28 Jun 2024: UPSC Exam Comprehensive News Analysis

28 June 2024 CNA
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A. GS 1 Related
B. GS 2 Related
1. A playbook to handle gestational diabetes better
C. GS 3 Related
1. Uttarakhand Govt. to study risk posed by 13 glacial lakes during monsoon
D. GS 4 Related
E. Editorials
1. Reasi and the ‘years-old’ issue of cross-border terror
1. Net damage
F. Prelims Facts
1. India and US in talks for Stryker infantry vehicles
2. Antelope-like mammal from Bhutan recorded at lowest elevation in Western Assam
3. Economy robust despite global risks
4. Bolivian General arrested after failed coup attempt
G. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions
H. UPSC Mains Practice Questions
FIP Magazine

Syllabus: Mechanisms, laws, institutions and Bodies constituted for the protection and betterment of vulnerable sections of the population

Prelims: Gestational diabetes

Mains: Challenges due to gestational diabetes

Context​: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), characterized by hyperglycemia first diagnosed during pregnancy, is a common yet often neglected medical disorder with a global prevalence of 14%. A new series published in The Lancet emphasizes the need for a holistic life-course approach to managing GDM, offering insights into its pathophysiology, screening, management, and prevention.

Risk Factors and Rising Prevalence

  • Major Risk Factors: Age, family history of diabetes, and high BMI.
  • Rising Incidence: Linked to the broader crisis of non-communicable diseases like obesity and cardiometabolic disorders among women of childbearing age.


  • Pregnancy Complications: Increased risk of complications during pregnancy.
  • Long-Term Impact on Mothers: Up to 31% of type 2 diabetes cases in parous women are attributable to GDM.
  • Long-Term Impact on Babies: Increased risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Barriers to Appropriate Care

  • Resource Limitations: Insufficient resources to provide appropriate care.
  • Isolation of Maternal Care: Secondary maternal care is often isolated from primary care, leading to the loss of crucial health information.
  • Healthcare Prioritization: Focus on the baby’s health post-birth often overshadows the mother’s long-term health.

Pathophysiology and Screening

  • Glycaemic Exposure: Pathophysiology of glycemic dysregulation and its impact on pregnancy outcomes and future health.
  • Screening and Diagnosis: Early and late screening, medical and obstetric management, and health-economic considerations.

Transformative Approaches

  • Life-Course Perspective: Moving from a pregnancy-focused approach to a long-term perspective on GDM.
  • Universal Screening: Early testing of all pregnant women, with a proposed testing strategy effective in India.


Medical and Obstetric Management

  • Lack of Early Detection: Current detection methods often identify GDM later than optimal.
  • Modern Treatment Methodologies: Need for updated treatment methods tailored to individual needs.

Intergenerational Impact

  • Focus on Future Generations: Importance of considering the long-term health of both mother and child.


Improved Maternal and Child Health

  • Preventive Measures: Early detection and management can prevent severe complications for both mother and child.
  • Long-Term Health Benefits: Reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other non-communicable diseases.

Economic Considerations

  • Cost-Effective Screening and Management: Early and effective management of GDM can reduce healthcare costs associated with long-term complications.


Holistic Management Approaches

  • Integrated Care Models: Combining primary and secondary care to ensure continuity of care and information.
  • Lifestyle Interventions: Promoting healthy lifestyles to prevent the onset of GDM and related complications.

Universal and Early Screening

  • Universal Screening Protocols: Implementing universal screening in early pregnancy to identify and manage GDM promptly.
  • Effective Testing Strategies: Utilizing strategies like the two-hour postprandial blood sugar level test during the early weeks of pregnancy.

Nut Graf: The Lancet’s series on gestational diabetes highlights the urgent need for a comprehensive approach to manage this condition. By adopting early screening, integrated care models, and a life-course perspective, we can significantly improve the health outcomes for both mothers and their children, reducing the long-term impact of GDM and associated non-communicable diseases.

