How can I revise Laxmikant in 7 days for IAS Exam?

Polity is a significant topic in competitive examinations, particularly in civil service. It is essential in all three levels of the UPSC civil service examination: preliminary, mains, and interview. In UPSC Prelims, almost 25-30 questions are asked from the section of the Polity. In the Mains, 60% of the GS Paper-2 is from the Polity section. Even when the individual enters service, the relevance of the topic is maintained since it is an integral aspect of the administration.

Covering Laxmikant for the UPSC Exam, especially for the prelims is indisplacable source for the preparation. As the prelims exam approaches, candidates find it difficult to consolidate all the information in the book. In this article we will give you a strategy to revise the entire M. Laxmikant before prelims in just 7 days.

The detailed prelims syllabus can be found in the IAS Notification 2023 mentioned in this linked article.

List of Current Affairs Articles for UPSC

Strategy to revise Polity in 7 Days- UPSC Prelims

Before starting with the strategy it is very important for you to make a time-table for the revision. Devote 8-10 hours for studying. Include revising Current Affairs in your schedule, for instance, while revising Laxmikant, you can revise the current affairs of polity. This will help you remember the things better as well as you can interlink and understand the concepts better.

  • Tip-1– While revising don’t read cover to cover and only focus on the topics you have already covered and highlighted.
  • Tip-2 Not all chapters will take equal time, some chapters are only conceptual in nature which you can understand and will remember, for example Parliament; certain chapters are facts based, for example committees and commissions, here you have to learn which will take a little longer.
  • Tip-3 While revising jot down the things you think require one more revision. Some topics like Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties will need multiple revisions.

Strategy for revising M Laxmikant in 7 days is given below

Day Chapters to be Covered Tips To Study
Day-1 1. Historical Background These chapters are extremely important to answer some of the most basic questions asked in prelims. Revise them at least 3 times.
2. Making of the Constitution
3. Salient Features of the Constitution
4. Preamble of the Constitution
5. Union and its Territory
6. Citizenship
Day-2 7. Fundamental Rights These are fundamental chapters from which questions will definitely appear in the exam. Focus on clearing the basics and don’t just focus on cramming.
8. Directive Principles of State Policy
9. Fundamental Duties
10. Amendment of the Constitution
11. Basic Structure of the Constitution
Day-3 12. Parliamentary system  

These chapters are also important. However, Ch-12, 13 and 16 are very important and it is recommended to go through them multiple times.

13. Federal System
14. Centre-State Relations
15. Inter-State Relations
16. Emergency Provisions
17. President
18. Vice-President
19. Prime Minister
20. Central Council of Ministers
21. Cabinet Committees
Day-4 22. Parliament Focus on Ch-22 and Ch-23. Questions can be factual as well as conceptual in nature.
23. Parliamentary Committees
24. Parliamentary Forums
25. Parliamentary Group
36. Special Status of Jammu & Kashmir
37. Special Provisions for Some States
Day-5 26. Supreme Court  

For these chapters just skim through the important points and don’t give a lot of time to each of the chapters. Most of the chapters will not even take an hour of revision. The Supreme Court and High Court are important.

27. Judicial Review
28. Judicial Activism
29. Public Interest Litigation
30. Governor
31. Chief Minister
32. State Council of Ministers
33. State Legislature
34. High Court
35. Subordinate Courts
30. Governor
31. Chief Minister
32. State Council of Ministers
33. State Legislature
34. High Court
35. Subordinate Courts
Day-6 38. Panchayati Raj  

Focus on Ch- 38 and Ch- 39. These two chapters are very significant from the exam’s perspective.

Skim through the other chapters. Commissions are factual in nature, remember the important facts related to these commissions.

39. Municipalities
40. Union Territories
41. Scheduled and Tribal Areas
42. Election Commission
43. Union Public Service Commission
44. State Public Service Commission
45. Finance Commission
46. National Commission for SCs
47. National Commission for STs
48. Special Officer for Linguistic Minorities
49. Comptroller and Auditor General of India
50. Attorney General of India
51. Advocate General of the State
Day-7 52. NITI Aayog Skim through these chapters and learn important facts. No need to focus so much on these chapters. CIC, CVC NHRC these are important. Revise them multiple times to avoid any kind of confusion. Ch- 70, 71 and Ch-72 are relatively important.
53. National Human Rights Commission
54. State Human Rights Commission
55. Central Information Commission
56. State Information Commission
57. Central Vigilance Commission
58. Central Bureau of Investigation
59. Lokpal and Lokayuktas
60. Cooperative Societies
61. Official Language
62. Public Services
63. Tribunals
64. Rights and Liabilities of the Government
65. Authoritative Text of the Constitution in Hindi Language
66. Special Provisions Relating to Certain Classes
67. Political Parties
68. Elections
69. Voting Behaviour
70. Election Laws
71. Electoral Reforms
72. Anti-Defection Law

It is to be noted that the revision strategy is only applicable if you have gone through the Laxmikant at least once or twice. Polity is a significant subject when it comes to cracking the UPSC Exam. Along with the revision of Laxmikant, solve Previous years’ Questions to understand the pattern of the exam and the types of questions asked from the section.

We hope the above article aids in your preparation. Follow whatever strategy suits you but adhere to it religiously. Only hard work can make your dream of joining the services come true.

Related Links:

IAS Prelims: UPSC MCQ On Polity IAS 2022 (Pre & Mains) Tablet Course
Tips to Study Polity from Textbook ‘Laxmikant’ for UPSC Exam Current Affairs Quiz
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