UPSC Mains Exam: Important events in World History till 1950

World History is an important portion of UPSC IAS Mains examination Syllabus. Majorly, the events from the 18th century are incorporated in the General Studies Mains syllabus. UPSC aspirants should have a detailed and thorough understanding of World history which will additionally help them in International Relations in General Studies Paper-II.

Here we are giving the timeline of important events in World History till 1950.

Read more |How to study history for UPSC

B.C.3000 Construction of the Great Pyramids
B.C 776 First Olympiad in Greece
B.C 753 Establishment of Rome
B.C 490 Battle of Marathon

Greeks defeated the Persians

B.C 360 The period of Aristotle and Plato
B.C 332 Egypt conquered by Alexander
B.C 323 Death of Alexander at Babylon
B.C 214 Construction of  the Great Wall of China begins
B.C 4 Birth of Jesus Christ
A.D. 29 Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
375 Huns’ invasion of Europe
570 Birth of Prophet Mohammed at Mecca
632 Death of Mohammed

Beginning of Hijri Era

1280 Invention of gunpowder by Roger Bacon
1338 Hundred Years’ War
1348 Black Death Plague
1453 Turks captured Constantinople
1453 Renaissance in Europe
1492 Discovery of America by Columbus
1498 Vasco-de-Gama discovered the sea route to India
1588 Spanish Armada defeated
1600 British East India Company established in India
1660 Monarchy reinstated in England
1665 The Great Plague of England
1668 Glorious Revolution in England
1704 Battle of Blenheim
1707 Union of England and Scotland
1776 Declaration of American Independence
1789 French Revolution

George Washington elected the first President of America

1805 Battle of Trafalgar
1815 Battle of Waterloo
1832 Reforms Bill passed in England
1837 Queen Victoria’s succession to the throne of England
1861 American Civil War started
1863 Slavery abolished in the USA
1865 Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
1869 Opening of the Suez Canal for traffic
1895 X-rays were discovered by Roentgen
1896 Marconi invented wireless
1904 Russia-Japan war
1905 Discovery of the Theory of Relativity by Einstein
1911 Chinese Revolution
1912 Republic of China established
1914 Beginning of World War I
1917 Russian Revolution
1918 End of World War I
1919 Treaty of Versailles signed
1920 Formation of the League of Nations
1923 Turkey declared Republic
1933 Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany
1936 Spanish Civil War broke out
1939 World War II begins
1941 Russia invaded by Hitler

Pearl Harbour invaded by Japan

1945 Establishment of UNO

End of World War II

Death of President Roosevelt

First dropping of the Atom Bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki

1946 Civil War in China
1948 Ceylon  and Burma get independence
1949 The Communists capture power in China

Indonesia gets independence

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