Syllabus: GS-3, Role of External State and Non-state Actors in Creating Challenges to Internal Security

Mains: J&K terrorism and way to eradicate it 


  • The Reasi terrorist attack on June 9 coincided with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s third-term oath-taking ceremony.
  • Nine pilgrims were killed, and 41 were injured in the attack in Jammu and Kashmir.
  • Similar attacks occurred during Mr Modi’s previous oath-taking ceremonies, including the CGI Herat attack in 2014 by Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists.

Ongoing Terrorist Threat:

  • The Reasi attack is potentially linked to terrorist groups in Pakistan.
  • Jammu and Kashmir have faced terrorism for almost 35 years, with recent incidents highlighting the persistent challenge.
  • India’s response evolved from defensive counter-insurgency to managing terrorism with confidence by the mid-1990s.

Diplomatic and Military Responses:

  • Pakistan’s support for J&K separatism increased after the Afghan Jihad, influencing its terrorism strategy against India.
  • India opted for a mix of military force and political activity to address the Kashmir issue.
  • Diplomatic efforts, including the 1998 composite dialogue, often stalled due to Pakistan’s reluctance to address terrorism concerns.

Pre-Emptive Actions and Global Diplomacy:

  • India used military force in response to significant attacks, such as the Balakot strike in 2019 and surgical strikes post-Uri attack in 2016.
  • The doctrine of pre-emption allows India to target terrorist preparations in Pakistan.
  • Despite diplomatic efforts, public opinion in India often demanded military action against unacceptable attacks.

International Recognition and Future Steps:

  • Major powers recognise Pakistan’s use of terrorism, though it maintains plausible deniability.
  • India’s sharing of information and evidence in terrorist cases aims to bolster its credibility internationally.
  • External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar emphasises the need to curb Pakistani terrorism by engaging the international community.

Nut Graf: The Reasi terrorist attack underscores the persistent cross-border terrorism challenge from Pakistan. Despite diplomatic efforts and selective military responses, India continues to seek international support to address the ongoing threat and ensure regional stability.


1. Net damage

Syllabus: GS-2, India and its Neighbourhood – Relations

Mains: Fisherman issue in the India-Sri Lankan relationship


  • Fishing resumed off India’s eastern coast after the annual 61-day ban.
  • A Sri Lankan sailor died during an operation to chase away Indian poaching trawlers.
  • A trawler was impounded, and 10 fishermen (eight from Tamil Nadu, and two from Andhra Pradesh) were apprehended.
  • Tamil Nadu Chief Minister sought the intervention of External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar for the release of the vessel and men.
  • Mr. Jaishankar responded, mentioning the Indian High Commission’s efforts to secure the release of 34 fishermen in judicial remand and six others serving sentences.

Need for Negotiations:

  • The incident highlights the need to revive negotiations to address the fisheries dispute, exacerbated by the 1974 and 1976 bilateral agreements.
  • Mr. Stalin urged Mr. Jaishankar to convene a meeting of the Joint Working Group, last held over two years ago.

Illegal Fishing and Marine Ecosystem:

  • Indian fishermen crossing the international maritime boundary line are engaging in illegal activities.
  • Protecting livelihood opportunities must be balanced with preserving the marine ecosystem.
  • Gradual replacement of bottom trawlers used by Tamil Nadu fishermen is necessary.
  • Fisherfolk need time to diversify into deep-sea fishing, marine cage farming, seaweed cultivation, and processing, and sea ranching.

Deep Sea Fishing Project:

  • The deep sea fishing project by the Union and Tamil Nadu governments has been largely unsuccessful.
  • Only 61 deep-sea fishing vessels have been handed over to beneficiaries after nearly seven years, with 19 more under construction.
  • The Union government should consider an all-India programme, raising the unit cost of a deep sea fishing vessel by ₹40 lakh to ₹80 lakh for better response.

