Atomic Breathing [UPSC Notes]

Atomic breathing is a term heard in the news lately. It is a new scientific phenomenon discovered by researchers and one that has many potential applications. In this context, this topic assumes importance for the IAS exam, in its science and technology segment.

What is Atomic Breathing?

Atomic “breathing” refers to the mechanical vibration between two layers of atoms.

  • Researchers at the University of Washington discovered that this atomic “breath” can be detected by observing the light emitted by the atoms when stimulated by a laser.
  • The sound of this atomic “breath” has the potential to encode and transmit quantum information.
  • Quantum technologies, including computing, communications, and sensor development, can benefit from this discovery.

Read more on quantum computing in the linked article.

Optomechanics and Atomic-Scale Platform

  • The researchers utilized the field of optomechanics, where light and mechanical motions are coupled together.
  • This atomic-scale platform provides a new way to control single photons running through integrated optical circuits.
  • Implication: Optomechanics can enable various applications requiring precise control over quantum effects.

Excitons and Quantum Information Encoding

  • The team previously studied excitons, quantum-level quasiparticles that can carry encoded information.
  • Excitons can be released as photons, considered quantum units of light.
  • The quantum properties of emitted photons, such as polarization, wavelength, and emission timing, serve as quantum bits (qubits) for quantum computing and communication.
  • Implication: Excitons offer a means to encode and transmit quantum information via photons.

Quantum Emitters and Phonons

  • The researchers aimed to create a quantum emitter, a critical component for quantum technologies based on light and optics.
  • The emitter was achieved by placing two thin layers of tungsten diselenide atoms on top of each other.
  • Exciting tungsten diselenide atoms with a laser pulse generated excitons, which emitted single photons with encoded quantum information.
  • Unexpectedly, the researchers observed the emission of phonons, quasiparticles resulting from atomic vibration, in the tungsten diselenide material.
  • Implication: The discovery of phonons in the quantum emitter system provides new insights into the optical properties of emitted photons.

Harnessing Phonons for Quantum Technology:

  • The researchers found that the interaction energy between phonons and emitted photons could be varied by applying an electrical voltage.
  • This controllability allows for the encoding of quantum information into single photon emissions.
  • The integrated system involving a small number of atoms demonstrated measurable and controllable variations in phonon states.
  • Implication: Phonons offer the potential for encoding and manipulating quantum information in photon emissions.

Future Directions and Scaling Up:

  • The team plans to build a waveguide, an on-chip fibre system, to capture and direct single photon emissions.
  • Scaling up the system will involve controlling multiple quantum emitters and their associated phonon states.
  • The ability of quantum emitters to interact with each other paves the way for building a solid foundation for quantum circuitry.
  • Implication: The future integration of quantum emitters, single photons, and phonons can advance quantum computing and sensing applications.


  • The discovery of atomic “breathing” and its observation through emitted light holds promise for encoding and transmitting quantum information.
  • The coupling of optomechanics and atomic-scale platforms provides a new avenue for controlling quantum effects in integrated optical circuits.
  • Excitons, photons, and phonons play vital roles in encoding, manipulating, and transmitting quantum information.
  • The ability to harness phonons for quantum technology offers opportunities for advancing quantum computing and quantum sensing applications.

Atomic Breathing [UPSC Notes]:- Download PDF Here

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