17 Jan 2024: UPSC Exam Comprehensive News Analysis

17 Jan 2024 CNA
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A. GS 1 Related
B. GS 2 Related
1. Understanding the Tenth Schedule
C. GS 3 Related
D. GS 4 Related
E. Editorials
1. Judicial contradiction in Delhi Chief Secretary’s extension
1. The geopolitics in the Bangladesh election results
2. India doesn’t need wolf warriors
F. Prelims Facts
1. ICMR starts revising current National Essential Diagnostics List for first time
2. What are light-emitting diodes and why are they prized as light sources?
3. India’s KABIL acquires five lithium blocks in Argentina
G. Tidbits
H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions
I. UPSC Mains Practice Questions
FIP Magazine


1. The geopolitics in the Bangladesh election results

Syllabus: GS-2, India and its Neighbourhood – Relations

Mains: Bangladesh election and its geopolitical impact

Introduction: Election Results and Political Context

  • Bangladesh’s national elections on January 7, 2024, saw the ruling Awami League securing a significant victory with 225 out of 300 seats.
  • The main opposition, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), boycotted the polls, demanding elections under a neutral caretaker government.

Historical Electoral Issues:

  • Allegations of electoral manipulation, irregularities, and violence have surrounded previous elections in 2014 and 2018 under the Awami League, drawing international criticism.
  • The constitutional provision for a neutral caretaker government was abolished by the Awami League in 2009.

Regional and Global Geopolitical Dynamics:

  • Bangladesh has become a rising economic powerhouse with strategic importance in South Asia.
  • Global powers such as China, India, Russia, and the United States are vying for influence in the region.

India’s Strategic Interests:

  • India, with deep historical and economic ties to Bangladesh, views it as a crucial partner for balancing China’s growing regional influence.
  • Bilateral trade and various agreements underscore a close relationship, with India congratulating Sheikh Hasina after her win.

U.S. Critique and Dilemma:

  • The U.S. has criticized the Bangladesh government for democratic shortcomings, human rights issues, and press freedom suppression.
  • There is a tension between advancing core strategic interests and upholding democratic values, as reflected in visa restrictions threats.

China’s Perspective:

  • China, Bangladesh’s top trading partner, views the election as an internal matter and congratulates the Awami League on its victory.
  • China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has significant investments in Bangladesh’s critical infrastructure.

Russia’s Interests and Collaboration:

  • Russia, investing in Bangladesh’s infrastructure projects, has drawn closer ties, particularly through the Rooppur nuclear power plant.
  • Russia congratulated Sheikh Hasina on her election victory, highlighting a unique act of collaboration with India.

Geopolitical Battleground:

  • Bangladesh’s economic and strategic importance has turned the 2024 election results into a geopolitical battleground.
  • The U.S. and its allies may find it challenging to conduct business as geopolitical considerations complicate relations.

Potential Impact on the Economy:

  • The readymade garment industry, a significant source of foreign exchange, could be affected if the U.S. and EU impose restrictions.
  • The International Monetary Fund warns of economic challenges, including energy import prices, diminishing dollar reserves, and a weakening local currency.

UN’s Role and Possible Consequences:

  • In 2007, the UN issued a warning to Bangladesh during the opposition BNP’s attempt to manipulate elections.
  • The UN’s stance this time, beyond criticism, remains uncertain, affecting Bangladesh’s involvement in peacekeeping operations.

Domestic Challenges for Hasina’s Government:

  • Surging living costs have triggered protests, compounded by the challenges of dealing with soaring energy import prices, diminishing dollar reserves, and a weakening local currency.
  • The post-COVID-19 recovery presents multiple economic shocks, requiring the delicate balancing of geopolitics with national interests.

Nut Graf: Bangladesh’s 2024 elections, marked by controversy, geopolitical tensions, and economic significance, reveal the Awami League’s resounding victory and global powers’ varied responses. Amidst critiques, the nation grapples with potential impacts on trade, geopolitics, and domestic challenges, shaping its uncertain path ahead.

