Any IAS aspirant would know that current affairs are one of the most crucial aspects of UPSC exam preparation. The USPC asks many questions on current affairs in the exam. A serious IAS aspirant would have a specific strategy to tackle this portion alone. You should make a separate file or notebook for this section and constantly update the contents. This article talks about a few do’s and don’ts of studying for the current affairs section of the UPSC exam.
Do’s of preparing for current affairs
- Do follow updates from different ministry websites and important organisations like ministries of external affairs, finance, agriculture, RBI, UN, etc.
- Do subscribe or read recommended magazines like Yojana, Kurukshetra, etc.
- Do read The Hindu. Period.
- Do solve mock tests/quizzes on current affairs regularly. Check BYJU’S Weekly GK and Current Affairs Quiz at the linked article.
- Do maintain a separate file or folder for current affairs.
- Do make notes topic-wise and in chronological order so that you get the timeline correct.
Don’ts of preparing for current affairs
- Don’t miss important news and themes which make headlines like political crises, women empowerment/security schemes, amendments to Constitution, etc.
- Don’t read too many newspapers or magazines. Select the most recommended and stick to them.
- Don’t study topics in international relations/affairs without a world map. This will give you a complete sense of the situation in a country or region. This way you can relate social, economic, geographical and even historical issues to what is happening in that region or country currently.
- Don’t try to mug up the relevant dates. Instead, try to associate the date with the issue and region.
- Don’t forget to relate current affairs to the UPSC syllabus. Remember even the static portions that are asked have a current affairs twist to them. Also, Read | How to Read the Newspaper Exclusively for IAS Prelims and Link it to the UPSC Syllabus
Also Read | UPSC Civil Services: How to Prepare for UPSC Current Affairs?
Do you know your eligibility for the IAS Exam? Check the detailed eligibility criteria of UPSC Exam at the linked article.