Shortcut tricks for squares, cubes and multiplication are very important for any competitive exam. Candidates aspiring to appear for competitive bank exams like IBPS PO, SBI PO, etc. will require these shortcut tricks in the Quantitative Aptitude section.
Learn the shortcut tricks of squares, cube and multiplication and apply them on questions asked in various bank exams.
Get quantitative aptitude questions in the Free Online Mock Test Series and apply the tricks learnt! Also, refer to the links given below and ace the upcoming bank exams: |
It is imperative for candidates to maintain accuracy and speed in the bank exams apart from adopting a few shortcut tricks to score well in the bank test.
There are mainly three posts for which the bank exams are conducted in our country. These posts include:
- Bank PO
- Bank SO
- Bank Clerk
These tricks are required most while solving problems on simplification. Simplification is an important part of the Quantitative Aptitude section of bank exams.
There are three main bank exams for which recruitment is held in India for various posts and designations under them. These include:
Shortcut Tricks For Squares, Cubes And Multiplication
Candidates should be fully aware of the shortcut tricks for cubes, squares, square roots, cube roots and multiplication.
Candidates who are looking for the detailed quantitative aptitude syllabus for bank exams can check the bank exam syllabus page for the section-wise syllabus for banking sector exams.
Check the tricks stated below:
Tricks for calculating Square
Type 1: For numbers between 80 to 100 assume that the base is 100. Since, there are two zeros in the base, up to two digits will be added.
Example: Find the square of 97.
Here the base is 100
Step 1: First calculate the difference between the base and the number.
100-97 = 3
Step 2: Then subtract the difference from the number.
97-3 = 94
Step 3: Now calculate Square of the difference:
Now the answer will be 9409.
Candidates can check the links given below for the syllabus of various bank exams:
SBI PO Syllabus | SBI Clerk Syllabus | SBI SO Syllabus |
IBPS Clerk Syllabus | IBPS PO Syllabus | IBPS RRB Syllabus |
Type 2: For numbers between 100 to 120. Here we assume the base is 100.
Example: Find the square of 107.
Step 1: First find the difference between the base and the number.
107-100 = 7
Step 2: Add the difference with the number.
107+7 = 114
Step 3: Find the square of the difference:
Now the answer will be 11449.
To explore more about Quantitative Aptitude section, check at the linked article.
Type 3: For numbers between 50 to 70. Here we assume the base is 50.
Direction: 25 + extra from the base_square of extra value.
Square of 51 = 25+1_(12) = 26_01 = 2601
Square of 59 = 25+9 _ (92) = 34_81 = 3481
Square of 62 = 25+12 _ (122) = 37_144 (Answer is incorrect)
Here 1 should be transferred from 144 to 37 so it will become 38.
So, 622 = (37+1)_44 = 3844.
682 = 25+18_(182) = 43_324 = (43+3)_24 = 4624.
Similarly, transferring 3 from 324 to 43, we will get 46 and the answer will be 4624.
Type 4: For numbers between 30 to 50. Here we assume the base is 50.
Direction: 25 – less from the base _ square of less value.
Square of 46 = 25 – 4 _ 16 = 2116
Square of 49 = 25 – 1 _ (01) = 2401
Square of 43 = 25 – 7 _ (49) = 1849
Square of 34 = 25 – 16 _(256) = 9256 (Answer is incorrect)
Here 2 should be transferred from 256 to 9, we will get 11.
The answer will be 1156.
To understand the bank exams even better, refer to the links given below:
Type 5: For numbers between 71 to 79.
Square of numbers between 71 and 79 can be done using both 50-method and 100-method.
732 = (25+23)_232 = 48_529 = 5329
792 = (79-21)_212 = 58_441 = 6241
To explore SBI Clerk Prelims Quantitative Syllabus, check at the linked article.
Tricks for calculating Cube
Calculating cube of a number consumes a lot of time while solving the Quantitative Aptitude section of any bank exam. Here are some steps of shortcut tricks on how to calculate the cube of a number.