2. India doesn’t need wolf warriors

Syllabus: GS-2, India and its Neighbourhood – Relations

Mains: Boycott of the Maldives tourism and its impact on bilateral relations

Background: Lakshadweep Tourism Campaign and Maldivian Reaction

  • After Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Lakshadweep, a tourism campaign emerged on social media encouraging a boycott of the Maldives.
  • Maldivian officials, including deputy ministers, responded with distasteful remarks about Mr. Modi and India.
  • The Maldives later suspended the deputy ministers, emphasizing that their views were not official government positions.

Shifting Alliances: Maldives’ Pro-China Stance

  • Maldivian President Mohamed Muizzu has taken a significant pro-China stance, particularly evident before his visit to China.
  • During his election campaign, Muizzu criticized India, promising to remove Indian troops and balance trade relations.
  • The visit to China resulted in elevated bilateral ties to a ‘comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership,’ indicating a move away from India.

China’s Influence: Economic and Diplomatic Shifts

  • Muizzu highlighted China as the Maldives’ pre-COVID-19 top market and sought increased efforts from China to regain that position.
  • China and the Maldives aim to strengthen their ties, with President Xi Jinping expressing support for the Maldives to pursue a development path independent of India’s influence.
  • New agreements may enhance China’s presence, both digitally and physically, in the Maldives, impacting regional dynamics.

Bold Moves: Maldives’ Request for Indian Military Withdrawal

  • President Muizzu, emboldened by closer ties with China, requested India to remove its military personnel from the Maldives by March 15.
  • The Maldives emphasized that its small size doesn’t grant others the right to bully the nation.

India’s Dilemma: Diplomatic Challenges and Aspirations

  • India’s relationship with the Maldives is vital, given its strategic location and historical ties.
  • However, India faces challenges in its diplomatic efforts, with recent instances, such as its stance on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas conflict, affecting its global image.
  • India aspires to be a norm-builder in the new world order but must reconcile its national interests with global expectations.

Neighbourhood Dynamics: Wolf-Warrior Diplomacy Comparison

  • India’s approach towards the Maldives reflects a tendency to adopt a ‘wolf-warrior’ stance on social media, resembling China’s combative and assertive diplomacy.
  • The ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy has yielded mixed results, and India’s domestic sentiments often clash with a globalist diplomatic approach.
  • Recent incidents highlight the challenge for India to counter China while avoiding behaviour similar to that of its rival.

Balancing Act: Foreign Policy Challenges and Domestic Sentiments

  • Domestic sentiments, especially on social media, shape India’s foreign policy decisions, posing challenges in managing relationships with smaller neighbours.
  • The diplomatic row with the Maldives underscores the complexity of India’s strategic goals in a region already fraught with various issues.
  • India must navigate a delicate balance between projecting strength and maintaining a cooperative approach to secure its interests in the evolving global landscape.

Read more on India – Maldives relations in the link.

Nut Graf: India’s diplomatic challenges with the Maldives reveal a delicate balance between regional influence and global aspirations. The shift in Maldives’ stance towards China, coupled with India’s domestic sentiments, highlights the complexities of projecting strength while maintaining cooperative relationships in the evolving international order.

F. Prelims Facts

1. ICMR starts revising current National Essential Diagnostics List for first time

Context: The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has taken a significant step in advancing healthcare by initiating the revision of the National Essential Diagnostics List (NEDL), first introduced in 2019.


  • The NEDL is pivotal, specifying fundamental diagnostic tests essential at various healthcare tiers. 
  • Aligned with World Health Organization recommendations, ICMR introduced India’s inaugural NEDL in 2019, elevating diagnostics as a cornerstone of the healthcare system. 
  • Essential tests, selected based on disease burden and public health impact, must align with infrastructure and manpower availability.
  • This revision aims to incorporate contemporary diagnostic tests crucial for diverse healthcare facilities across India.
  • ICMR has called upon relevant stakeholders to actively contribute their insights and suggestions for updating the NEDL. 

Significance: ICMR’s commitment to updating the NEDL reflects India’s dedication to enhancing healthcare efficacy, aligning diagnostic practices with emerging health challenges, and ultimately ensuring better health outcomes for its citizens.

