Practising answer writing is an important part of UPSC Civil Services exam preparation. IAS Mains exam is totally descriptive and demands for expression of your views on the topics asked in the question.
Thus, understanding how to present your opinion is a very important part of the IAS Exam preparation.
In this article, we are giving 10 useful tips through which you can improve your answer writing skills.
- You should read the question very carefully so that you understand what is specifically being asked from you and what is expected.
- You should use your own words to write the answers. Your language should be lucid. You should avoid unnecessary jargons and flowery language.
- Your answers should not seem biased or prejudiced. There should be clarity of expression.
- When you critically examine you must examine a situation in the light of socio-economic & political circumstances, this would give your answer a moderate tinge.
- Do not use very long sentences and paragraphs, write simple answers. Making long sentences increases the complexity of the answers.
- Split your answers into paragraphs. Change paragraphs when you shift to a new subject matter. Also, avoid writing too long paragraphs.
- Do not quote views, opinions frequently – at times you can quote from original work whenever it suits the context of your writing.
- Write the answers within the word limit so that you can solve more questions instead of spending all your time on a few questions.
- While writing, please make sure your handwriting is legible. Do not be under the impression that in whatever manner you write the examiner would make all efforts to go through that, instead help the examiners read your answers comfortably.
- Do not use quotations in your answers that you are not absolutely sure of. Because if the examiner comes to know that you have used the wrong quotation, you will surely lose your marks.
Follow these tips and do practise answer writing from the very beginning of your preparation, then only you will be able to give your best in the Mains examination.
To test and practise UPSC Mains Answer Writing 2021-22, check the linked article. Candidates can practise answer writing in GS 1, GS 2, GS 3 and GS 4.
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