Joint state public service commission created for two or more states
The Constitution makes a provision for the establishment of a Joint State Public Service Commission (JSPSC) for two or more states. While the Constitution creates Union Public Service Commission(UPSC) and the State Public Service Commission (SPSC) directly, a JSPSC is created by a Parliament act on concerned state legislature’s request.
In this article, you will read all about Joint State Public Service Commission for the Civil Services Exam.
Joint State Public Service Commission – JSPSC Overview
- A JSPSC is a statutory body. It is not a constitutional body. After the creation of Haryana out of Punjab in 1966, the two states of Punjab and Haryana had a JSPSC for a short period.
- The President appoints the chairman as well as the members of a JSPSC. The office is held by them for a six years term or until the age of 62 years is attained by them, whichever is earlier.
- The President can remove or suspend them. They can also submit their resignation letters to the president anytime. The president determines the number of members of a JSPSC and their conditions of service.
- An annual performance report is presented by a Joint State Public Service Commission to each of the concerned state governors. The report is placed by the governor in front of the state legislature.
- The UPSC can also serve the needs of a state on the State Governor’s request and with the president’s approval.
- As provided by the Government of India Act of 1919, a Central Public Service Commission was set up in 1926 and entrusted with the task of recruiting civil servants. The Government of India Act of 1935 provided for the establishment of not only a Federal Public Service Commission but also a Provincial Public Service Commission and Joint Public Service Commission for two or more provinces.
FAQ about Joint State Public Service Commission
Who appoints the chairman of Joint Public Service Commission?
As per Art. 316, President appoints the Chairman and other members of the Union Public Service Commission. In case the office of the Chairman becomes vacant his duties shall be performed by one of the other members of the Commission as the President may appoint for the purpose.
Is JSPSC a constitutional body?
JSPSC is not a constitutional body. It is created by a Parliament act on a concerned state legislature’s request.
The above details would help candidates prepare for UPSC 2023.
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