2. What are light-emitting diodes and why are they prized as light sources?

Context: In 2014, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences made a profound declaration, stating that “the 21st century will be lit by LED lamps.” This proclamation accompanied the Nobel Prize in Physics awarded for groundbreaking achievements that paved the way for light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to supersede traditional lighting sources.

What are Diodes?

Diodes, fundamental electronic components, serve as the building blocks for LEDs. With an anode and a cathode, diodes enable the unidirectional flow of electric current through a p-n junction, where p-type (electron-deficient) and n-type (electron-rich) materials meet.

Advantages of LEDs:

  • Haitz’s Law, akin to Moore’s Law in the realm of transistors, predicts consistent enhancements in LED efficiency.
  • LEDs outshine traditional incandescent bulbs and fluorescent lamps in terms of energy efficiency, durability, and cost-effectiveness. 
  • Their applications span a wide array of sectors, from consumer electronics to agriculture.

Innovation and Future Prospects:

  • Ongoing research continues to explore advanced materials like perovskites to further enhance LED efficiency. 
  • The versatility of LEDs extends beyond conventional applications, with developments in embedded LEDs, organic LEDs, and expanded colour-emitting capabilities, showcasing the evolutionary trajectory of this revolutionary lighting technology.

Significance: As researchers delve deeper into materials science and semiconductor physics, the future holds the promise of even more efficient, adaptable, and visually stunning LED technologies. The glow of LEDs not only brightens our surroundings but also symbolizes the brilliance of human ingenuity in harnessing the power of light.

3. India’s KABIL acquires five lithium blocks in Argentina

Context: India has made significant strides in securing its lithium resources by acquiring five lithium blocks in Argentina. 


  • Khanij Bidesh India Ltd. (KABIL), a subsidiary under the Ministry of Mines, entered into an agreement with Argentina’s state-owned Catamarca Minera Y Energetica-Sociedad Del Estado (CAMYEN) for exploration and exclusivity rights. 
  • The lithium brine blocks, covering approximately 15,703 hectares, include Cortadera-I, Cortadera-VII, Cortadera-VIII, Cateo-2022-01810132, and Cortadera-VI. 
  • KABIL, set to establish a branch office in Catamarca, is poised to invest around ₹200 crore over five years for development and exploration. 

Significance: This move is crucial for India, as it currently depends on imports, primarily from China, to meet its lithium requirements, a vital component for energy storage, mobile phone batteries, and electric vehicles in the era of the ‘green transition.’

G. Tidbits

Nothing here for today!!!

H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions

Q1. Consider the following statements with regards to Prime Minister’s Awards 
for Excellence in Public Administration:
  1. These awards are designed to acknowledge, recognize, and reward exemplary work done by civil servants across the country.
  2. The 2023 awards shall consist of a trophy, a scroll and an incentive of Rs. 20 lac to the awarded District/Organization to be utilized for the implementation of a project/program or bridging the resource gap in any area of public welfare.
  3. The PM’s Awards are conferred by the President of India on Civil Services Day.

How many statements given above is/are correct?

  1. Any one
  2. Any two
  3. All three
  4. None of the above

Answer: b


  • Statement 1 is correct: The Prime Minister’s Awards for Excellence in Public Administration are instituted to acknowledge and reward outstanding work by civil servants throughout the country. These awards aim to recognize exemplary contributions to public administration.
  • Statement 2 is correct: The 2023 awards include a trophy, a scroll, and a monetary incentive of Rs. 20 lakh for the awarded District/Organization. This incentive is intended to be used for the implementation of projects/programs or addressing resource gaps in public welfare areas.
  • Statement 3 is incorrect: The Prime Minister’s Awards for Excellence in Public Administration are conferred by the Prime Minister of India, not the President. The awards ceremony usually takes place on Civil Services Day, but it is the Prime Minister who presents these awards to deserving civil servants.
Q2. Consider the following statements with regards to MPLADS e-SAKSHI Mobile Application:
  1. The mobile app would offer convenience and accessibility, allowing MPs to propose, track, and oversee the projects at their fingertips.
  2. This real-time access enhances decision-making processes, enabling swift responses to emerging needs or issues.
  3. The application will streamline the communication between MPs and relevant authorities, facilitating a more efficient exchange of information.

How many of these statements is/are correct?

