Table of Contents:

A. GS1 Related


1. Centre may remove cap on parent maintenance

B. GS2 Related


1. Govt. will help reduce pendency: PM


1. ‘Foreign investor norms a barrier’ The annual USTR report lists irritants for investors in e-commerce in India

C. GS3 Related


1. Swap terrorism for tourism, Modi tells Kashmiri youth

2. GAAR raises issue of taxman’s powers


1. Counterfeiting of new notes worries agencies


1. Is the green edging out the black?


1. Coping with summer Heatwaves may become more frequent; good action plans can help prepare for the worst

D. GS4 Related
E. Concepts-in-News: Related Concepts to Revise/Learn 
G. Fun with Practice Questions 🙂
H. Archives


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Useful News Articles for UPSC Current Affairs

A. GS1 Related


1. Centre may remove cap on parent maintenance 

Key Points

  • At present, kids require not pay more than Rs.10,000.
  • The administration is reflecting on conveying authoritative changes to evacuate the month to month roof of Rs.10,000 on the support paid by kids to guardians and present a rating instrument for associations giving home care administrations to the elderly.
  • On the off chance that the proposed alterations to the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens (MWPSC) Act get through, the support add up to be chosen by senior resident tribunals for the dismissed guardians will rely on upon their need and the financial state of their kids.


B. GS2 Related
Category: POLITY

1. Govt. will help reduce pendency: PM 

Key Points

  • Conveyance of justice crippled in view of a lack of judges, says Chief Justice Khehar
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday guaranteed Chief Justice of India J.S. Khehar that the government would make its share of “commitment” to help satisfy his “resolve” to lessen the weight on the legal and manage the high number of pending cases.
  • The Prime Minister made the vow in the wake of watching the “torment” in Justice Khehar’s discourse in which he mourned the pendency of cases in the higher and lower courts.

Utilization of innovation

  • Modi praised Justice Khehar’s set out to handle the pendency of cases and his weight on disentanglement of legitimate work through utilization of innovation.
  • The Prime Minister pushed the utilization of innovation and digitalisation in the legal framework to defeat the weight of cases and old laws.


1. ‘Foreign investor norms a barrier’ The annual USTR report lists irritants for investors in e-commerce in India

Key Points

  • Indian directions on remote possession in web based business and other online-related administrations were significant hindrances for abroad speculators, as indicated by a report by the U.S. President Donald Trump’s organization.
  • The discoveries were a piece of the cover remote exchange hindrances from the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR).
  • The yearly report focuses to a rundown of exchange aggravations in 63 countries.
  • India takes into consideration 100% remote direct interest in business-to-business (B2B) electronic trade, however to a great extent denies outside interest in business-to-buyer (B2C) electronic business exchanges.
  • Outside direct venture is permitted in a market-based electronic retailing model, yet not in the stock based model.
  • This tight special case confines the capacity of the larger part of potential B2C electronic business outside financial specialists to get to the Indian market.
  • The exchange boundaries report likewise called attention to India’s duty (6% leveling demand) on outside internet promoting stages was not standard with the global standards and cautioned the require in its present shape may hinder remote exchange and increment the danger of striking back from different nations where Indian organizations are working together.
  • India as of late started evaluating a ‘balance impose’, which is an extra 6% withholding charge on outside internet promoting stages, with the apparent objective of “evening out the playing field” between inhabitant specialist co-ops and non-occupant specialist co-ops.


C. GS3 Related

Category: ECONOMY
1. Swap terrorism for tourism, Modi tells Kashmiri youth 

Key Points

  • Prime Minister throws open 9.2-km-long Chenani-Nashri all-weather tunnel.
  • Inaugurating the country’s longest tunnel of 9.28 km in Jammu, Prime Minister on Sunday asked Kashmiri youth to make a choice between tourism and terrorism.

Chenani -Nashri all-weather tunnel

  • Worked amongst Udhampur and Ramban at a rise of 1,200 meters on a standout amongst the most troublesome landscapes of the Himalayas, the Chenani-Nashri passage is the nation’s longest street burrow as well as happens to be Asia’s longest bi-directional parkways burrow.
  • A perfect case of ‘Make in India’ and ‘Skill India’ activity of the Government of India, the passage is 9.2 km long with twin-tube all-climate entry. It shapes some portion of the venture for extending of the National Highway No-44 or the old NH-1A from Jammu to Srinagar.

2. GAAR raises issue of taxman’s powers

Key Points

  • Self-assertive utilization of expert a worry.
  • With the legislature executing its hostile to assessment evasion rules from April 1, industry is worried about the more noteworthy subjective expert being given to the duty office and how this could render exchanges unrewarding.
  • The General Anti-Avoidance Rules (GAAR) are intended to keep the evasion of expense by exploiting global assessment laws.
  • The standards say that if the real result of an exchange is a tax break and there is no stable business reason for the exchange, then the administration can conjure GAAR and rename the exchange or the benefits emerging from it.

1. Is the green edging out the black?

Key Points

  • As clean energy becomes cheap and its supply smooth, coal-based power plants may face dim future.

