19 May 2024 CNA
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A. GS 1 Related
Art & Culture
1. Universal cinema
B. GS 2 Related
International Relations
1. What are the NIA’s allegations against NSCN?
C. GS 3 Related
Internal Security
1. India’s gateway to Central Asia
1. Staying power
D. GS 4 Related
E. Editorials
F. Prelims Facts
1. IIIT, Kalamandalam to develop AI to bring Kathakali closer to the minds of art lovers
2. Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger finalise regional alliance project
3. Don’t use calcium carbide to ripen fruits, orders FSSAI
4. ‘Don’t use Jackie Shroff’s name, voice without consent’
5. India asks students in Kyrgyzstan to stay indoors
G. Tidbits
H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions
I. UPSC Mains Practice Questions
FIP Magazine


1. Staying power

Syllabus: Conservation, Environmental pollution and degradation


Prelims: Coal and lignite 

Mains: Status of Coal and Lignite Production and challenges


Context​: Coal and lignite have long been the cornerstones of India’s energy security, with significant contributions from public sector undertakings (PSUs). As the country pushes towards renewable energy, these PSUs are increasingly integrating sustainable practices into their operations. Tamil Nadu, a major lignite producer, is at the forefront of this transition.


Current Status of Coal and Lignite Production

  • Major Producers: Tamil Nadu leads lignite production in India, accounting for nearly 50% of the national output in 2022-23. Gujarat and Rajasthan follow, contributing 27.37% and 22.67% respectively.
  • Key Player: NLC India Ltd. (NLCIL) is a significant lignite producer headquartered in Neyveli, Tamil Nadu. In 2023-24, NLCIL achieved an all-time high production of 36.32 tonnes of coal and lignite.

Energy Generation Capacity

  • Installed Capacity: NLCIL has a substantial power generation capacity in Tamil Nadu, with 4,390 MW from thermal projects and 1,411 MW from renewable energy projects.
  • Future Targets: The company aims to reach an installed capacity of 17.1 GW, including 6 GW from renewable sources, by 2030.




Environmental Impact

  • Mining Consequences: The environmental repercussions of lignite and coal mining include land degradation and habitat destruction.
  • Overburden Management: Open cast mining requires removing significant amounts of overburden (soil and stone), which must be managed to mitigate environmental damage.


Sustainable Practices

  • Reclamation and Afforestation: Initiatives for scientific reclamation of mined lands and afforestation are being implemented, although more comprehensive efforts are needed.
  • Community-Centric Uses: Future plans include converting reclaimed land into community-centric spaces such as restored forests and eco-parks.




Energy Security

  • Reliability: Coal and lignite remain vital for ensuring energy security in India, providing a stable and reliable energy source amidst growing energy demands.
  • PSU Leadership: PSUs like NLCIL play a crucial role in balancing traditional energy sources with renewable energy integration.


Economic Impact

  • Employment: The mining and energy sectors provide significant employment opportunities, particularly in states like Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Rajasthan.
  • Economic Growth: Energy production is fundamental to industrial growth and economic stability.




Enhancing Sustainability

  • Green Initiatives: PSUs should continue and expand green initiatives, including overburden treatment and afforestation, to reduce the environmental impact of mining.
  • Renewable Integration: Increasing the share of renewable energy in the overall energy mix will help in reducing the carbon footprint.


Technological Innovations

  • Advanced Mining Techniques: Adoption of advanced, less invasive mining techniques can minimize environmental damage.
  • Renewable Technologies: Investing in cutting-edge renewable technologies will aid in achieving the targeted renewable capacity.


Policy and Regulatory Support

  • Government Incentives: Government policies should incentivize sustainable mining practices and renewable energy projects.
  • Clear Regulations: Clear and consistent regulations can help streamline land acquisition and other operational challenges.

Nut Graf: Coal and lignite will continue to be essential for India’s energy security for the foreseeable future. However, the integration of sustainable practices and a strong push towards renewable energy are imperative to mitigate environmental impacts. Public sector undertakings like NLCIL are at the forefront of this transition, demonstrating that balancing energy needs with environmental stewardship is not only possible but necessary for a sustainable future.

2. Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger finalise regional alliance project

Context: The recent geopolitical developments in West Africa, particularly involving Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger, mark a significant shift in regional alliances. The three nations, all currently governed by military juntas, have finalized plans to form a confederation named the Confederation of the Alliance of Sahel States (CASS). This move signifies a strategic pivot away from their former colonial ruler, France, towards fostering closer ties with Russia.

Formation of the Confederation

  • Participants: Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger
  • Meeting Venue: Niamey, the capital of Niger
  • Purpose: Establish the Confederation of the Alliance of Sahel States (CASS)
  • Geopolitical Shift: Moving away from France, their former colonial power, towards closer relations with Russia.

Historical Context

  • Colonial History: All three countries were former French colonies.
  • Recent Changes: Political instability and the rise of military juntas in all three nations.
  • Previous Alliances: Traditionally aligned with France and Western nations for security and economic cooperation.


Political Instability

  • Military Juntas: The current governance in all three countries is under military control, raising concerns about democratic processes and human rights.
  • Internal Conflicts: Ongoing issues with insurgency, terrorism, and internal displacement.

Economic Challenges

  • Developmental Needs: High levels of poverty, unemployment, and underdevelopment.
  • Foreign Aid Dependency: Historically dependent on aid from Western nations, particularly France.

Security Concerns

  • Terrorism and Insurgency: Persistent threats from terrorist groups operating in the Sahel region.
  • Regional Instability: Cross-border terrorism and lack of effective regional security cooperation.

3. Don’t use calcium carbide to ripen fruits, orders FSSAI

Context: The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has reiterated its directive prohibiting the use of calcium carbide for artificial ripening of fruits. This measure aims to safeguard public health by ensuring that fruits available in the market are free from harmful chemicals.


Calcium Carbide and Its Uses

  • Chemical Properties: Calcium carbide is a chemical compound used in industrial applications.
  • Illegal Use: It is often used unlawfully to artificially ripen fruits due to its cost-effectiveness and quick action.


Health Risks

  • Toxicity: Calcium carbide contains impurities such as arsenic and phosphorus, which pose significant health risks.
  • Health Hazards: Exposure to these chemicals can cause various health issues, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and long-term effects such as cancer.





  • Market Practices: Despite the ban, some traders and fruit handlers continue to use calcium carbide due to lack of awareness or disregard for regulations.
  • Enforcement Challenges: Ensuring compliance across numerous small vendors and unorganized markets poses a significant challenge.

Public Health Concerns

  • Consumer Safety: Consumption of chemically ripened fruits can lead to serious health complications.
  • Food Safety Standards: Maintaining stringent food safety standards is essential to protect public health.




Legal Framework

  • Regulatory Authority: FSSAI, under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, enforces food safety regulations in India.
  • Prohibition: The use of calcium carbide for ripening fruits is explicitly prohibited under these regulations.


Public Awareness

  • Consumer Rights: Ensuring that consumers are aware of the risks associated with artificially ripened fruits.
  • Market Practices: Promoting safe and legal methods for fruit ripening among traders and food business operators.

4. ‘Don’t use Jackie Shroff’s name, voice without consent’

Context: The Delhi High Court has issued an interim order prohibiting the unauthorized use of actor Jackie Shroff’s name, voice, and images for commercial purposes. This decision underscores the importance of personality and publicity rights, particularly for celebrities.



  • Case Overview: The case involves entities using Jackie Shroff’s name, sobriquets like “Jackie” and “Jaggu Dadda,” voice, and images without his consent for commercial gain.
  • Entities Involved: Various entities were found selling merchandise such as wallpapers, T-shirts, posters, and operating an AI chatbot platform using Shroff’s persona.


