Strategic Convergence Between US, UAE, Saudi Arabia and India [UPSC Current Affairs]

There is a growing strategic convergence between India and the US in the Gulf region. The recent meeting between Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman and the national security advisers of the US, UAE, and India in Riyadh highlights the growing strategic convergence.

In this article, we discuss how strategic convergence between the US, UAE, Saudi Arabia and India can help Delhi for the IAS exam international relations segment.

Strategic Convergence Between US, UAE, Saudi Arabia and India:

  • The recent India-US warmth in the Gulf region signifies a departure from the traditional approach to the Middle East region by both India and US.
  • India in the past adhered to the Nehruvian foreign policy which emphasised on opposing the US or staying away from the US in the middle east region.
  • But the formation of the I2U2 grouping which comprises the US, India, Israel, and the UAE broke the ideological taboo. 
  • India also broke another taboo by being visibly friendly with Israel.
  • Modi’s foreign policy also forged solid strategic partnerships with Saudi Arabia and UAE with whom India enjoyed uneasy relations in the past.
  • Apart from the US, India is also working with France and the UK. France has emerged as an important partner in the Gulf and West Indian Ocean and India also has a trilateral dialogue with Abu Dhabi and Paris.
  • The US is also discarding the pro-Pakistan approach in the middle east where Pakistan was considered as a lynchpin to secure  “wells of (oil) power” in the past when Nehu’s India withdrew from the geopolitical role in the middle east. 
  • To highlight the importance of Pakistan for the West in the past, Pakistan was a part of the Baghdad Pact created in 1955, which later transformed into the Central Treaty Organisation which was dissolved in 1979.
  • However, Pakistan does not figure in the current strategy of the West to connect the Gulf with the Subcontinent. 

Continuing Strategic Decline of Pakistan:

  • Pakistan was viewed as a moderate Muslim nation with significant growth potential in 1950. But Pakistan has stuck into a self-made trap of religious extremism and its political elite are clueless about bringing back economic growth in the country.
  • Pakistan also has a close tie with China and with intensifying US-China competition, Pakistan is aligning more closely with China and Russia.
  • The current Pakistan government also prefers to boost its “all-weather partnership” with Beijing as shown by the leaked documents from the Pakistan foreign office.

Convergence of Strategic Views:

  • The US is recalibrating its regional strategy contrary to the perception of the US abandoning the Middle East.
  • In a recent speech, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan highlighted several elements of the new US approach. For India two of them stand out. They are:
    • Building new partnerships including with India
    • The integration of the Arabian Peninsula into India and the world
  • It is unwise to view India’s incipient regional partnership with the US and possibilities in the Middle East as an outcome of competition with China.  
  • Though China is the second most important power in the world and its influence in the region is growing, China cannot replace the US in the Middle East region as a principal external actor.
  • Britain also has no desire to cede the Gulf to Beijing and Anglo-American connection to the Arabian Peninsula dates to the late 16th century.     
Rising Power of Arabian Peninsula: 
  • The important fact to consider is the rising power and influence of the Arabian peninsula particularly Saudi Arabia and UAE.
  • The Gulf Kingdoms have accumulated massive financial capital and are also diversifying and transforming their economy to reduce overreliance on oil.
  •  They are also taking other measures to strengthen their position such as
    • Diversifying Strategic partnerships
    • Developing nationalism as a political foundation rather than a religion
    • Promoting religious tolerance internally
    • Initiating social reform.
  • Thus the rise of the Arabian peninsula provides India with numerous opportunities for India’s economy and engagement in the region by promoting connectivity and security within Arabia and surrounding regions such as Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Mediterranean — and the Subcontinent.  
  • Thus the rise of the Middle East and the emerging possibilities for partnership with the US and the West position India to rapidly elevate its own standing in the region.    

Strategic Convergence Between US, UAE, Saudi Arabia and India [UPSC Current Affairs]:- Download PDF Here

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