How to write answers for History in UPSC Mains?

Writing answers for UPSC Mains is a long and difficult process. Maybe the difficult part can be overcome, but then the question of accuracy and overall quality arises. This factor is more pronounced when it comes to writing History. 

Answers in history need both accuracy and quality in order to score well in this segment. So, we will give tips in his article on how to write answers for History in UPSC Mains Exam

Why is answer writing important in UPSC Mains?

When it comes to UPSC Mains, it does not matter how much you know about the subject, but rather it is about projecting how much you know in a qualitative manner. Basically, what matters is the examiner reading the answer in front of him/her and they like what has been written.

So, it goes without saying that the art of writing answers that are suitable and most expected from candidates is an important one.

Tips on writing History Answers for UPSC Mains

The end result of the answer is dependent on understanding the question and sticking to the word limit while maintaining the standard of quality.

Every question has a ‘topic’ and a ‘directive’, which makes it easy for a candidate to understand the question. It is better elaborated with an example below.

The Napoleonic Code, a basis for modern European Laws, had its own set of drawbacks. Examine”

In the above question, the topic is ‘The Napoleonic Code, a basis for modern European Law’‘ and the directive is ‘Examine‘.

If an ‘explanation’ to this answer on how the Napoleonic Code has its limitations and how it affected the very basis of lawmaking in Europe then chances are the examiner will give less marks than average. Instead the directive points towards the definite cause of answering the question – ‘examine’.

So, what does ‘Examine’ precisely mean?

When you see the word “Examine”, it means you have to go deep into the topic, get the nitty-gritty articles and find out more about the cause or implications if there are any.

The case of the Napoleonic Code above, you have to examine the details of the code and see if there are any limitations, while providing a balanced view. All of it within the given world limit.

Now we will get to the matter at hand – How to structure your answer:

  1. The introduction is the key. It is the crucial part of your answer which tells readers what is waiting for them in the subsequent paragraphs. You must state your introduction clearly before continuing further. Introduction is not a summary of your answer but it will lead the reader to the matter at hand clearly.
  2. In the next paragraph, one In the next paragraph, you start arguing based on the thesis in the introduction and directive word of the question. Throughout the answer, you must remember the directive word.
  3. Split your answer into a few small paragraphs containing one single idea that is a continuum of the previous paragraph and an indicator to the next one.
  4. The introduction and subsequent paragraphs should have a logical conclusion in the end. The question or/or the introduction must not be repeated often. Also there is a wrong perception that your conclusion should ‘suggest’ something. No, the conclusion to your answer must stem from the body of your answer. It can not be a separate part in the answer.
  5. Don’t use jargon. Don’t be verbose. Don’t use flowery/ornamental language. Simplicity wins the hearts. Be precise and effective. 

FAQ about Writing Answers for History for UPSC Mains


How can I write a good answer in UPSC mains?

You should approach the answer from 360 degrees and start writing. Use keywords: Always use keywords to highlight important and scoring points in your answers. Try to underline the keywords. Substantiate your answers: Don’t forget to substantiate what you claim in your answers.

Is history easy for UPSC optional?

History is a popular optional subject chosen by candidates in the IAS mains exam. It is a very important subject in the UPSC scheme of things because history is included in the IAS prelims exam and in the IAS mains general studies papers as well. If you are an IAS aspirant you cannot get by without studying history.

To know more about other Government Exams, visit the linked article. For more preparation materials they can refer to the links given in the table below:

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