How to Prepare for UPSC by Self- Study?

One of the biggest myths about the civil services examination is that home-study or self-preparation does not give the desired outcome when it comes to cracking the IAS Exam. Over the years, many IAS Toppers have emerged successful who solely relied upon studying at home and dedicating more time towards self-study. 

Every year lakhs of candidates appear in the UPSC Civil Services exam. This exam is conducted in three stages, i.e., Prelims, Mains and Personality Test. Although many candidates take guidance from coaching institutes, that does make it mandatory. In this article, we bring you some tips on how to prepare for UPSC by self-study.

Sorting out a UPSC self study plan? Complement your preparation with the links given below:

How to start preparation for IAS without coaching?

Given below are the key tips that can prove to be extremely helpful for candidates looking forward to appearing for the upcoming IAS Exam and preparing for the paper from home. Most of these strategies have been recommended by former IAS Toppers

Step #1: Know the UPSC CSE

If you know your target better, you will be able to figure out a plan. Understand the UPSC civil services exam eligibility and pattern. You should first check if you are eligible or not. Check UPSC exam eligibility here. The pattern of the examination must be clear to you. As mentioned before, there are three stages to the exam. Know the detailed UPSC exam pattern here.

Step #2: Internalise the UPSC syllabus

UPSC Syllabus happens to be one of the biggest challenges for an aspirant. You need to know the syllabus in detail and it is very vast. Then based on the same analysis, one needs to choose their optional subject for the UPSC Mains exam.

Select your optional subject for the mains exam by going through the syllabus. It is important to internalise the syllabus because when you start preparing, you must be able to understand and relate what you read in the newspapers, magazines and other current affairs sources to the syllabus.

Step #3: Plan your work and then work your plan

Once you have acquired information about the pattern and syllabus, now your focus should be to make a plan for yourself that works the best for your preparation. It is important to have a schedule for your preparation because there is a great deal of stuff to be studied. Making a proper plan is especially important for those who do self-study. When you don’t have guidance from a coaching institute or a mentor, it is important for you to follow your plan. When you are engaged in self-study, you should instil discipline like never before. You should avoid all sorts of distractions.

Step #4: Make notes and revise

Making appropriate notes is a significant part of good preparation. You must make crisp and relevant notes when you study for the exam whether it is from the newspapers or from the standard textbooks. Also, ensure you revise regularly what you have learnt. The more you revise, the more you retain. 

Refer to the links below to prepare notes for IAS preparation:

Step #5: Get help whenever needed

There are many aspirants like you who may not have opted for coaching. The internet is a good source for you to find like-minded individuals. So whenever you are in a difficulty, get in touch with them and clarify your doubts, etc. You can also share notes and opinions. This actually strengthens your preparation and also increases your pace of progress.

Step #6: Use online sources

The internet is a treasure trove of study material for the UPSC exam. You can visit BYJU’S Free IAS Prep daily and get the best notes and study material for the IAS exam. Aspirants can get video lectures, daily updated current affairs, gist of UPSC-related magazines, analysis of PIB release and more at BYJU’S online portal.

The best part about online sources is that they are available 24×7 and aspirants can get instant assistance at any time of the day. Aspirants must remember that self preparation for IAS is the key strategy to excel in the exam.  This is because even after joining a coaching institute, it is the time dedicated individually that gives the desired result.

Step #7: Remember to take breaks

After long hours of study, you must take short breaks to refresh your mind. You must allow your mind and body to rejuvenate at regular intervals in order to keep going. Whenever you find some free time, indulge in your hobbies. Socialise with friends and family selectively.

Step #8: Have faith and stay motivated

It takes a lot of guts to go solo in your IAS preparation. But if you are regular at your studies and plan well, you will surely get success. Work hard and smart, and never lose focus.

Also See | Crack IAS in the first attempt without coaching: Success story of Arunraj

UPSC 2022

IAS Self Study Preparation Material

Aspirants can save themselves a lot of time if they find the most reliable sources for civil services preparation. At BYJU’S, we have curated all the required material online required by candidates in self-preparation for IAS exam. 

Given below are a few of the important links:

Review of PIB Release UPSC Books
Topic-wise Previous Year Question Papers with Solutions Gist of Rajya Sabha TV 
All India Radio (AIR) Spotlight for UPSC Gist of Yojana Magazine
Gist of Kurukshetra Magazine UPSC Mains Answer Writing Practise
Topic of the Day This Day in History

Furthermore, candidates can get the latest exam updates and preparation tips for other UPSC and competitive exams at BYJU’S.


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