09 Sep 2023: PIB Summary for UPSC

9 September 2023 PIB
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1. G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration
2. Global Biofuels Alliance (GBA)
FIP Magazine

1. G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration

Syllabus: GS-2, International Relations

Prelims: G-20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration, G-20

Mains: G-20 & India’s Presidency


The G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration was adopted at the G-20 Summit.

G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration:

  • Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi announced at the second session of the summit that the different nations were able to reach a consensus on the G-20 Leaders’ Summit Declaration.
  • Negotiators from the G20 nations were able to come to a consensus on the language on the Ukraine conflict after about 150 hours of intense negotiations.
  • This development is seen as a victory for India which has been pressing for a focus on development rather than geopolitical issues dominating the agenda.
  • Western nations have been wanting to make a strong condemnation of Russia on the Ukrainian conflict but this was resisted by the other side.
  • The joint statements and the outcome statement included a footnote noting Russia and China’s dissent over the reference to the war.

Read the full text of the Leaders’ Declaration in the linked article.

2. Global Biofuels Alliance (GBA)

Syllabus: GS-3, Environment & Ecology

Prelims: Global Biofuels Alliance (GBA)


Global Biofuels Alliance (GBA) announced at G20 event.

Global Biofuels Alliance (GBA):

  • The Global Biofuels Alliance (GBA) was announced by Prime Minister Modi at the sidelines of the G20 summit.
  • GBA is an India-led Initiative to develop an alliance of governments, international organizations and Industry to facilitate the adoption of biofuels. 
  • The initiative aims to position biofuels as a key to energy transition and contribute to jobs and economic growth.
  • GBA will support worldwide development and deployment of sustainable biofuels by offering capacity-building exercises across the value chain, technical support for national programs and promoting policy lessons-sharing. 
  • 19 countries and 12 international organisations have already agreed to join.
    • G20 countries (07) supporting GBA: 1. Argentina, 2. Brazil, 3. Canada, 4. India 5. Italy, 6. South Africa, 7. USA
    • G20 Invitee Countries (04) supporting GBA: 1. Bangladesh, 2. Singapore, 3. Mauritius, 4. UAE
    • Non G20 (08) supporting GBA: 1. Iceland, 2. Kenya, 3. Guyana, 4. Paraguay, 5. Seychelles, 6. Sri Lanka, and 7. Uganda have agreed to be initiating members of GBA, and 8. Finland
    • International organizations (12): World Bank, Asian Development Bank, World Economic Forum, World LPG Organization, UN Energy for All, UNIDO, Biofutures Platform, International Civil Aviation Organization, International Energy Agency, International Energy Forum, International Renewable Energy Agency, World Biogas Association.

Read more about the Global Biofuels Alliance in the linked article.

Read the previous PIB articles here.

Related Links
Ethanol Blended Petrol Programme G20 Digital Economy Working Group
Ethanol Blending E-100 Project
Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) World Bank Group



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