National Geospatial Policy, 2022 [UPSC Notes]

The Government of India notified the National Geospatial Policy on 28 December 2022. It aims to liberalize the field of geospatial data. It should be noted that prior to 2021, using, gathering, storing, and mapping geospatial data was strictly regulated in India. Read more about the National Geospatial Policy, 2022, an important topic for the IAS exam.

Geospatial Data and Technology
  • Geospatial data are descriptions of events or occurrences with a location on or near the surface of the earth. It can be both static and dynamic. 
  • It has applications in every domain including agriculture, industry, infrastructure development, land administration, mining, disaster management, etc.
  • Geospatial data is now considered an information resource and critical national infrastructure.
  • National Geospatial Policy (NGP) 2022

    • The new policy will replace the National Map Policy, 2005.
    • It intends to strengthen the location-centric industry to support national development, economic prosperity, and the information economy.
    • It is based on the “Guidelines for Acquiring and Producing Geospatial Data and Geospatial Data Services including Maps,” issued by the Department of Science and Technology(DST).
      • These guidelines deregulated the sector and liberalized Geospatial data acquisition/production/access.

    Vision and Goals of NGP 2022

    • To make India a global leader in the geospatial sector that facilitates innovation.
    • To develop a coherent national framework and improve services to citizens.
    • To ensure easy availability of geospatial data.
    • To involve private industry in thriving geospatial industry.

    Milestones/Roadmap in the Geospatial Sector

    YEAR 2025
    • Formulate enabling policy and framework that supports the democratization of data and liberalization of the Geospatial Sector.
    • Ensure better availability and accessibility of location data.
    • Establish and strengthen integrative interface for all digital data for easy use, reuse, and sharing of data.
    • Redefine the National Geodetic framework using modern technologies.
    • High accuracy geoid for the entire country.
    • Develop national and sub-national arrangements in Geospatial Information Management.
    YEAR 2030
    • High-resolution topographical survey and mapping.
    • High-accuracy Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for the entire India.
    • Develop Geospatial Knowledge Information (GKI).
    • Improve capabilities, skills, and awareness to meet future needs.
    YEAR 2035
    • High-resolution Bathymetric Geospatial Data of inland waters and sea surface topography to promote Blue Economy.
    • Sub-surface infrastructure survey and mapping of major cities and towns.
    • National Digital Twin of major cities and towns.

    Institutional Framework

    • The Geospatial Data Promotion and Development Committee (GDPDC) will be constituted at the national level to formulate and implement strategies/policies/guidelines as an apex body for the sector.
    • It would replace and subsume the functions of the National Spatial Data Committee.
    • It will make suitable recommendations.
    • DST will continue to be the nodal department for the government regarding the geospatial sector.

    Significance of the policy

    • It intends to make geospatial data and technology as agents of transformation in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
    • It also aims to bring efficiency, accountability, and transparency at all levels of governance.
    • The policy recognizes the importance of locally available geospatial data and planning in better management of resources.
    • It aims to create a conducive ecosystem for Indian companies in the geospatial sector and make India ‘Atmanirbhar’ (self-reliant).
    • It also seeks to attract international best practices.
    • It will enable and support innovation. Moreover, it will capitalize on evolving technology in the geospatial sector.
    • It will help in the field of education and capacity building.
    • Continued liberalization will promote ease of doing business.


    The policy aims to promote the establishment of Geospatial data infrastructure through a well-defined model and data supply chain. It will encourage open standards, open data, and platforms. 

    National Geospatial Policy, 2022 [UPSC Notes]:- Download PDF Here

    Related Links
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