Collaboration and Solutions:

  • New Delhi and Colombo should devise additional schemes to support Northern Province fishermen.
  • It is crucial for representatives of both countries, the fishing community, and officials from Tamil Nadu and the Northern Province to meet soon to resolve the dispute.

Nut Graf: The recent death of a Sri Lankan sailor amid poaching disputes underscores the urgent need for India and Sri Lanka to revive negotiations, address illegal fishing, protect livelihoods, and preserve marine ecosystems through collaborative efforts and sustainable fishing practices.

F. Prelims Facts

1. India and US in talks for Stryker infantry vehicles

Context: India and the U.S. are engaging in discussions regarding the potential co-production of Stryker infantry vehicles, alongside ongoing deals for MQ-9B unmanned aerial vehicles and GE-414 jet engines. These developments are part of broader defence collaborations under the Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET) framework.

Early Stages of Negotiation

  • Interest in Co-Production: India has shown interest in co-producing Stryker infantry vehicles, with talks currently in the early stages.
  • U.S. Demonstration: The U.S. Army plans to demonstrate the capabilities of the Stryker to the Indian Army soon.

Defence Industrial Collaborations

  • MQ-9B Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Progressing towards finalization, with a letter of offer and acceptance delivered to India in early March.
  • GE-414 Jet Engines: Advanced negotiations for licence manufacture by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) to power the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA)-Mk1A.

Customization and Local Manufacturing

  • Local Manufacture: Potential for local manufacturing of Stryker variants under licence, with customizations for the Indian Army, including a variant with Javelin anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM) mounted.

Reservations and Alternatives

  • Indian Defence Officials’ Reservations: Some officials are hesitant about adopting Stryker due to the availability of similar vehicles developed by Indian companies.

Broader Collaborations

  • Co-Production of Javelin ATGMs: Discussions also include potential co-production of Javelin ATGMs.
  • Technological Collaboration: Exploring avenues for collaboration in research and development (R&D) and technological advancements.


Strengthening Defence Ties

  • India-U.S. Defence Partnership: Enhancing bilateral defence ties and strategic cooperation through joint production and technological collaborations.
  • Capability Enhancement: Improving the operational capabilities of the Indian Army with advanced and customized Stryker vehicles.

Economic and Industrial Impact

  • Boost to Local Manufacturing: Promoting local manufacturing and technological upgradation in India’s defence sector.
  • Job Creation and Economic Growth: Generating employment opportunities and contributing to economic growth through defence industrial collaborations.

2. Antelope-like mammal from Bhutan recorded at lowest elevation in Western Assam

Context: The mainland serow, an antelope-like mammal typically found in Bhutan, has been recorded at an unprecedentedly low elevation in western Assam, India. This discovery was made at Raimona National Park, significantly lower than its usual habitat range, and marks a notable occurrence in wildlife studies.

Discovery Details

  • Species Identified: Mainland serow (Capricornis sumatraensis thar).
  • Location: Raimona National Park, western Assam.
  • Elevation Recorded: 96 metres above mean sea level.
  • Proximity to Human Habitation: First time recorded within a 1 km radius of human habitation.

Habitat and Range

  • Usual Habitat: Altitudes between 200 metres to 3,000 metres, primarily in Bhutan.
  • Natural Home: Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary and Royal Manas National Park in Bhutan.


Conservation Challenges

  • Habitat Degradation: Potential threats from habitat degradation due to human activities and environmental changes.
  • Human-Wildlife Conflict: Increased proximity to human habitation could lead to conflicts and threats to the serow.

Research and Monitoring

  • Lack of Data: Limited data on the species’ behaviour and adaptation at lower elevations.
  • Monitoring Efforts: Need for continuous monitoring to track the movement and health of the serow population in Assam.


Biodiversity and Ecology

  • Ecosystem Indicator: The presence of the serow at lower elevations could indicate changes in the ecosystem and environmental conditions.
  • Biodiversity Conservation: Highlights the importance of conserving diverse habitats to support various species.