Step 1: Note the cube of tens place digit in a row of four figures. The other 3 numbers in the row of the answer must be written in a geometrical ratio and in the exact proportion which is there between the digits of a number.
Step 2: Write down the 2 times of second and third number just below the second and third number in the next row.
Step 3: Now the 2 rows should be added.
Find the cube of 13.
Step 1: Note down the cube of the tens place that is 1. And also the geometric ratio between 1 and 3 is 1:3. Therefore the first row is 1 3 9 27
Step 2: Note down the 2 times of second and third number that is 6 and 18.
Step 3: Now adding the rows will give the answer.
Therefore, by adding the rows we get that the cube of 13 is 2197.
Tricks for Multiplication
Multiplication of numbers having 5 at their unit places
Type 1: When numbers are same.
65×65 = (6×7)_25 = 4225 (Fix 25 in last, multiply 6 from 7 that is 42)
85×85 = (8×9)_25 = 7225 (Fix 25 in last, multiply 8 from 9 that is 72)
115×115 = (11×12)_25 = 13225 (Fix 25 in last, multiply 11 from 12 that is 132)
Type 2: When numbers have a difference of 10.
65×75 = (6×8)_75 = 4875 (Fix 75 in last, multiply 6 from 8 that is 48)
85×95 = (8× 10)_75 = 8075 (Fix 75 in last, multiply 8 from 10 that is. 80)
115×125 = (11×13)_75 = 14375 (Fix 75 in last, multiply 11 from 13 that is 143)
Type 3: When numbers have a difference of 20.
65×85 = (6×9)_125 = 54_125 (Fix 125 in the last and multiply 6 from 9 that is 54)
Note: In this 1 from 125 has to be transferred to 55. So, the answer will be 5525.
85×105 = (8×11)_125 = 88_125 = 8925
115×135 = (11×14)_125 = 154_125 = 15525
Related Links:
IBPS Syllabus | SBI Exam Dates | SBI Syllabus |
IBPS Selection Process | IBPS Exam Dates | RBI Exam Pattern |
Type 4: When numbers have a difference of 30
65×95 = (6×10)_175 = (Fix 175 in the last and multiply 6 from 10 that is 60)
In this 1 from 175 has to be transferred to 60. So the answer will be 6175.
85×115 = (8×12)_175 = 96_175 = 9775
Multiplication of different numbers
Type 1: When the difference between two numbers is even.
Multiplication = (Middle number)2 – (difference/2)2
19×21 = 202 – (2/2)2 = 400-1 = 399
47×53 = 502 – (6/2)2 = 2500-9 = 2491
73×77 = 752 – (4/2)2 = 5625-4 = 5621
Type 2: Consecutive Number Multiplication:
Square of Small number + small number
12×13 = 122+12 = 144+12 = 156
48×49 = 482+48 = 2304+48 = 2352
How this formula has been derived:
12×13 = 12×(12+1)= 12× 12+12 = 122+12
Type 3: Different numbers (less than 100)
+8 +3 and (8×3) = 24
(103+8)_ (+3)×(+8) = 11124 or (108+3)_8×3 = 11124
+17 +9
(109+17)_(+9)×(+17) = 126_153 = 12753
Type 4: Different Numbers (less than 100)
-9 -4
(96-9)_(-9)×(-4) = 8736 or (91-4)_9×4 = 8736
-13 -8
(92-13)_(-13)×(-8) = 79_104 = 8004
Type 5: Different Numbers (<100>)
-4 +3
(103-4)_(-4×3) = 99_ (-12) = 9900-12= 9888
Or (96+3)_(-4×3) = 99_-12 = 9900-12 = 9888
We hope these shortcut tricks can help candidates to save their time and energy during the bank exam. For the upcoming bank exams candidates must be fully prepared of all the strategies that will help them to score good marks in the exam.
For more information on bank exam preparation, candidates can join BYJU’S Exam Learning Program and learn all concepts in detail.