UPSC 2016: Current Affairs Preparation for IAS Exam: Comprehensive News Analysis
Current Affairs plays an indispensable and enormous part in UPSC IAS examination. Hence, to simplify the everyday current issues and make it conceptual clarity, BYJU’s has taken a step and brings to all the IAS aspirants a streamlined and comprehensive format of UPSC current affairs through Comprehensive News Analysis that will make IAS aspirants life easy who struggle in current affairs during the preparation of IAS Exam.
The Comprehensive News Analysis is updated every day and comprises multiple choice questions (MCQ) at the end, which IAS aspirants can practice every day and try to answer MCQs in short-time which will help them to implement the same in the actual UPSC exam. The IAS Current Affairs are prepared referring various major newspapers like The Hindu, Indian Express, PIB, Business Standard, and other standard resources.
Here, you will find the entire year comprehensive news analysis for UPSC 2016-17 Current Affairs that will aid you in the preparation of IAS Exam.