21 Aug 2022: UPSC Exam Comprehensive News Analysis

Quote for the day Set 5 11

CNA 21 Aug 2022:- Download PDF Here


A. GS 1 Related
B. GS 2 Related
1. β€˜Warning label most effective in identifying harmful nutrients’
1. Federalism applies to judiciary too: Madras HC
C. GS 3 Related
1. Himachal prone to natural disasters, says study
D. GS 4 Related
E. Editorials
1. India’s policy on the Rohingya
1. Revision of electoral rolls in Jammu and Kashmir
F. Prelims Facts
G. Tidbits
1. Alpha ship
H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions
I. UPSC Mains Practice Questions
FIP Magazine

Category: POLITY

1. Federalism applies to judiciary too: Madras HC

Syllabus: Separation of power between various organs, dispute redressal mechanism and institutions.

Mains: Federalism in Judiciary.Β 

Context:A writ petition was filed in Chennai, challenging the order passed by the Union Ministry of Education.


  • A joint writ petition was filed on the behalf ofΒ  Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute of Chennai and the Raja Rajeswari Medical College and Hospital of Bengaluru in Madras High Court, challenging the order of the central Education Ministry.
  • A circular was issued in 2019, notifying that Bengaluru college would be under the ambit of the Chennai university.Β 
  • The Ministry withdrew the notification, consequent to the direction of Karnataka HC.

Madras Court Verdict

  • Justice of Madras High Court looking into the matter directed the HC Registry to return the joint writ petition.
  • It was held that the petition should have been filed in Karnataka only.
  • The court was of the view that under normal circumstances the High Court of one State cannot exercise powers that are in the jurisdiction of the High Court of another State.
  • Court further highlighted that Federalism is the basic structure of the Constitution and it should apply to the judiciary also.

Nut Graf: The judiciary has once again proactively reiterated the basic structure doctrine. It has highlighted that the federalism feature should be equally adopted in the Judicial sphere.

Related Link: What is the concept of federalism? [Get the Answers at BYJU’S]

Category: POLITY

1. Revision of electoral rolls in Jammu and Kashmir

Syllabus: Significant Provisions of Indian Constitution-Universal Adult Franchise

Mains: Objectives of Delimitation process


  • Recently, the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of Jammu and Kashmir announced that anyone β€œwho is living ordinarily in the state” can avail the opportunity to get enlisted as a voter in the Union Territory in accordance with the provisions of the Representation of the People Act.Β 
  • The State has 76 lakh registered voters at present.
  • The Election Commission of India (ECI) was expecting an addition of 20-25 lakh new voters in the final list in J&K.


  • Delimitation commission was set by the Union government as it became necessary when the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act, 2019 increased the number of seats in the Assembly.
  • After abrogation of J & K’s special status in 2019, the delimitation of both Assembly and parliamentary seats is governed by the Constitution of India.
  • The Delimitation Commission was set up on 6th March 2020 under retired Supreme Court Justice Ranjana Prakash Desai.
  • Delimitation Commission’s final ruling became effective with effect from May 20, 2022.

Read more on recent Commission report

The Controversy around CEO’s announcement:

  • The idea of bringing in 25 lakh non-locals and granting them voting rights in the upcoming J&K elections alarmed some local politicians.
  • State’s chief regional parties such as National Conference, Peoples Democratic Party, CPI(M) and Peoples Conference, have expressed concerns that the move will open the floodgates and turn locals into an electoral minority.Β 

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Armed services personnel stationed in J & K have the opportunity to register as voters.
  • The ECI has agreed to add everybody who will have turned 18 on or before October 1, 2022, to the newly created electoral rolls.
  • Anyone who is habitually residing in J&K, whether they are a worker, student, laborer, or outsider, may add their name to the voting list.

Voting rights prior to special status revocal:

  • Prior to August 5, 2019 when J & K had special constitutional powers, the Assembly electoral rolls in the State were drawn up according to the Jammu & Kashmir Representation of the People Act 1957, wherein only permanent residents of J & K were eligible to get registered in the Assembly rolls.Β 
  • Permanent Resident Certificate and domicile certificates were compulsory to get voting rights.
  • Lakhs of residents from west Pakistan and Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, who had migrated to J & K and were living there for decades, had no voting rights in the state’sΒ  Assembly elections till August 5, 2019 but were able to vote in the parliamentary elections.Β Β 
  • Following the revocation of Special provisions of Article 370, the Representation of the People Act 1950 and 1951 is applicable in J&K which permits ordinarily residing individuals to register on the electoral rolls of J&K “provided he or she gets their name deleted from the electoral roll of his or her native constituency.”Β 

Β Nut Graf: Β Revision of electoral rolls in Jammu and Kashmir will enable eligible young people to register themselves as voters.The completion of the delimitation exercise and conduction of election will signal the resumption for the political process in Jammu and Kashmir which has been under Center’s rule since June 2018.