Campaigns against coal

  • All around, tree huggers have propelled a war against coal. A few assets and budgetary organizations (quite the venture reserve of the Norwegian government) have chosen not to put their cash in coal-related activities, and to step by step haul out the speculations effectively made.
  • The Guardian daily paper is running a ‘keep-it-in-the-ground’ battle, requiring a stop to creation of coal. In Germany, green gatherings are onto a comparative battle, ‘Ende Gelande’ (“up to this point and no further”).
  • These developments have been reinforced by sustainable power source getting to be noticeably modest and handleable.
  • The impact of these is getting to be plainly apparent. As indicated by a current report of the International Energy Agency, sustainable power source took into account the greater part of the incremental interest for power in 2016.

1. Counterfeiting of new notes worries agencies

Key Points

  • Authorities need security highlights changed each 3-4 years.
  • That the new Rs.2,000 and Rs.500 notes have a similar security includes as the old Rs.500 and Rs.1,000 ones has the security offices stressed.
  • To check duplicating, the security components of higher category notes, for example, Rs.2,000 and Rs.500, ought to be changed each 3-4 years as per worldwide measures.
  • In the four months since the administration declared its choice to scrap the old Rs.500 and Rs.1,000 notes on November 8, 2016, fake Rs.2,000 notes with a face estimation of over Rs.66 lakh have been identified by the Reserve Bank of India and the State police constrains the nation over.

1. Coping with summer Heatwaves may become more frequent; good action plans can help prepare for the worst 

Key Points

  • Torrid summers, when the mercury takes off 4�C to 6�C over the normal and produces heatwaves in a few States amongst April and June, may turn out to be more incessant in coming years.
  • Not exclusively will there be more hot days, the spells of warmth stress clearing crosswise over a lot of India are probably going to develop longer.
  • The logical agreement is that heatwaves will become more grounded and grow their geological spread in the south, affected by the ocean surface temperature in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. With rising nursery gasses, their effect can just heighten. Despite the fact that the quantity of individuals passing on because of warmth stress a year ago was half of the earlier year’s toll of 2,040, the need to develop nitty gritty activity arranges at the level of States, areas and urban communities is currently basic.
  • It is empowering that the National Disaster Management Authority is directing States, in association with the India Meteorological Department, to develop warm activity arrange conventions. The reaction to trouble brought about by over the top warmth must be both rapid and expert. Europe redesigned its readiness to deal with an emergency after a devastating heat wave in 2003 murdered a large number of individuals, more than 14,800 of them in France alone. In the Indian setting, edit disappointments and disturbance of power supply because of sudden pinnacle request are normal.
  • Individuals encounter lack of hydration, warmth issues and savage heatstroke. The elderly are especially at hazard, since higher temperatures influence blood consistency and raise the danger of thrombosis.
  • Better meteorological guaging can give an early cautioning about a coming hot spell amid the mid year window. This gives the NDMA and the States adequate chance to dispatch an activity convention: to educate general society when the temperature crosses the edge settled by the IMD, prompt on prudent steps, and help the individuals who are most defenseless, for example, more established grown-ups, cultivate specialists and those seeking after outside livelihoods.
  • Ahmedabad, for example, drew up a city-level activity arrange in the wake of its 46.8�C heatwave of 2010 with support from general wellbeing organizations. Setting up the wellbeing framework to distinguish manifestations of warmth stress and giving treatment through urban wellbeing focuses is one intercession it settled on.
  • Exploring school timetables, rescheduling work timings to cooler hours, making water broadly accessible and saving religious locales and libraries as cooling focuses were others. European and American approach reactions, for example, making green and blue urban spaces to give tree shade and higher dampness, and also lodging plan that slices warm through the albedo impact of reflected sun powered vitality, hold all inclusive interest. Some of these aloof guards are really vital to vernacular practices and will serve everybody well. It is basic to concentrate the viability of warmth activity arranges and share the outcomes crosswise over States to accomplish best practices.


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D. GS4 Related
Nothing here for today!!!


E. Concepts-in-News: Related Concepts to Revise/Learn

G. Practice Questions for UPSC Prelims Exam:)
Question 1: Recently Prime Minister has dedicated Chenani -Nashri all-weather 
tunnel to the nation. It is in which state?
  1. Arunachal Pradesh
  2. Himachal Pradesh
  3. Uttarakhand
  4. Jammu and Kashmir




  • Worked amongst Udhampur and Ramban at a rise of 1,200 meters on a standout amongst the most troublesome landscapes of the Himalayas, the Chenani-Nashri passage is the nation’s longest street burrow as well as happens to be Asia’s longest bi-directional parkways burrow.
  • A perfect case of ‘Make in India’ and ‘Skill India’ activity of the Government of India, the passage is 9.2 km long with twin-tube all-climate entry. It shapes some portion of the venture for extending of the National Highway No-44 or the old NH-1A from Jammu to Srinagar.
Question 2: Consider the following statements:
  1. General anti-avoidance rule (GAAR) is an anti-tax avoidance Rule of India.
  2. It is framed by the Department of Revenue under the Ministry of Finance.

Which of the above statements is /are correct ?

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. None




General anti-avoidance rule (GAAR) is an anti-tax avoidance Rule of India. It is framed by the Department of Revenue under the Ministry of Finance.

The regulation allows tax officials to deny tax benefits, if a deal is found without any commercial purpose other than tax avoidance. It allows tax officials to target participatory notes. Under GAAR, the investor has to prove that the participatory note was not set to avoid taxes. It also allows officials to deny double taxation avoidance benefits, if deals made in tax havens like Mauritius were found to be avoiding taxes.

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H. Archives

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