Current Affairs Quiz (Weekly Quiz) is going to comprise MCQs from various subjects and on events of national and international importance. In government exams, especially the IAS Exam, the weightage of Current Affairs is showing an increasing trend. In UPSC Prelims 2020, around 15 questions were asked from current affairs while the number was about 30 in the 2019 examination.
It is advisable to be updated with current affairs till the IAS Interview stage, hence, take the current affairs quiz weekly and track your performance.
Here, you will find how to approach current affairs MCQs (UPSC quiz questions) and their relevance in the competitive examinations with a special focus on the civil services exam.
Explore The Ultimate Guide to IAS Exam Preparation
To prepare for current affairs, GK quiz is one source, while aspirants can also refer to other sources to brush up their current affairs preparation:
All the above-mentioned resources work as the best tools for current affairs quiz preparation. |
Features of Current Affairs Quiz
Current Affairs Quiz – MCQs
With so many sources of news and the internet, aspirants should select the relevant study material for Current Affairs preparation. In BYJU’S Current Affairs Quiz, you can test your GK and exam preparation as the quiz questions are curated by subject-matter experts and the difficulty level is at par with the Civil Services Exam.
- Questions asked in BYJU’S current affairs quiz are as per the UPSC Syllabus
- The current affairs questions asked in the quiz will be relevant for various exams other than IAS; such as Bank Exams, SSC Exams, State Public Service Commission Exams.
- The GK quiz will make aspirants familiar with the trend of questions asked in the examination.
- One will learn to manage the difficult questions with ease when they religiously follow current affairs quizzes.
- The current affairs quiz will help in both UPSC prelims and mains examination. While objective-type questions will boost prelims preparation; the concept asked in these questions can be noted down and prepared thoroughly for the mains written examination.
- The current affairs quiz will cover all the relevant topics of 2021 and 2022 covering the syllabus of:
- Ancient Indian History
- Medieval Indian History
- Modern Indian History
- Indian Polity – Constitution and Governance
- Indian and World Geography
- Environment and Ecology
- Indian Economy
- General Science & Technology
Also, solve mock test series in the form of UPSC GK MCQs and test your preparation for the upcoming exam. Ascertain your preparation level for IAS prelims with the expert-compiled UPSC quiz questions.
Current Affairs Quiz in Hindi for UPSC
There are several UPSC aspirants who would give the examination in Hindi. For such candidates, we have brought daily current affairs quiz in Hindi. The latest quiz can be found below:

For more such Daily Current Affairs Quiz in Hindi language, visit our BYJU'S IAS Hindi Youtube Channel, linked.
How to prepare for the Current Affairs Quiz for UPSC?
Aspirants should strive hard to keep themselves updated on the latest Current Affairs.
- Newspaper – For daily Current Affairs, newspapers are the best source. Toppers recommend reading The Hindu or The Indian Express for daily preparation. Read more about the best newspaper for the IAS preparation at the linked article.
- Government Schemes – Government initiatives, policies and plans are important from the exam perspective. Credible sources for Current Affairs on these are the Press Information Bureau, Rajya Sabha TV, Yojana and Kurukshetra magazine etc.
- BYJU’S Current Affairs – Find daily, weekly and monthly Current Affairs for UPSC, Bank Exams, SSC and other Government Exams at the BYJU’S current affairs initiative.
- IAS Prelims 2021 Test Series
- Revision of GK quiz notes – Aspirants should keep in mind that preparation strategies for objective type questions and descriptive type questions differ. Making notes on daily current affairs should be followed up with weekly and monthly revisions of the important topics while aligning the same with the exam syllabus. Read more about How To Make Notes From Newspaper For UPSC Current Affairs at the linked article.
- Daily Current Affairs Quiz can be found on our Free IAS Preparation Main Page along with lots of free study material for the UPSC CSE Exam
- Best Current Affairs App – Bookmark this page or get the best current affairs app at the linked article for a weekly Current Affairs quiz and test your knowledge.
Advantages of Solving UPSC Quiz for IAS Preparation
When it comes to UPSC preparation, one method of revision that is highly recommended is solving mock tests, quizzes, practise papers and previous year question papers. Current affairs is one out of the many IAS Subjects included in the syllabus, but there is no limit to the study material available under this category.
Given below are a few benefits of attempting the UPSC quiz before the IAS Prelims exam:
- To comprehend the format or way in which a question may be asked. Since not very direct current affairs questions are asked in the paper, candidates can analyse the framing of MCQs
- To be able to solve more questions correctly and efficiently within the stipulated time duration
- To critically scrutinize how to perform better and score more in the prelims exam as current affairs form an integral part of the GS paper
- To make a note of which topics under subject-based current affairs need more attention
- This weekly current affairs quiz is the best source of revision. The more frequently a candidate practices these papers, the more adept they'll get with answering current affairs questions
To check the UPSC Prelims Subject-Wise Weightage for the GS Paper 1 and GS Paper 2 (CSAT) aspirants can visit the linked article.
The Current Affairs quiz can be found here: