UPSC 2017: Weekly GK and Current Affairs Quiz Jun 4 - 10

This week gk and current affairs quiz from June 05 to June 11. Test your general knowledge on current affairs now with our weekly GK and current affairs quiz for UPSC Civil Services Exam and other competitive exams like SSC, PCS, Banking exams, and others.

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  1. Answered
  2. Review
  1. 1. Question
    Category: Economy

    Which state became the first to ratify the constitution (122nd amendment)(GST) bill 2014?

    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
  2. 2. Question
    Category: Environment and Ecology

    Consider the following statements regarding the Paris Conference.

    1. It aims to combat climate change and adapt to its effects, with enhanced support to assist developing countries to do so. 
    2. It’s central aim is to keep the global temperature rise below 2 degree Celsius.
    3. To reach these ambitious goals, appropriate financial flows, a new technology framework and an enhanced capacity building framework will be put in place.

    Which of the above statements are incorrect?

    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
  3. 3. Question
    Category: Economy

    Rajya Sabha on 3 August 2016 passed The Constitution (122nd Amendment) (GST) Bill, 2014. The Bill exempts which of the following Goods and Services from its purview?

    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
  4. 4. Question
    Category: Art and Culture

    Which of the following is not a World Heritage site?

    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
  5. 5. Question
    Category: Environment and Ecology

    Nilgiri tahr is declared as the Sate animal of

    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
  6. 6. Question
    Category: Current Affairs

    Consider the following statement:

    1. The Nilgiri tahr is endemic to the Nilgiri Hills and the southern portion of the Western Ghats.
    2. Nilgiri tahr has been classified as critically endangered species under IUCN’s Red Data book.

    Choose the correct answers.

    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
  7. 7. Question
    Category: Current Affairs

    Which state government has launched “Mahaswayam portal” for job seekers and employers?

    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
  8. 8. Question
    Category: Environment and Ecology

    Lion-tailed macaque is found in _______.

    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
  9. 9. Question
    Category: Art and Culture

    Which among the following temples does not belong to the Chola Empire?

    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
  10. 10. Question
    Category: Current Affairs

    Which state government has recently declared Dailong village as biodiversity heritage site of the state?

    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.


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