Know about the fictitious payment and submission procedure. The last date to fill the UPSC Online application form was closed on 22nd of February 2022 and here’s the important things that every aspirant should know before getting back to their studies.

The UPSC online registration process is over for the Civil Services Exam 2022. The online application form for CSE 2022 was made available to fill at the UPSC official website (, which was conducted on 5th June 2022. A total of 796 vacancies to be filled based on the final result of the examination for UPSC 2022, which is mentioned in the UPSC Online Notification.

The article will be very helpful for candidates who are aspiring to preparation for UPSC 2023.

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Most of the aspirants would have filled the UPSC Online application for CSE 2022 and slinked back to their studies but here are certain essential things that the aspirants should know after filling the form.

What is Fictitious Payment?
Fictitious payment cases are those cases for which the Commission does not receive any information from the bank authorities to which the applicant has claimed to have deposited his/her fees.

Fictitious Payment List
The Application fee that candidates should pay for the UPSC Civil Services Exam 2022 is Rs 100 except the female, SC/St, and PH candidates who are exempted from the payment of fee. The application fee for civil services exam is accepted either online through net banking or though cash at any branch of the banks as mentioned in the notification.

But for applications for which the fees have not been received by the Bank will be considered as fictitious payment cases and list of all such applicants will be released by the commission on their official website within the two weeks after the last date of submission of online application form, which was on February 22, 2022. The list of fictitious payment would be likely made available on the UPSC Official website by the end of March 2022.  

Fictitious Payment Submission Procedure
Aspirants need not give up because their name was in the fictitious payment list, as the commission gives another chance to the aspirants and they should have to submit their proof of payment once they receive email from the commission for the same. And, the proof of payment should be submitted at the address, which would be mentioned in the email. The aspirants will be given 10 days of time from the date of the email sent by the Commission to submit the proof of payment in the mentioned address either through speed post or by hand.

e-Admit Cards

The candidates who are declared as eligible by the commission were issued 2-admit card to take the Civil Services Prelims Exam 2022. The e-admit card for UPSC 2022 was released on the official website of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) three weeks before the commencement of the prelims exam, which candidates would be able to download, hence the e-admit card for civil services prelims exam would be probably released in the last week of May.

The UPSC also has clearly mentioned in their online notification that, ‘No Admission Certificate will be sent by post.’

Wishing again all the aspirants best of luck and good time in their preparation for UPSC Civil Services Exam!

UPSC exam related links are given below for candidates convenience in the preparation.

Daily News


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