Terms and their meanings under Ancient and Medieval Indian history have a vital role in UPSC Civil Services IAS Examination. In 2015 and 2016, UPSC had asked questions about the meaning or key terms from Medieval Indian History. They have already asked several terms and their meanings like Eripatti, Purohita, Jana and Panchayatan. So while preparing for Indian history, aspirants should note down these terms with their meanings. In this scenario, UPSC may follow the same trend and aspirants should know the key terms in history.
As per the UPSC 2023 calendar, the IAS Prelims and main exams are scheduled to take place on May 28, 2023 and September 15, 2023 respectively.
Question on terms from Medieval Indian History and their meanings asked in UPSC IAS Prelims exam.
1. In the context of the history of India, consider the following pairs: Term description
- Eripatti: land, revenue from which was set apart for the maintenance of the village tank.
- Taniyurs: Villages donated to a single Brahmin or a group of Brahmins
- Ghatikas: colleges generally attached to the temples.
Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched?
- 1 and 2
- 3 only
- 2 and 3
- 1 and 3
Ans. B
2. With reference to the cultural history of India, the term ‘Panchayatan’ refers to
- An assembly of village elders
- A religious sect
- A style of temple construction
- An administrative functionary
Ans: C
Key terms in Medieval Indian History.
Term | Meaning |
Amils | Revenue |
Bargir | Cavalrymen |
Dam | Coin |
Dhimmis | Non-Muslims people |
Din | Religion |
Diwan | Function of finance |
Diwan-i-Arz | Ministry of Military affairs |
Diwan-i-Insha | Ministry of Royal correspondence |
Diwan-i-Kul | Wazir or Chief imperial fiscal minister |
Diwan-i-Risalat | Religious Affairs |
Diwan-i-Wizarat | Department of Finance |
Faujdar | In charge of Sarkar |
Ganj | A grain market |
Gomashta | Commercial agent |
Hun | A gold coin |
Hundis | Bills of Exchange |
Ibadat Khana | House of Worship |
Khalisa | Land revenue directly for the imperial treasury |
Khots | Village head |
Khums | Tax on plunder |
Khutba | A sermon made in Friday mosque |
Madad-i-Massh | Tax-free grants of land |
Malfuzat | Saying of Sufi saint |
Mamluk | White slaves |
Mir Bhakshi | Military department |
Mir Saman | Supply department |
Misl | Sikh regions |
Muquaddam | Village head |
Nagaram | Assembly of Merchants in Chola Period |
Nankar | A portion of revenue given to Zamindar |
Pargana | Around a hundred village |
Qanungos | Caretaker of revenue records |
Sabha | Assembly of Brahmins in the Chola period |
Sadr Us Sadur | Ecclesiastical affairs |
Sarkar | Administrative unit or Units of Paragana |
Shaikhzadas | Indian Muslims nobility |
Sharia | Muslim law |
Shiqdar | Head of Administrative unit |
Sondhar | Loans |
Subhas | Provinces |
Tankah | Silver coin |
Umara | Collective term of nobility |
Ummah | Muslim believer |
Ur | Common village assembly in Chola Period |
Vimans | Towers of Temple |
Waqf | Grants to Muslim religious establishments |
Watandar | Desais and Deskmukh |
Wilayat | The spiritual territory of a Sufi |
Wujuhat | Taxes on cattle |
Zabt | Revenue-based on land measurement |
Zawabit | Non-Shariat State laws |
Also Read:
India under the Mughals |
Mughal Empire |
Akbar |