16 May 2024: UPSC Exam Comprehensive News Analysis

16 May 2024 CNA
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A. GS 1 Related
B. GS 2 Related
1. Probe agencies must give written grounds of arrest, says SC
1. India-gifted ambulance service in Sri Lanka in need of support
2. Slovakia PM shot multiple times, suffers life-threatening wounds
C. GS 3 Related
1. India records highest number of Internet shutdowns in 2023
D. GS 4 Related
E. Editorials
1. New term, old issues
1. Manipur accounted for 97% of displacements in South Asia
F. Prelims Facts
1. Summer 2023 was hottest in 2,000 years, says study
2. Army set to receive next batch of shoulder-fired Igla-S air defence systems
3. Conflict with pachyderm pathways
G. Tidbits
H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions
I. UPSC Mains Practice Questions
FIP Magazine


1. India-gifted ambulance service in Sri Lanka in need of support

Syllabus: Relations between India and neighbouring countries

Mains: India – Sri Lanka relations

Context​: The India-gifted ambulance service in Sri Lanka, known as Suwaseriya 1990, has been instrumental in providing pre-hospital emergency care across the island for the past eight years. However, recent challenges indicate a pressing need for support to sustain its operations effectively.


  • Suwaseriya 1990 has attended to millions of calls and medical emergencies, including in remote areas, making it a vital component of Sri Lanka’s healthcare infrastructure.
  • Recognized as one of the world’s most digitally advanced and free ambulance services, its sustainability is crucial for ensuring timely access to emergency medical care for all citizens.


  • Recent instances of delayed response times and offline ambulances highlight operational challenges.
  • Sri Lanka’s financial crisis since 2022 has severely impacted the public health system, including the ambulance service.
  • Staff shortages and delayed vehicle repairs are hindering the service’s efficiency and effectiveness.


  • Increase funding support from both government and private sector sources to address operational challenges and ensure the service’s sustainability.
  • Implement measures to attract and retain qualified medical professionals and technicians, including competitive salaries and training opportunities.
  • Strengthen partnerships with international stakeholders, including India, to leverage expertise and resources for enhancing the service’s capabilities and resilience.

Read more on India – Sri Lanka relations in the linked article.

Nut Graf: The India-gifted ambulance service in Sri Lanka, Suwaseriya 1990, has been a lifeline for millions of citizens in need of emergency medical assistance. However, the service faces significant challenges amid Sri Lanka’s economic crisis, necessitating urgent measures to ensure its continued operation and effectiveness.

2. Slovakia PM shot multiple times, suffers life-threatening wounds

Syllabus: Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s Interests

Mains: India – Slovakia relations

Context​: Slovakia’s Prime Minister, Robert Fico, was the victim of an assassination attempt, suffering life-threatening wounds after being shot multiple times. The incident occurred following a government meeting in Handlova, sparking condemnation from European leaders.


  • Prime Minister Robert Fico’s assassination attempt raises concerns about political stability and security in Slovakia.
  • Criticism surrounding Fico’s foreign policy stance, particularly his perceived alignment with the Kremlin, has led to tensions and controversies.
  • Fico’s anti-Ukraine stance and controversial policy decisions have strained relations with neighbouring countries and triggered mass protests domestically.
  • The attempted assassination of a sitting Prime Minister is a significant event with potential implications for Slovakia’s political landscape and international relations.
  • Fico’s pro-Russian inclinations and scepticism towards Ukraine’s sovereignty have drawn attention to the geopolitical dynamics in Eastern Europe.
  • The incident underscores the importance of maintaining political stability and addressing contentious issues through dialogue and diplomacy to prevent further escalation.


  • Conduct a thorough investigation into the assassination attempt to determine the motives and individuals behind the attack, ensuring accountability and justice.
  • Enhance security measures for government officials and public figures to prevent future incidents and safeguard political stability.
  • Foster constructive dialogue and engagement with neighbouring countries to address geopolitical tensions and promote regional cooperation and stability.

Nut Graf: The assassination attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico highlights the complex challenges facing Slovakia, including political polarization, security threats, and foreign policy dilemmas. It underscores the need for robust security measures, diplomatic engagement, and adherence to democratic principles to navigate through this crisis and uphold stability and peace in the region.


