As an IAS officer trainee at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration(LBSNAA), one will have to abide by certain rules and regulations. At the end of two years of probation, a trainee will pass out and be posted in the allocated cadre as SDM. IAS probationary officer will also be awarded an MA degree in Public Management from Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi. While at the LBSNAA, you would be bound by the Indian Administrative Service (Probation) Rules, 1954. This article attempts to familiarize you with the rules and regulations you have to follow for the successful completion of your training.
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Probation Rules
- Every recruit will be on probation for a period of two years.
- The government may extend the period of probation by one more year if it thinks fit.
- The probationer shall attend lectures, undergo exams, tests and exercises as the Director of the Academy direct.
- At the end of the probationary period, the probationer shall be marked out of 900 based on his performance.
- The probationer will have to take the final examination after the course.
- In case a probationer misses an exam due to sickness or any other uncontrollable circumstance, the government may allow him/her to appear for a special exam held about three months from the date of the original exam.
- In case a probationer fails in the final exam by not scoring the minimum required marks, he/she may be allowed to take a special exam in the subjects that he/she failed. But the marks awarded in this exam will not determine the seniority.
- Rules of seniority:
Order of Merit
In the list of probationers which will be prepared by the Central Government, the order of merit shall be as follows:
It will be in accordance with the aggregate marks obtained:
- In the competitive exam;
- Based on the record at LBSNAA;
- Based on the final exam
If two probationers get equal marks, then their date of births will be taken into account to determine seniority.
- The probationer is bound to follow the rules of disciplinary conduct set up by the institution.
- The probationers will get a salary according to his/her scale (lowest stage of the junior time scale).
- Discharge of a probationer:
Discharge of Probationer
A probationer can be discharged from service under the following circumstances:
- If he/she fails to pass the re-exam.
- If the government feels that the probationer is ineligible to be recruited to the service.
- If he/she had willfully neglected his/her probationary duties and studies.
- If he/she lacks the qualities of mind and character required for the service.
- If he/she fails to comply with the provisions of these rules.
The above details would help candidates prepare for UPSC 2023.
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