The Attitude of Service & Civil Servants

India is a democratic country where the power lies with the people. The power is exercised through the elected representatives who have the command to manage them for a specific period. Civil servants are the face of any government. Their attitude towards the citizenry becomes a reflection of the state. The civil servants are the backbone of our country and are expected to be partners who work and carry out the policies of the government. They are selected impartially through a tough competitive all- India test, trained for administrative competence, given orientation to be politically neutral with the people, and are expected to evince a spirit of service to the community. Civil servants constitute the most vital pillar of good governance. The importance of civil services in our country develops from the following factors:

  1. Service to society
  2. Advice to political leadership.
  3. Effective policymaking
  4. Co-ordination between different institutions of governance.

The civil service is the most important institution affecting the lives of the citizens of a state. There might be innumerable ways to make a living but being a civil servant with an attitude of service is the most fulfilling one. There is nothing that fills our soul as service does. A service is an act of giving without the expectation of receiving. The one who knows how to serve is useful to society and also transcends the daily suffering of pain and sorrow as service to others is the highest form of self-purification. If we think about it, we will find that there have been innumerable times when we have suffered because an expectation is not fulfilled. We often curse and complain about the unfairness of life. Suffering will ensue when we expect something, especially a reward. Most of us believe fervently that we deserve more than we get out of life. And, most often, when things don’t happen as per our expectations, we succumb to suffering and pain.

Attitude of civil servants - IAS Exam 2021

Importance of Service

Service brings a completely different comprehension of effort and reward. Service puts us in a state where we give without expectation. The reward is a bonus. Service elevates the mind which is often childish to a more mature and balanced state. A person relishing in service figures out that service to others brings in love and connection rather easily than if one were consciously looking for it. Happiness, fulfilment and satisfaction all depends on our level of understanding “service”.

Life can be a celebration if we make service our attitude and a way of life. Our current political, economical and social system somehow misses the point. We need to shift our focus to ‘serving’ from ‘taking’. It is difficult to build a nation with an attitude of ‘give and take’.   Service always leaves a positive residue after the action. We can begin by doing a few simple acts of service every day. A few kind words, a supportive gesture, a selfless act can go a long way in making our lives more meaningful and abundant. There are a lot of ways in which a civil servant can serve society. Servicing our fellow men is the way to supreme happiness. Hope this sets you in the right direction of your preparation. All the best!

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