1. Manipur accounted for 97% of displacements in South Asia

Syllabus: GS-3, Role of External State and Non-state Actors in Creating Challenges to Internal Security

Mains: Manipur Violence Causing Displacement Crisis

Introduction: South Asia’s Displacement Crisis

  • A new report by the Geneva-based Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) reveals alarming statistics of displacements in South Asia in 2023.
  • Conflict and violence accounted for 69,000 displacements, with Manipur alone contributing 97% of this figure.

Ethnic Clashes in Manipur: Trigger and Impact

  • On May 3, 2023, the ‘Tribal Solidarity March’ in Manipur’s hill districts ignited ethnic clashes between the Meitei and Kuki communities, claiming over 200 lives.
  • The violence stemmed from resistance to recognizing the Meitei community as a Scheduled Tribe, exacerbating existing land disputes.
  • The clashes spread across various districts, leading to approximately 67,000 displacements within Manipur and to neighbouring states like Mizoram, Nagaland, and Assam.

Government Response and Relief Efforts:

  • In response to escalating violence, the Union government imposed curfews, shut down the internet, and deployed security forces.
  • Relief camps were established, and a peace committee for Manipur was formed, albeit hindered by disagreements over its composition.

Global Context and Overall Displacement Trends:

  • Globally, conflict and violence displaced 68.3 million people by the end of 2023, with significant contributions from Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Palestinian territories.
  • The past five years witnessed a notable increase in conflict-induced displacements, totalling 22.6 million, with peaks in 2022 and 2023.
  • When accounting for displacements due to natural disasters, the global figure rises to a record 75.9 million internally displaced persons by the end of 2023.

Nut Graf: The report by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre reveals that conflict and violence in 2023 triggered 69,000 displacements in South Asia, with Manipur accounting for 97%, reflecting a concerning trend of internal displacement in the region.

F. Prelims Facts

1. Summer 2023 was hottest in 2,000 years, says study

Context: Recent studies indicate that the summer of 2023 was not only the warmest on record but also the hottest in approximately 2,000 years. This unprecedented heat, driven by climate change, had profound implications globally, including wildfires, infrastructure damage, and strain on power grids.


  • The intensity of the northern hemisphere summer heat in 2023 led to wildfires, road buckling, and power grid strains, highlighting the severity of climate change impacts.
  • Research based on meteorological records and tree ring data suggests that 2023’s summer temperatures surpassed those of the past 2,000 years, indicating the unprecedented nature of recent global warming.
  • The El Nino climate pattern exacerbated the summer heat, resulting in longer and more severe heatwaves and extended periods of drought, further exacerbating climate-related challenges.


  • The findings underscore the urgency of addressing climate change and mitigating its impacts to prevent further escalation of extreme weather events and associated risks.
  • Heatwaves pose significant health risks, with a substantial number of heat-related deaths reported annually across the globe, particularly in Asia and Europe.
  • The implications of extreme heat extend beyond immediate health concerns, affecting infrastructure, agriculture, and ecosystems, highlighting the interconnectedness of climate change impacts.

2. Army set to receive next batch of shoulder-fired Igla-S air defence systems

Context: The Indian Army is poised to receive the next batch of Russian Igla-S very short-range air defense systems (VSHORAD) by the end of May or early June, marking a significant step in fulfilling critical air defense requirements. 


  • Delays in fulfilling air defense requirements have left the Army vulnerable to threats from enemy combat aircraft, helicopters, and UAVs.
  • Payment issues between India and Russia have previously hindered critical defense deals, impacting procurement timelines and strategic readiness.
  • The need for indigenous assembly and manufacturing capabilities to reduce dependency on foreign suppliers and enhance self-reliance in defense production.


  • The acquisition of Igla-S VSHORAD systems strengthens the Army’s air defense capabilities, providing soldiers with essential protection against aerial threats.
  • Resolution of payment issues with Russia facilitates smoother defense transactions and underscores the importance of maintaining robust international partnerships in defense procurement.
  • Assembly of defense systems like Igla-S and Hermes-900 UAVs in India promotes technology transfer, indigenous manufacturing, and job creation in the defense sector.

