China has condemned the ‘Pivot to Asia’ policy of the United States, which is scheduled later this year in for trilateral exercise involving New Delhi, Tokyo, and Washington, and China has blamed that this policy is growing tensions in the South China Sea.

The war of words between China and the U.S.

  • The war of words moved up when the spokesperson for the National People’s Conference (NPC), responded to the US statement that China was accountable for the militarization of the South China Sea.
  • And, she also added that Washington’s naval build-up under the ‘Pivot of Asia’ policy was the root cause of tensions in the Asia-Pacific.

About militarisation

  • Fu pointed, that the entry and exit of advanced ships and aircraft into the South China Sea, are majority from the United States.
  • She also stressed that the “Pivot to Asia was an important decision” that enabled Washington to set up about 70 percent of its naval force in the Asia-Pacific.
  • China avers dominion over most of the South China Sea and for this position most of the countries like Vietnam, Taiwan, and the Philippines contest.
  • China has lately set up the conversion of some of the uncertain reefs into artificial islands and placed surface-to-air missile at Woody Island in the Paracel island chain

Ms. Fu also stressed on the motives of the U.S in the South China Sea and added that the US stated that it takes no place in the argument on the Nansha [Spratly] islands disputes but the recent activities of the U.S. provoked tensions and have given rise to a gib question about U.S. motives.

Regional security provider

  • The spokesperson stressed that China was ready to play the role of a regional security provider.
  • China was ready to look for the joint development of the Nansha islands but without comprising the sovereignty part.
  • She also added that further harm to the sovereign rights and maritime rights and interests will not be agreed upon by the Chinese people.
  • By developing these islands and reefs, China will help to protect its interests and provide better public services to this region and to maintain peace and stability in the region.

UPSC 2023

Ms. Fu’s annotations followed after the statement made by the U.S. Admiral during the Raisina Dialogue in New Delhi

  • Where he indirectly referred to China saying that some countries look to oppress smaller nations through threats and coercion and admired India’s peaceful resolution of disputes with its neighboring countries in the waters of the Indian Ocean.
  • The assertion of U.S. Admiral about the approaching Malabar Naval exercise including India, the U.S., and Japan would be held in the North Philippine Sea that is not far from the South China Sea.
  • Also, he called for the inclusion of Washington in a strategic dialogue, which is so far held among India, Japan, and Australia.

In Beijing, China’s Chinese foreign ministry spokesman, Hong Lei addressed Admiral Harris’ assertions with restraint:

  • We have no objection to relevant countries’ normal cooperation
  • The relevant cooperation should not be targeted at a third party
  • Hope for cooperation among relevant countries that will contribute to regional peace, stability, and security, with no harm done to the interests of third parties.


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