F. Prelims Facts

Nothing here for today!!!

G. Tidbits

1. Alpha ship

  • India’s first indigenously built aircraft carrier is set to be part of the country’s naval fleet under the name INS Vikrant.
  • The project started in the year 2007.
  • Its length is 262 meters and has a total capacity of 45,000 tonnes.
  • It will use four gas turbines ofΒ  88 MW capacity.
  • It can move at speeds of up to 28 knots.Β 
  • The overall cost of designing is approximately β‚Ή20,000 crore,Β 
  • It can take on around 30 aircraft, fixed-wing as well as helicopters.Β 
  • MiG-29K fighters and Ka-31 helicopters will be initially operating from the ship.Β 
  • The ship is going to be manned by around 1,700 personnel.Β 
  • INS Vikrant will significantly give a fillip to the indigenous materials and processes of shipbuilding.

H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions

Q1. Which of the following is/are the tributaries of River Beas? (Level- Difficult)
  1. Banganga
  2. Banner
  3. Baspa
  4. Chakki
  5. Marusudar


  1. 1 and 2 only
  2. 1, 2 and 4 only
  3. 2, 3, 4 and 5 only
  4. 1, 3, 4 and 5 only

Answer: b

Explanation: The major tributaries of the Beas River are Bain, Banganga, Luni, and Uhal, along with Banner, Chakki, Gaj, Harla, Mamuni, Parvati, Patlikuhlal, Sainj, Suketi and Tirthan.

Q2. Consider the following statements with respect to National Commission for 
Scheduled Castes:(Level- Easy)
  1. It is a constitutional body established under Article 336 of the Indian Constitution
  2. The 88th Constitutional amendment act of 2003 bifurcated the combined National commission for SCs and STs into two separate bodies
  3. The commission consists of a chairperson, a vice-chairperson and five other members.

Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?Β 

  1. 1 only
  2. 1 and 2 only
  3. 2 and 3 only
  4. 1, 2 and 3

Answer: d


  • Statement 1 is incorrect as it is established under Article 338 of the Indian Constitution.
  • Statement 2 is incorrect as the two bodies were separated by the 89th Constitutional Amendment Act.
  • Statement 3 is also incorrect because there are three other members apart from the chairman and vice chairman.
Q3. European Union's enhanced surveillance framework was imposed on which among 
the following countries? (Level- Medium)
  1. Greece
  2. Hungary
  3. Italy
  4. Poland

Answer: a

Explanation: Enhanced surveillance framework was imposed on Greece by European Union intended for continued adoption of measures to ensure tackle all sources of economic difficulties and sustain the stable economy.

Q4. With respect to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), which of the 
following statements is/are incorrect? (Level- Easy)
  1. The Chairman of the NHRC should only be a person who has been a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
  2. The Chairman and members of the NHRC will hold office for five years or till the age of seventy years, whichever is earlier.


  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both
  4. None

Answer: c


  • Statement 1 is incorrect: As per the Protection of Human Rights (Amendment) Act of 2019, The Chairman of the NHRC can also be a Judge of the Supreme Court apart from the Chief Justice.
  • Statement 2 is incorrect: The tenure has been reduced to three years by the amendment of 2019.
Q5. β€œIf rainforests and tropical forests are the lungs of the Earth, then surely
 wetlands function as its kidneys.” Which one of the following functions of
 wetlands best reflects the above statement? (Level-Easy)
  1. The water cycle in wetlands involves surface runoff, subsoil percolation and evaporation.
  2. Algae form the nutrient base upon which fish, crustaceans, molluscs, birds, reptiles and mammals thrive.
  3. Wetlands play a vital role in maintaining sedimentation balance and soil stabilization.
  4. Aquatic plants absorb heavy metals and excess nutrients.

Answer: d


Wetlands are called the Kidneys of the earth because of the ability of the aquatic plants to absorb heavy metals and nutrients. The plants use these nutrients to grow and support the whole of the ecosystem.

I. UPSC Mains Practice Questions

  1. Discuss the controversy surrounding the revision of electoral rolls in the erstwhile State of J&K? (10 Marks, 150 Words) (GS-2, Polity)
  2. Should India reconsider its policy on the Rohingyas? Critically Examine. (15 Marks, 250 Words) (GS-2, International Relations)

Read the previous CNAΒ here.

CNA 21 Aug 2022:- Download PDF Here


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