
Context: The Indian Navy has institutionalised a novel transformative initiative of ‘360 Degree Appraisal Mechanism’ for various promotion boards.
- The women and men in white are central to the Indian Navy’s ‘SHIPS FIRST’ approach and will continue to remain its greatest asset in the foreseeable future.
- Towards promoting their professional and personal development, the Indian Navy recognises that an agile, adaptive, and advanced Human Resource Management is imperative.
- The present appraisal mechanism of periodic Confidential Reports by senior officers, has an inherent limitation of a ‘Top-down’ approach, as it does not cater for or quantify a leader’s impact on subordinates.
- The Indian Navy’s ‘360 Degree Appraisal Mechanism’ is aimed to address this shortfall by encompassing large-scale surveys from suitably identified peers and subordinates for every officer being considered for promotion.
- The survey comprises a spectrum of questions, encompassing aspects such as professional knowledge, leadership attributes, suitability in war/ crisis and potential for holding higher ranks. Inputs, thus obtained, are suitably quantified for independent analyses by a nominated Board of Officers, headed by a Flag Officer.
- This will also be provided as feedback to the officers to effect behavioural changes and improvements.
- Similar appraisal systems are in vogue in various national and international learning organisations.
- The Indian Navy takes pride in imbibing such ‘best practices’ and this initiative is in continuation of other endeavours towards remaining a ‘Combat Ready, Credible, Cohesive and Future Proof Force’.
Syllabus: GS-3, Economy
Prelims: World Cotton Day 2023
Context: The Ministry of Textiles marked World Cotton Day 2023 by hosting a conference centered on the theme of “Enhancing Quality & Productivity of Indian Cotton through Policy, Innovation, & Technology Upgradation.”
- This event was conducted in collaboration with the Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) and the EU-Resource Efficiency Initiative, an initiative by GIZ.
- The conference held on the eve of World Cotton Day, highlighted best practices and sustainable farming methods throughout the cotton value chain, spanning from Farm to Fibre to Factory to Fashion to Foreign.
- Brainstorming sessions addressed crucial topics, including “Enhancing Sustainability & Circularity in the Cotton Value Chain” and “Cotton Mission for Enhancing Quality & Productivity.”
- To ensure that the quality, variety, origin, and other vital parameters of cotton are transparent to both Indian and international buyers, CCI launched the “Bale Identification and Traceability System” (BITS) using Blockchain Technology.
- Each cotton bale now carries a QR code that allows easy tracking of its original source, processing factory, storage details, and associated cotton quality information, including timestamps.
- Additionally, the Ministry of Textiles introduced the Kasturi Cotton program, a premium certified quality cotton with traceability.
- TEXPROCIL, in collaboration with CCI on behalf of the Ministry of Textiles, is overseeing the implementation of this program. All ginners in the country are empowered to produce Kasturi Cotton following quality protocols.
Read the previous PIB articles here.
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