Scientific and Conservation Implications

  • New Research Opportunities: Opens avenues for studying species adaptation to new environments.
  • Conservation Strategies: Necessitates the development of targeted conservation strategies to protect the serow and its habitat.

3. Economy robust despite global risks

Context: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released the 29th issue of its Financial Stability Report (FSR), highlighting the resilience and robustness of India’s financial system despite global economic risks. The report emphasizes the improved health of scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) and their role in supporting sustained economic activity through credit expansion.

Key Financial Indicators

  • Gross NPA Ratio: SCBs’ gross non-performing assets (GNPA) ratio fell to a multi-year low of 2.8% by the end of March 2024.
  • Net NPA Ratio: Declined to 0.6% by the end of March 2024.
  • Capital to Risk-Weighted Assets Ratio (CRAR): Stood at 16.8%.
  • Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) Ratio: Recorded at 13.9%.

Financial Health of NBFCs

Stress Test Scenarios

  • Macro Stress Tests: SCBs projected to maintain CRAR of 16.1%, 14.4%, and 13.0% under baseline, medium, and severe stress scenarios, respectively.
  • Interpretation: Stress tests are conservative assessments and should not be considered forecasts.

Global Economic Context

  • Geopolitical Tensions: Heightened geopolitical risks.
  • Public Debt: Elevated levels of public debt.
  • Disinflation Progress: Slow progress in disinflation efforts globally.
  • Global Financial Resilience: Despite challenges, the global financial system remains resilient and stable.


External Economic Risks

  • Geopolitical Instability: Ongoing geopolitical tensions affecting global economic stability.
  • Debt Levels: High public debt in various economies.
  • Inflation Challenges: Slow progress in achieving disinflation goals.

Domestic Financial Challenges

  • NPA Management: Continued focus on managing and reducing NPAs.
  • Credit Expansion Risks: Ensuring sustainable credit expansion without compromising financial stability.
  • NBFC Health: Maintaining the health and stability of NBFCs amidst evolving economic conditions.


Economic Stability

  • Macroeconomic Stability: The resilience of the financial system supports overall macroeconomic stability.
  • Credit Availability: Improved balance sheets of banks enable sustained credit availability, fostering economic growth.

Investor Confidence

  • Boost to Confidence: Low NPA ratios and strong capital adequacy ratios boost investor confidence in the Indian banking system.
  • Financial Sector Resilience: Demonstrates the robustness of the financial sector in handling external shocks and stresses.

4. Bolivian General arrested after failed coup attempt

Context: A failed coup attempt in Bolivia, led by Army chief Gen. Juan José Zúñiga, has resulted in significant political upheaval. The swift action of President Luis Arce to dismiss and arrest the rebel general prevented the takeover, stabilizing the situation rapidly. This incident underscores the fragile political climate in Bolivia, exacerbated by ongoing economic and political challenges.

Coup Attempt Details

  • Leader: Army Chief Gen. Juan José Zúñiga.
  • Action: Troops stormed the government palace with armoured vehicles.
  • Response: President Luis Arce sacked Gen. Zúñiga and appointed a new Army commander who ordered the troops to stand down.
  • Duration: The rebellion lasted for just three hours before soldiers retreated.

Arrests and Legal Action

  • Arrests: Gen. Juan José Zúñiga and former Navy Vice Adm. Juan Arnez Salvador were arrested.
  • Investigation: The Attorney General initiated an investigation.
  • Total Arrests: 17 people, including active and retired military personnel and civilians, have been detained.

Government’s Reaction

  • President’s Stand: President Luis Arce vowed to stand firm and control the situation.
  • Defence Minister’s Statement: Defence Minister Edmundo Novillo declared that the situation was under control and labelled the event a “failed coup.”


Political Tensions

  • Infighting: Ongoing political fights between President Arce and former president Evo Morales have paralyzed government functions.
  • Democratic Stability: The attempted coup highlights vulnerabilities in Bolivia’s democratic institutions.