3. Conflict with pachyderm pathways

Context: The recent death of a Kadar tribesman in Tamil Nadu due to an elephant attack has reignited concerns over escalating human-elephant conflicts in the region. These conflicts stem from various factors, including habitat degradation, developmental activities in forest areas, and disruptions in critical elephant movement pathways or corridors.


  • Human-elephant conflicts in Tamil Nadu have intensified, leading to casualties among both humans and elephants.
  • Factors contributing to these conflicts include habitat degradation, developmental works in forest areas, and disruptions in elephant movement corridors.
  • The deaths of elephants due to unnatural causes such as electrocution, poisoning, and accidents highlight the urgent need for conservation measures and conflict mitigation strategies.


  • The formation of a panel by the Tamil Nadu government to identify elephant corridors reflects a proactive approach towards addressing the issue.
  • The panel’s report, which identifies 42 elephant corridors, has received positive feedback from environmentalists for doubling the number of corridors identified compared to previous reports.
  • Securing elephant corridors and ensuring safe movement paths for elephants is crucial for mitigating conflicts and conserving the elephant population, which plays a significant role in maintaining biodiversity and ecological balance.

G. Tidbits

Nothing here for today!!!

H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions

Q1. The Supreme Court's recent ruling on arrests made under the Unlawful Activities 
(Prevention) Act (UAPA) emphasizes the need to:
  1. Grant bail to all individuals arrested under UAPA
  2. Provide the arrested person with legal representation during questioning
  3. Furnish the arrested person with a written explanation for the detention
  4. Ensure a speedy trial for individuals arrested under UAPA

Answer: c

Explanation: Furnish the arrested person with a written explanation for the detention.

Q2. With reference to India's cooperation with Sri Lanka in the health sector, 
consider the following statements:
  1. India gifted Sri Lanka a fleet of ambulances known as Suwaseriya 1990.
  2. Suwaseriya 1990 is a program that provides training for Sri Lankan medical personnel in pre-hospital emergency care.
  3. This initiative reflects India’s commitment to strengthening regional healthcare infrastructure.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. 1 and 3 only
  4. All of the above

Answer: c


  • Statement 1 is correct. India gifted ambulances named Suwaseriya 1990 to Sri Lanka.
  • Statement 2 is incorrect. It is not a training program.
  • Statement 3 is correct. Donating ambulances to improve emergency care reflects India’s commitment to strengthening Sri Lanka’s healthcare infrastructure.
Q3. With reference to internet shutdowns in India, consider the following 
  1. According to a report by Access Now, India witnessed the highest number of internet shutdowns globally in 2023.
  2. These shutdowns can potentially hinder access to essential services and information, raising concerns about digital rights.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: c


  • Statement 1 is correct. India had the highest number of internet shutdowns in 2023.
  • Statement 2 is correct. Internet shutdowns can disrupt access to critical services like healthcare, education, and communication. This can also limit access to information and hinder freedom of expression, raising concerns about digital rights.
Q4. A recent study published in the journal Nature highlighted an alarming weather 
trend. Which of the following statements is most accurate in this context?
  1. The depletion of the ozone layer is primarily responsible for the record-breaking heat experienced in Summer 2023.
  2. There has been a significant increase in global volcanic eruptions, contributing to the hottest summer in 2,000 years.
  3. Summer 2023 witnessed the hottest temperatures ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere, exceeding those of the past two millennia.
  4. The study suggests that Antarctica is experiencing an unprecedented heatwave, melting glaciers at an alarming rate.

Answer: c

Explanation: Summer 2023 witnessed the hottest temperatures ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere, exceeding those of the past two millennia.

Q5. With reference to India's air defence capabilities, consider the 
following statements:
  1. The Indian Army is scheduled to receive a new batch of Igla-S air defence systems, which are man-portable and shoulder-fired.
  2. The Igla-S system utilizes radar technology for target acquisition and tracking.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: a


  • Statement 1 is correct.  The Indian Army is set to receive a new batch of Igla-S air defence systems, highlighting their portability.
  • Statement 2 is incorrect. The Igla-S system relies on infrared homing technology for target acquisition and tracking, not radar.


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