  1. Any one
  2. Any two
  3. All three
  4. None of the above

Answer: c


  • Statement 1 is correct: The MPLADS e-SAKSHI Mobile Application is designed to provide convenience and accessibility to Members of Parliament (MPs). It allows them to propose, track, and oversee various projects directly from their mobile devices, making the process more efficient and accessible.
  • Statement 2 is correct: The real-time access provided by the mobile application enhances the decision-making processes for MPs. It enables them to receive timely updates and information, allowing for swift responses to emerging needs or issues in their constituencies.
  • Statement 3 is correct: The MPLADS e-SAKSHI Mobile Application aims to streamline communication between MPs and relevant authorities. It facilitates an efficient exchange of information, ensuring that MPs can communicate effectively with the authorities involved in the implementation of projects.
Q3. Consider the following statements with regards to the famous Tamil poet and 
philosopher Thiruvalluvar or Valluvar:
  1. His most famous work, the Tirukkural, is a collection of couplets addressing morality, politics, the economy, and love.
  2. In January 1935, the Tamil Nadu government officially recognized 31 BCE as the year of Valluvar.
  3. The Government of Tamil Nadu celebrates the 15th (16th on leap years) of January as Thiruvalluvar Day in the poet’s honour, as part of Pongal celebrations.

How many of these statements is/are correct?

  1. Any one
  2. Any two
  3. All three
  4. None of the above

Answer: c


 All three statements are correct.

  • His most famous work, the Tirukkural, is a collection of couplets that cover various aspects, including morality, politics, the economy, and love.
  • In January 1935, the Tamil Nadu government officially recognized 31 BCE as the year of Valluvar. This recognition is based on historical assessments and traditions associated with Thiruvalluvar’s life.
  • The Government of Tamil Nadu celebrates the 15th (16th on leap years) of January as Thiruvalluvar Day in the poet’s honour, as part of the Pongal celebrations. This celebration is a tribute to Thiruvalluvar’s contributions to Tamil literature and philosophy.
Q4. Consider the following statements with regards to the Punganur cow species in India:
  1. They are a unique dwarf breed, considered the shortest-humped cattle in the world.
  2. In the 2012 livestock census, Punganur were found only in Karnataka.
  3. Males have slightly longer horns than the stumpier ones in females.

How many of these statements is/are correct?

  1. Any one
  2. Any two
  3. All three
  4. None of the above

Answer: a


  • Statement 1 is correct: The Punganur cow species in India is a distinctive dwarf breed, recognized as the shortest-humped cattle globally. Males have slightly longer horns than females, contributing to the characteristic features of this breed.
  • Statement 2 is incorrect: Punganur cows are not limited to Karnataka; they are indigenous to the Punganoor, Vayalapadu, Madanapalli, and Palamaneer talukas of Chittoor district in Rayalaseema region, southern Andhra Pradesh.
  • Statement 3 is incorrect: The breed is characterized by small crescent-shaped horns, typically measuring 10-15 cm in length. In male cattle, these horns often curve both backward and forward, while in female cattle, they curve laterally and forward. Notably, females possess slightly longer horns compared to the more compact horns of males in this breed.
Q5. The Government enacted the Panchayat Extension to Scheduled Areas (PESA) Act in 1996.
Which one of the following is not identified as its objective? [PYQ 2013]
  1. To provide self-governance
  2. To recognize traditional rights
  3. To create autonomous regions in tribal areas
  4. To free tribal people from exploitation

Answer: c


The Panchayat Extension to Scheduled Areas (PESA) Act was enacted in 1996 with the objective of empowering tribal communities. The act primarily focuses on:

  • Providing self-governance: PESA aims to decentralize power and promote local self-governance among tribal communities.
  • Recognizing traditional rights: It emphasizes the recognition and protection of the traditional rights of tribal communities over their resources and territories.
  • Freeing tribal people from exploitation: PESA seeks to protect tribal communities from exploitation by providing them with the authority to manage their resources.
  • However, creating autonomous regions in tribal areas is not explicitly identified as an objective of the PESA Act. The act concentrates more on empowering local self-governance rather than establishing autonomous regions within tribal areas.



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