Economic Crisis

  • Economic Challenges: The political instability is compounded by an ongoing economic crisis, further straining the nation’s governance and social fabric.

Military Involvement in Politics

  • Military Dissatisfaction: Gen. Zúñiga cited military frustration with political infighting as a motive for the coup attempt, indicating deeper issues within the armed forces.


Preservation of Democracy

  • Immediate Response: President Arce’s quick action in dismissing the rebel general preserved the democratic process.
  • Public Support: The support from hundreds of citizens outside the palace reinforced the legitimacy of the democratically elected government.

Regional Impact

  • Regional Reactions: The coup attempt elicited condemnation from regional leaders and organizations, emphasizing the importance of democratic stability in Latin America.

H. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions

Q1. Regarding India and the U.S. defense collaboration, which of the following 
equipment is India interested in co-producing with the U.S.?
  1. Stryker infantry vehicles
  2. Javelin anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM)
  3. MQ-9B unmanned aerial vehicles
  4. GE-414 jet engines

Select the correct answer using the code given below: 

  1. 1 and 2 only
  2. 1, 2, and 3 only
  3. 2, 3, and 4 only
  4. 1, 2, 3, and 4

Answer: d

Explanation: India is interested in co-producing the Stryker infantry vehicles and Javelin anti-tank guided missiles with the U.S. and deals for MQ-9B unmanned aerial vehicles and GE-414 jet engines are progressing.

Q2. Consider the following statements about the Simla Agreement of 1972:
  1. India was committed to resolving issues with Pakistan peacefully through negotiations.
  2. The agreement explicitly anticipated Pakistan promoting terrorism through non-state actors.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: a

Explanation: The Simla Agreement committed India to resolving issues with Pakistan peacefully through negotiations. It did not anticipate Pakistan promoting terrorism through non-state actors.

Q3. Which of the following statements best align with the International Union for 
Conservation of Nature's (IUCN) description of the mainland serow?
  1. It inhabits a wide range of altitudes from 200 meters to 3000 meters.
  2. It is exclusively found in Assam at an elevation of 96 meters above sea level.
  3. It is predominantly located in the Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary in Bhutan.
  4. It is a hybrid species between a goat and a deer, primarily found in Bhutan.

Select the correct answer using the code given below: 

  1. 1 only
  2. 1 and 3 only
  3. 2 and 4 only
  4. 1, 2, 3, and 4

Answer: a

Explanation: The mainland serow (Capricornis sumatraensis) is known to inhabit a wide range of altitudes from 200 meters to 3000 meters according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). It is not exclusively found in Assam at 96 meters above sea level, nor is it primarily located in the Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary in Bhutan. The mainland serow is not a hybrid species between a goat and a deer; rather, it is a distinct species of the genus Capricornis, belonging to the family Bovidae. Therefore, statement 1 is the only accurate description according to the IUCN, making (a) the correct answer.

Q4. Consider the following lakes in the context of potential monsoon risks in Uttarakhand:
  1. Darma Lasaryanghati
  2. Vasudhara Tal
  3. Kutiyangti Valley

Which of the above lakes are posing a high risk during monsoon? 

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. 1 and 2 only
  4. 1, 2, and 3

Answer: d

Explanation: The lakes in Darma Lasaryanghati, Kutiyangti Valley, and Vasudhara Tal pose a high risk during the monsoon.

Q5. Which of the following factors are contributing to the increased prevalence 
of gestational diabetes globally?
  1. Age
  2. Family history of diabetes
  3. High BMI

Select the correct answer using the code given below: 

  1. 1 and 2 only
  2. 2 and 3 only
  3. 1 and 3 only
  4. 1, 2, and 3

Answer: d

Explanation: Age, family history of diabetes, and high BMI are contributing factors to the increased prevalence of gestational diabetes globally.


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