The UPSC has released the final marks of the candidates who cleared the civil services exam 2018. The list reveals that topper Kanishak Kataria scored 55.36% in the IAS exam. The marks of the first ranker is a testimony to the tough nature of this exam.
The UPSC result 2018 list was declared on 5th April 2019. A total of 759 candidates were recommended to the services this time. The list of successful candidates includes 36 physically challenged candidates as well (comprising of 12 visually challenged, 11 orthopedically handicapped, 11 hearing impaired and 2 with multiple disabilities). The recommended candidates will be recruited into various all-India services such as IAS, IPS, IRS, etc.
IIT-Bombay alumnus Kanishak Kataria scored 1121 marks out of a total of 2025, securing himself the first all-India rank in the 2018 UPSC IAS exam. Second rank-holder Akshat Jain secured 1080 marks (53.33%) and Junaid Ahmad, who bagged the AIR 3, scored a total of 1077 marks giving him 53.18%. The 759th position went to Bibhuti Nayak who got 718 marks (35.45%).
About 8 lakh people had applied for the USPC exam in 2018. Out of this number, about 4 lakh appeared for the IAS prelims 2018. Approximately 10500 candidates had cleared the UPSC Prelims exam 2018 which is the first stage in the civil services exam pattern. Out of the 10000 who took the mains exam, about 2000 qualified the mains written exam and were summoned for the UPSC interview. Finally, the UPSC declared 759 candidates in the final merit list for CSE 2018.
You can download the final mark sheet for 2018 from the download link at the end of this article. For any doubts related to UPSC marksheets, check the linked article.
The following table gives the marks of the first ten candidates who cleared the UPSC civil services examination 2018.
Rank | Name | Mains Written Marks (Total 1750) | Interview Marks (Total 275) | Total Marks (2025) |
1 | Kanishka Kataria | 942 | 179 | 1121 |
2 | Akshat Jain | 882 | 198 | 1080 |
3 | Junaid Ahmad | 893 | 184 | 1077 |
4 | Shreyans Kumat | 887 | 184 | 1071 |
5 | Srushti Jayant Deshmukh | 895 | 173 | 1068 |
6 | Shubham Gupta | 883 | 184 | 1067 |
7 | Karnati Varunreddy | 885 | 182 | 1067 |
8 | Vaishali Singh | 871 | 195 | 1066 |
9 | Gunjan Dwivedi | 871 | 193 | 1064 |
10 | Tanmay Vashistha Sharma | 877 | 187 | 1064 |
Download UPSC Marksheet for 2018 –Download PDF Here
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