Crack the UPSC Prelims Exam in less than 60 days! If you think that you have that die-hard determination and ready to go through anything to reach your destiny then it is never too late for you. With that determination and right attitude balanced with the right approach and preparation strategy, you can definitely crack the exam.

Aspirants would find this article very helpful while preparing for the IAS Exam.

Aspirants should begin their preparation by solving UPSC Previous Year Question Papers now!!

To complement your preparation for the upcoming exam, check the following links:

Take Mock Tests

Once you are familiar with the syllabus, start right away with taking mock tests and in this less than 60 days try to take as many as tests possible. During this period if you come across a few concepts that are new to you then after taking the mock test try to study about such topics and make short notes on them if you think you have time for it or else just move on. Analyse your errors in the mock tests and draw out your strengths and weaknesses and start working on your weaknesses and fortifying your strengths. Taking mock tests will give you confidence, which is the key to the success in any examination. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses early on will prove crucial in scoring high marks in the IAS Exams. Every time you take the test you get familiarized with the answering patterns, which help you in eliminating wrong answers as well as improve your chances of getting more answers correct.

Pick the Right Books

Choose a few and right study material over several books. Every IAS experts and candidates who have cleared the exam definitely recommend NCERT Books as the must-have as they clear all the basic doubts and help candidates to score high as well not only in prelims but also in mains. Make a note of important topics from each subject or while taking mock tests to mark all the words you come across and work on those which you find difficult and easier to have a glance at.

GS Paper I is the Key

GS Paper-I is that paper, where candidates can score the highest, which means more attention should be given to it. Covering each subject that is likely to come in the prelims is the best approach, yet remember one thing neither to allow in your mind that your days of preparation are numbered nor are they abundant.

Some important preparation tips are as follows:

  1. It is not recommended to give preference to any particular book or area just thinking that questions might be asked from those.
  2. Give equal importance to easy questions as well from conventional subjects like economics, history, geography, and polity.
  3. Refer NCERT notes and previous years question papers are advised.
  4. Also, keep an eye on the competition areas like science and technology, environment and culture, which should not be left behind.
  5. Don’t forget to stay updated about current affairs, concentrate on the latest schemes, bills, any new discovery, inventions etc., and try to approach it accordingly.

Solve Previous Years’ Papers

Practice on at least past five years of UPSC question papers, as you will get familiarized to the kind of question asked in the exam, along with the pattern as well.  It has been observed that while the same questions are not repeated, the subjects from which these questions are formed are repeated often. 


It is absolutely essential to keep revising what you have already learnt if you have less time left. You should not try to read everything at once, there are some special portions of the syllabus which need to be completed and be revised before the exam. If you are ready to do anything to face the UPSC 2021 Exam then start preparing with the attitude “now or never” and it’s time to put forth those steps into smart work with less hard work. This is the time you have to keep your calm and think only about your success in UPSC 2021 IAS Prelims Exam!

The above details would help candidates prepare for UPSC 2021.

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