Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator (IAD) [UPSC Notes]

In September 2022, ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) tested a new technology with IAD (Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator). This topic forms a part of the Section: Achievements of Indians in Science and Technology for the IAS Exam.  

Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator (IAD)

IAD is a technique used for an atmospheric entry payload.

  • This technique could aid the cost-effective recovery of spent rocket stages and safely land payloads on other planets.

What is IAD composed of?

  • It consists of an inflatable envelope and an inflatant (like air or helium). While entering the atmosphere, it inflates like a balloon and decelerates the lander.
  • The inflatant is designed to fill the inflatable envelope to a condition so that it surrounds the payload meant to enter the atmosphere of a planet or satellite and the aerodynamic forces cause it to slow down. 
  • Simply put, IAD is meant to increase drag upon entering the atmosphere of earth, mars or even the moon (any planetary body).

ISRO’s Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator (IAD)

ISRO’s IAD has been designed and developed at Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSS), Thiruvananthapuram.

  • The IAD was successfully test-flown in Rohini 300 (RH300Mk â…¡) sounding rocket from Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (TERLS).
    • Rohini is a series of sounding rockets developed by ISRO. These sounding rockets are capable of carrying payloads of 2-200 kilograms between altitudes of 100 – 500 kilometres. Examples – RH 200, RH300 etc.
  • The IAD tested by ISRO was inflated at an altitude of about 84 km. It is made up of Kevlar fabric – synthetic fibre resistant to withstand atmospheric changes and temperature changes. Over it is a coating of polychloroprene – an oil and wax-resistant rubber which can withstand extreme temperatures.
  • NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Agency) has already tested advanced versions of the technology – supersonic and hypersonic variants.

ISRO’s Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator Significance

  • IAD technology can be used in ISRO’s missions to Venus and Mars (interplanetary missions).
  • This is the first instance where IAD has been specially created for spent stage recovery.

Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator (IAD):- Download PDF Here

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