Legal Basis

  • Personality and Publicity Rights: These rights protect an individual’s persona from unauthorized commercial exploitation.
  • Court’s Interim Order: Justice Sanjeev Narula’s order restrains the misuse of Shroff’s attributes, acknowledging the violation of his rights.



Unauthorized Commercial Use

  • Profane Content: The court noted instances where content creators published videos featuring Shroff with extremely profane language.
  • Commercial Exploitation: Unauthorized use of Shroff’s persona for selling merchandise on e-commerce platforms.


Violation of Rights

  • Personality Rights: These rights are inherently associated with a celebrity’s status and protect against unauthorized use of their persona.
  • Publicity Rights: Prevent the commercial exploitation of an individual’s identity without permission.

5. India asks students in Kyrgyzstan to stay indoors

Context: Amidst reports of mob attacks against students from Pakistan in Kyrgyzstan, the Embassy of India has advised Indian students in the country to stay indoors. The situation appears to have been exacerbated by social media rumors following a skirmish between local residents and foreign students.


Current Situation

  • Advisory Issued: The Indian Embassy in Kyrgyzstan has advised Indian students to stay indoors.
  • Communication Channels: The embassy has provided a 24×7 contact number for assistance (0555710041).
  • Trigger Incident: The advisory follows mob attacks reportedly sparked by social media rumors after a skirmish between local residents and foreign students.


Government Response

  • Kyrgyzstan’s Statement: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic has blamed “destructive forces” for spreading viral videos and reassured that the situation is under control.
  • Indian Embassy’s Measures: The embassy is in constant touch with Indian students to ensure their safety.



Safety Concerns

  • Mob Attacks: The immediate threat to the safety of Indian students due to mob violence.
  • Social Media Influence: The role of social media in inciting violence and spreading rumors.


Diplomatic Relations

  • Bilateral Tensions: Potential impact on India-Kyrgyzstan relations.
  • International Image: Kyrgyzstan’s international reputation concerning the safety of foreign students

G. Tidbits

Nothing here for today!!!

H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions

Q1.Consider the following statements with respect to Calcium Carbide:
  1. When it reacts with water, it produces acetylene gas. 
  2. It  has carcinogenic properties and is used in gas welding.
  3. It is used to induce ripening in fruits.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. All Three
  4. Non Of The Above

Answer: c

Explanation: All three statements are correct. When Calcium Carbide reacts with water, it produces acetylene gas which is an analogue to ethylene and quickens the fruit ripening process. FSSAI has banned its use for ripening fruits.

Q2. Alliance of Sahel States (ASS) is a mutual defense pact created between:

(a) Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger

(b) ⁠Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Chad

(c) ⁠Mali, Niger, Chad

(d) Niger, Nigeria, Mali


Answer: a

Explanation: The Alliance of Sahel States (ASS ) is a mutual defense pact created between Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso in September 2023. The pact was created during the 2023 Nigerien crisis

Q3.The orchestra of a Kathakali performance normally comprises how many of the following instruments?
  1. Idakka
  2. Chenda
  3. Tabla
  4. Maddalam

Choose the correct answer from the code given below:

(a) One only

(b) ⁠Two only 

(c) Three only

(d) ⁠All four


Answer: c

Explanation: Orchestra of Kathakali and the traditional performing arts of Kerala, normally comprises the Chenda, Maddalam, Chengila, Ilathalam, Idakka and Shankhu.

Q4.Consider the following statements with respect to Lignite:
1. It is the best quality coal with the highest calorific value.
2. Tamil Nadu is the largest producer of lignite in India.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2


Answer: b

Explanation: Anthracite is the best quality coal with the highest calorific value. Lignite is The lowest rank of coal with lower carbon content and high moisture content.

Q5.This port is on the Gulf of Oman at the mouth of the Strait of Hormuz. 
It is the only Iranian port having direct access to the Indian Ocean.The port being described is:

(a) Anzali port

(b) Bandar Abbas port

(c) Chabahar port

(d) Gwadar port


Answer: c

Explanation: The port being described is Chabahar port.


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