14 Mar 2024: UPSC Exam Comprehensive News Analysis

14 March 2024 CNA
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A. GS 1 Related
B. GS 2 Related
1. How did Indians end up in the Russia-Ukraine war
1. Uttarakhand bill on UCC gets President’s nod
C. GS 3 Related
D. GS 4 Related
E. Editorials
1. Higher engagement, better learning
F. Prelims Facts
1. SC stops Assam Government’s move to de-notify rhino habitat
2. Modi, Sunak assess progress on India-U.K. FTA negotiations
3. ‘One nation one poll’ panel may submit its report today
G. Tidbits
H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions
I. UPSC Mains Practice Questions
FIP Magazine

Category: POLITY

1. Uttarakhand bill on UCC gets President’s nod

Syllabus: Indian Constitution – Historical Underpinnings, Evolution, Features, Amendments, Significant Provisions and Basic Structure

Prelims: UCC

Mains: Important provisions of the Uttarakhand act on UCC

Context​: Uttarakhand has made history by becoming the first state in Independent India to enact a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) after President Droupadi Murmu’s approval of the UCC Bill, 2024. The bill, while excluding tribal communities, aims to abolish practices like halala, iddat, and talaq from Muslim Personal Law, and ensure gender equality in matters of property and inheritance rights.


  • Diversity and tribal exclusion: The exclusion of tribal communities from the UCC raises questions about inclusivity and the applicability of the code across diverse cultural and religious groups.
  • Controversy over Muslim Personal Law: The ban on practices like halala, iddat, and talaq has stirred debate over the interference with Muslim Personal Law and its compatibility with constitutional principles.
  • Implementation challenges: Enforcing a comprehensive UCC across a diverse population presents administrative and legal challenges, including reconciling conflicting laws and customs.
  • Political implications: The enactment of the UCC may polarize opinions and lead to political repercussions.


  • Promoting gender equality: The UCC ensures equal rights for women in matters of marriage, divorce, property, and inheritance, thereby advancing gender equality and empowerment.
  • Legal uniformity: The implementation of a UCC establishes legal uniformity and eliminates disparities arising from personal laws based on religion or community, fostering a more cohesive society.
  • Constitutional principles: The enactment of the UCC aligns with the constitutional principles of equality, justice, and secularism, reinforcing India’s commitment to a pluralistic society.
  • Setting a precedent: Uttarakhand’s pioneering move sets a precedent for other states and the central government to consider implementing a UCC, sparking nationwide discourse and potential legislative action.


  • Inclusive implementation: Ensure that the UCC is implemented inclusively, taking into account the concerns and interests of all communities, including tribal groups.
  • Public awareness and education: Conduct awareness campaigns and educational programs to inform citizens about the provisions and implications of the UCC, fostering understanding and acceptance.
  • Legal safeguards: Establish mechanisms to address legal challenges and grievances arising from the implementation of the UCC, providing recourse for individuals and communities affected by the transition.
  • Dialogue and consultation: Facilitate dialogue and consultation with stakeholders, including religious and community leaders, legal experts, and civil society organizations, to address concerns and build consensus on the UCC’s implementation.

Nut Graf: Uttarakhand’s enactment of a Uniform Civil Code marks a significant milestone in India’s legal and social landscape, with implications for gender equality, legal uniformity, and constitutional principles.

2. Modi, Sunak assess progress on India-U.K. FTA negotiations

Context: Prime Minister Narendra Modi and U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak recently engaged in discussions to assess the progress of negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between India and the United Kingdom. Amidst ongoing general elections in both countries, the leaders reiterated their commitment to reaching a mutually beneficial agreement, reflecting the significance of enhancing bilateral trade relations.


  • Prolonged negotiations: Despite ongoing negotiations since January 2022, both sides have yet to reach an agreement on key aspects of the Free Trade Agreement, leading to delays and uncertainties in finalizing the deal.
  • Election-related pressures: The timing of the negotiations coincides with general elections in both India and the United Kingdom, adding political complexities and time constraints to the process.
  • Ambitious outcome: Both countries aim to achieve an ambitious outcome covering various sectors, including goods and services, to maximize the benefits of the Free Trade Agreement and enhance bilateral trade ties.
  • Regional and global context: The discussions between Prime Minister Modi and Prime Minister Sunak also considered broader regional and global developments, reflecting the interconnectedness of economic issues and geopolitical dynamics.


  • Economic partnership: The Free Trade Agreement holds significant potential for deepening economic cooperation between India and the United Kingdom, promoting trade, investment, and job creation in both countries.
  • Strategic implications: Strengthening trade relations between India and the United Kingdom can contribute to enhancing strategic ties and fostering closer collaboration on shared interests, including security, technology, and climate change.
  • Market access: The agreement could provide increased market access for businesses in diverse sectors, facilitating growth opportunities and expanding market reach for Indian and British companies.
  • Signal for global trade: A successful conclusion of the Free Trade Agreement would send a positive signal to the international community, reaffirming both countries’ commitment to free trade and economic openness amidst global uncertainties.

3. ‘One nation one poll’ panel may submit its report today

Context: The committee on “one nation, one election,” chaired by former President Ram Nath Kovind, is poised to submit its report, potentially. 

  • This committee, established in September 2023, has been tasked with exploring the feasibility and implications of holding simultaneous elections for the Lok Sabha, State Assemblies, municipalities, and panchayats across India. 
  • The recommendations expected in the report may entail amendments to relevant articles of the Constitution or the introduction of new provisions to facilitate synchronized polls.


  • Constitutional amendments: The proposal for “one nation, one poll” necessitates constitutional amendments or additions to enable the synchronization of elections across various tiers of governance, considering the current framework of staggered elections.
  • Administrative challenges: Implementing simultaneous elections requires significant administrative coordination and logistical arrangements at both central and state levels, posing challenges in terms of infrastructure, resources, and electoral management.
  • Political consensus: Achieving consensus among political parties on the idea of simultaneous elections is crucial, as it involves restructuring electoral cycles and potentially altering the political landscape, leading to varied opinions and concerns among different stakeholders.
  • Federal structure considerations: The move towards synchronized elections must consider the federal structure of India’s governance system, respecting the autonomy and diversity of states while promoting efficiency and accountability in electoral processes.


  • Governance efficiency: Synchronized elections aim to enhance governance efficiency by reducing disruptions caused by frequent electoral cycles, enabling policymakers to focus on governance and development priorities without the distraction of recurring elections.
  • Cost savings: Holding simultaneous polls can lead to substantial cost savings for both the government and political parties, as it streamlines election-related expenditures and optimizes the utilization of resources.
  • Voter engagement: Consolidating elections can potentially improve voter participation and engagement by reducing voter fatigue associated with frequent elections and simplifying the electoral process for citizens.
  • Political stability: Simultaneous elections have the potential to contribute to political stability by providing a more cohesive electoral mandate, reducing political uncertainty and facilitating long-term policy planning and implementation.

G. Tidbits

Nothing here for today!!!

H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions

Q1. Which of the following statements regarding the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) 
in India is/are correct?
  1. The UCC aims to provide a common set of laws governing personal matters such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, and adoption for all citizens, irrespective of their religion.
  2. The UCC is a provision enshrined in the Fundamental Rights of the Indian Constitution.
  3. The Uniform Civil Code has been uniformly implemented across all states of India since the country’s independence.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

  1. All three statements are correct.
  2. All three statements are incorrect.
  3. Only statement 1 is correct.
  4. Only statements 1 and 3 are correct.

Answer: c

Q2. Consider the following statements regarding the appointment of Election 
  1. Statement I: The President of India appoints the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) and the Election Commissioners (ECs) based on the recommendations of the Chief Justice of India.
  2. Statement II: The Constitution of India mandates the appointment of at least two Election Commissioners, but there can be a maximum of four Election Commissioners at any given time.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

  1. Only I
  2. Only II
  3. Both
  4. None

Answer: d

Q3. Consider the following statements regarding the Annual Status of Education 
Report (ASER) in India:
  1. Statement I: ASER is conducted by the Ministry of Education, Government of India, in collaboration with various international organizations.
  2. Statement II: ASER is an annual survey that assesses the status of education and learning outcomes among children in India.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

  1. Only I
  2. Only II
  3. Both
  4. None

Answer: b

Q4. Consider the following statements regarding ecotourism:
  1. Statement 1: Ecotourism relies heavily on infrastructure development like luxury resorts in natural areas to attract tourists.
  2. Statement 2: Ecotourism can be a potential tool for alleviating poverty in regions rich in biodiversity.
  3. Statement 3: Ecotourism promotes responsible travel to natural areas that conserve the environment and sustain the well-being of local communities.

Which of the following is/are correct?

  1. 1 and 2 only
  2. 2 and 3 only
  3. 1 and 3 only
  4. 1, 2 and 3

Answer: b

Q5. Consider the following statements:
  1. The Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is appointed by the Central Government.
  2. Certain provisions in the Constitution of India give the Central Government the right to issue directions to the RBI in the public interest.
  3. The Governor of the RBI draws his power from the RBI Act.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

  1. 1 and 2 only
  2. 2 and 3 only
  3. 1 and 3 only
  4. 1, 2 and 3

Answer: c

Click on the link for the video explanation of the above questions and answers.


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